Make $13,089 With This Pinterest Affiliate Marketing Guide – Make Money Online

Making money on Pinterest affiliate for beginners tutorial. A lot of people have been asking me about this. So I’m gonna go ahead and reveal a lot of Secrets and I’m going to share with you some information that is going to make you money through Pinterest when you are doing affiliate marketing. I’m going to show you tips and tricks. Let’s move on.

I’m going to show you in this video 7 steps to start making money on Pinterest as an affiliate for free in this video. You will learn seven steps to start making money on Pinterest as an affiliate for free. I will show you how to find the best product to sell on Pinterest with one click of a button. The second thing. I’m going to show you is step by step for making money on Pinterest as an affiliate beginner.

So what I mean by that is I’m going to take you by the hand step by step and I’m going to show you all the important things that you should do.

You and the things that you should not do because a lot of people not making money on Pinterest because they are doing it wrong. I will also show you the product that make the most money on Pinterest and I’m also going to show you the easiest way to create your Pinterest pain. I will also show you the best affiliate networks for making money on Pinterest and how to start making money on Pinterest in A four hours and much more.

Okay, as you know me by now, I like to make it easy.

Of course. We are talking about making money on Pinterest affiliate for beginners tutorial.

What I’m going to do is I’m going to do a blueprint here. I’m going to take this up here and then we’re going to go ahead and get started. Like I said, there are some steps seven steps and I’m also going to show you a bonus about how to make money on Pinterest affiliate.
So let’s go ahead and start.

It step number one before you do anything II know you’re smart enough that you would do some research, but I’m going to show you a few things and I’m going to show you probably the most important things that you should take under consideration. When you are doing Pinterest. It doesn’t apply to Pinterest. It applies to a lot of stuff.

And as you can tell I have a Ticklist to make sure that we are covering everything that we have here, so don’t worry about About getting confused. Everything will be fine. Now. We’re going to talk about these things because you’re smart. Of course, you’re going to do your homework, but I have done that homework for you first.

You look at the company. That’s what you want to do first. That’s what we always do. We take a look at the company. We take a look at the resources and what they do and how we can actually navigate to make money.

Now the first thing I want to let you know a lot of people don’t know that Pinterest is the third-largest. search engine in the world, but there are a few things here that I’m going to highlight for you because they are very important and one of them.

The first one is that 71% of Pinterest users are females. So you want to take that under consideration when you are doing some affiliate work for Pinterest or trying to generate affiliate marketing as you know, by now affiliate marketing is selling someone else’s product, but we’re going to utilize Pinterest to make money selling other people’s products, but you have to know that 71% of the users are females now don’t get me wrong males are also catching up. The other thing that you need to consider is 42% of US women, adults use Pinterest.

Why is that important? You’re going to find out here in just a little bit if you give a fish to somebody, they eat for Today I want to teach you how to fish on your own so you don’t need me anymore.

You might need me, I’ll be here for you. Don’t worry about it. You can always get in touch with me in the comment area.

Now the other thing that you have to consider, you have to think like a marketer 34% of Pinterest users earn between $50,000 and $75,000. What does that tell you? They can buy they have the money now the other one that I highlight it for you is 90% of weekly Pinners make purchase decisions on Pinterest. So because they have the money if they like the Pin more than likely going to go ahead and take action. So the other one is the most popular category on Pinterest is food and drink followed by Home Decor.

So this is very important. These are the that doesn’t mean you can’t sell anything else, but we are talking about the most popular 50% have made a purchase after seeing a Promoted Pins in other words, if you want to promote a pen you have very high chance that you will make money pins that promote special sale offer generate a 61 higher email conversion liftings are going to make some sense here in just a little bit.

The reason I bought a red border around this is because when I get to the next section you’re going to know exactly what I’m talking about and the rest of the stuff you can read it on your own if you like to but you don’t have to sit there and dig through. Through it, I did that myself for you. Alright, now we’re going to go ahead and take this because we talked about this I’m going to do something here to save some time because there is a connection between this and this this one talking about the best rent and this one finding the best selling niches with one click of a button.

So let’s go ahead and do that. What do you do is you go to a Pinterest Trends just go to You’re going to find this now. Two people maybe know about it.
Some of them don’t know about it. But some people don’t know how to use it.

There are some already niches that are researched for you already by Pinterest themselves. I’m talking about some niches or product that you can take advantage of it now in case you are in the fashion industry. Obviously, there are some Trends here about fashion.

There are Trends here about Nails you see This graph right here. That means this is killing it. The other thing here I want to talk about is fashion. fashion is good. You can probably take advantage that this is really doing very well right now.

Also there are some more in here when you click this button, you can find out a little bit more about that instead of us going going up here trying things. There are some things here.

You can take advantage of they already doing well, they already picked them up for you.

You don’t want to take too much time anyway. As you want to start making money on Pinterest as an affiliate as soon as possible.

This is what we do for some of the clients we pick something that is already doing. Well. I just want to show you that there are some stuff already researched for you by Pinterest itself. So it depends on your Niche what you like and what is it that you don’t like you can find that Niche with one click and here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to go and create a pin.

So we have to create a pin according to our research that I’m going to share with you here for free. So you don’t have to do it yourself. I’ll share that with you in just a little bit the best place to go and do that is Canva Canva is free. Okay, we ended up on campus you just search for when you get here go and hit social media.

What are we are looking for is Pinterest. Here we go Pinterest spends you click on it and you’ll have pins that are Designed for Pinterest but we’re going to make it a little bit more interesting here for you. We going to click on food. Now, I’m going to show you exactly why we are doing that. We are doing that because food is always been very popular on Pinterest.

I pick this right here. This is a Pin by the way. This is a Pin. We going to change it. I just wrote this right here download my recipe book PDF now, why did I do that?

You see That word PDF a lot of searches a lot of people search for PDF. I don’t know your Niche exactly. So that’s why I’m giving you an example. So the most important thing here in this pin is to put download something you want to give them something of value not just something to look at.

The other thing that you don’t want to do is to officially offer.

Don’t do that. I’m going to tell you why in just a little bit we created this or when somebody Looks at it on Pinterest. They’re going to see value. I can download a book. The second thing is it’s a niche that is in high demand.

So we get two in one pin and the third thing is PDF.

A lot of people want they search they put the word PDF at the end, especially with Pinterest. We going to go to our list here to make sure that okay we want to Canva and what are we going to do is create a pint now we created Pin, but there’s something else I want to tell you about. If you don’t like this picture, you can delete it and put your own.

Like I said, I changed some of this you can keep it the same.

I don’t recommend it. What I did is I did this download this is very important ‘Download my recipe book PDF’ and up here. You can put anything you want to recreate the pain. So what are we going to do is we’re going to go ahead and download that pain you click here. is you what it suggests and then you download it do whatever file you want to and then you can upload it later on to Pinterest now in case you want to go to publish it on Pinterest right away.

You can click this button up here and we’ll do the same thing. Okay, we’re going to go back to our list here. Step. Number four. We created a pen step number five is that to post pin on Pinterest now, I showed you how to download your pen in case you don’t know how to create an account for Pinterest.

For example, all you have to do go on Google and click on that lot of videos that show you how to do it. If you go on Pinterest they got a guide you through it. I would not waste too much time watching videos and getting distracted. All right, let’s go back to our list and here we going to go and click on this because we Post pin on Pinterest now. I’m not going to show you exactly because the idea here is I want you to do some work too because this is how you learn if I give it all to you and I packaged it and I give it to you.

You’re not going to learn that much.

Now, let’s go ahead and go to step number 6 we get to use affiliate Network to find the product. I want to make a few suggestions here that you probably already a part of a network. Or networks and I’m talking about affiliate networks that are maybe good for Pinterest to make money on Pinterest as an affiliate. There is a reason why I showed you this right here must know is that because most of Pinterest users are females.

So, if you already have some that’s fine. If you don’t, I’m going to show you two good ones now before you do that now, what are we going to do? Remember people let’s say one on this and this is On Pinterest now they click on it.

They are going to download a book. Now.

Where do you get that book? I’m going to show you a freeway where you can get your book. I’m going to go ahead and put it in the description area where you can go to this website right here. Now. I’m going to show you how to actually do this for free.
Here’s what you want to do.

You click on this button right here where it says register for free you click on it. It that means you going to go ahead and register for free. That means you can use that platform for free. Obviously, you’re not going to have the full shebang.

What I’m talking about is all the stuff that they have. It is good to have as a beginner because they have a lot of ways to help you in promotional products and things like that and giving away some stuff you click on free members when you click on that you click on click here to register. For free so you click on that you started and that’s it. You’ll have access they give you some information or they give you stuff that are free for you to use So don’t worry about that. You can do that.

For example, if you are there you go in there’s a search area and you look for example books. So what happened next? What are you going to do? Let us go ahead and recap right now just a little bit. About what we have done so far.

We have created a pin, and we use Canva to do that inside Pinterest. You can link to anything you can link straight into an affiliate offer. I do not recommend that for two reasons. Number one. It doesn’t really work.

The conversion on that is less than 1% The second reason is in case you are in a different region or different. Country for some reason Pinterest does not like it. They will not do that and they’re probably don’t like your account.

Another reason that you can think about is that they don’t like some affiliate marketing networks. So, I don’t know which one you are going to send your people to or your prospect to, but on Pinterest Sometimes they don’t like that, and they don’t like your eye.

Account and they start to minimize its presence, or they start to delete and things so stay away from that don’t do that. So what we did is we got that pin when somebody clicks on the pain to download that book that we talking about. Of course, it’s on Pinterest. Now you have it on Pinterest again. I’m not this is not about how to create an account on Pinterest what happens after that.

It’s on Pinterest what we need is we need a landing page to collect email addresses for the people as should be very short. You probably already use something. I’m not really sure if you are or not, but regardless of if you are or not, this is very important for you to be able to do you have to collect that information and do not give that book yet. What happens after that? They would receive the book inside their Mail account and then after that there’s a link in the email very simple to say here’s the book that you have asked for after that.

It would go to a thank you page. Now the way we have us thank you page is that it is automatic because we track everything, so we know that the person did download that book. How do you do all this right here? The one that we have here, how how do you do that now? I don’t know exactly.

What do you have but the way we do it is we do it through a landing page. We talked about the… you know, creating a landing page.

We did that. Now the way we do it I want to go ahead and put it in the link the program that we use to accomplish this, and it does that automatically days and nights and a collector email or put them on the list. Now. The other thing you want to do is I’m going to go ahead and give you two bonuses. One of them is that you need to go ahead and get started also.

Go on a 24-hour traffic as you know by now the way I like to do things is to attack on both fronts. For example, I am actually getting a free advertisement. Okay right here. Now I can do another one to collect emails. Now what’s good about this is that if people actually, download it that book I get their email address anyway, okay, so Happens is that we use a 24-hour traffic and I’m going to go ahead and put it in the link below.

So, you’ll know which one we use now this these are targeted traffic. Obviously when you have their email list, you can sell them anything that you want to for example. I’m going to show you exactly where to get your product here in just a little bit. So we talked about the 24-hour traffic because you don’t want all your eggs in one basket because you want to start going and go and quickly. But with the combination of both, you’ll see 10 times the results.

It’s important to know which affiliate networks are good for Pinterest for you to make money on online.

Now, there are two of them. One of them is share a and then other one is share a sale is it does a lot of things for fashion, and we talked about that what we looked at Pinterest the Action was like number one.

So, you can sell a lot of things on fashion without you actually get in the product or doing anything. What are you doing is affiliate marketing you are sending people to a particular product and when they buy it you get a percentage of the sale.

So, you don’t have to have a website. You don’t have to have customer service. You don’t have to have any of these things.


All you have to do is just send them that product the other Thing is Click Bank Click Bank is having all the three niches that I like which is health wealth and relationships which are the best one that you can get. As far as Pinterest Pinterest is as you know, we talked about is for fashion food things like that. And these are buyers. These people are actually buying so you’re not wasting your time when you do it on Pinterest, but you have to do it the right way if you want to know everything.

About Affiliate Marketing click here.

If you want to know about the top affiliate marketers in the world, click here and as usual,

I’ll see you at the top.

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About amorosbaeza1964

Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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