5 min Deep Core Pilates for Results | 7 Day Abs Challenge

We’ve reached day four of the seven day ads challenge. You made it and I know you are already thinking what’s next. Once these seven days are over, there is something huge coming. This is a four week long challenge with longer workouts. This is going to help you get in the best shape of your life.

I’m going to tell you all about it during this workout. Now let’s get stuck in. I can’t wait for this one. If you are wanting to target those deep core abs muscles, this is the workout for you. It is pure Pilates.

So, we are working with traditional Pilates moves for this 30 second each exercise, but with each one, we’re going to be adding on and making it a little bit more difficult.

If you need to follow the modifications on the screen you showed up, you should be so proud of yourselves. We’re going to get started in 15 seconds. It’s just five minutes long and this is part of my seven-day core and waste challenge. Okay, so we’re going to start off down on the map.

If you’re wanting to join the full challenge, check out the community tab on my page.

We’re coming all the way down, and we’re going to start off with Pilates hundreds, lengthening those fingertips down towards the toes and pumping your arms up and down.

Breath in for five and breath out for five. Making sure your chin is tucked to your chest like you’re trying to create a double chin and looking forward. Adding onto this exercise, float your legs up into double leg cable top.

Glue those inner thighs together and continue with that arm pump. Now if you feel you can, you are going to straighten your legs and bend them nice and slow.

Keeping your lower back flat in the mat. Core engaged nearly there. Amazing work supporting your head now, letting it hang nice and heavy.

Elbows, wide scissors, tapping your toes down and back up. Its breath out as you tap down. Breath in as you come up, trying to keep that lower back. Imprinted flat into the map. It’s going to want to arch.

Don’t let it again. Adding on This time, we’re going to straighten our legs out. Taking one leg down, followed by the other. If you want to, you can hug in one, two and change life.


Breath out, breath out, breath out, breath out. Amazing work. Enjoy that tiny little rest. Okay, purporting your head again. Straighten out and in breath out, straighten breath in.

Draw back in guys. If you have been picking random workouts and you are so frustrated because you’re not getting the results, it’s because you are not doing a structured science-based guide. Introducing the best of lead method. 30-day guide. We’ve taken your favorite strength, hit and pills workout.

So, you are Monday the 23rd to start day amazing work. Our add-on is to lengthen our arms up to the spine and straighten out the opposite arm to leg. Again, keep looking forward, lengthening the back of the neck, tuck the chin to the chest with all of these exercises. Good work. Have a moment.

Double leg stretch. So, we’re going to start off just with our toe tap, tapping both down and back. Up both feet. Tap down and up. Again, don’t let this happen day in.

Imprint ribcage down, lower back flat. Keep it controlled. Hug your knees into your chest.

Get ready, reach for those ankles and straighten out.

Double leg, stretch, breath out, straighten breathing, crunching.

Lower back flat in the mat as much as possible. Amazing full roll up to finish off with, but we’re just going to activate that core, first of all, so they’re already active. I know. Imprint the spine, fingertips by your temples. Crunch, reach, take your fingertips back and lower.

You are trying to reach for those knees without straining the neck. Let your core do the work. Lengthening your legs now along the mat, full roll up. Let’s go to make it harder by your, – Yay. – We made it really, really good job, guys.

I hope you enjoyed that. It was just five minutes that proves to you just what you can achieve in five minutes.

These aren’t easy, but if you are wanting to do my full length workout, my full length guides, please, please come check out the Lee Method. It is unbelievable and it has been shown by tens of thousands of people around the world to get the most incredible results.

It’s science-based combining Pilates, hit cardio and strength all from home, and it gets harder as you work your way through that eight-week challenge.

The details are down below. It’s on the Lean app, but otherwise, I hope you’re enjoying this challenge. Please don’t forget, smash that thumbs up button. Hit subscribe if you haven’t already, and I’ll see you tomorrow for another one. Well, done.


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Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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