What is cPanel? A Beginner’s Guide to cPanel

Hey everybody, welcome to our what is cPanel video now cPanel is a program that runs on Linux, based web, hosting servers, it’s currently the industry standard and it’s used by most web hosting companies out there. Now it’s designed to make managing your web hosting account much easier. Busing a graphical interface with lots of different tools in it. So, in this video we’re going to show you a general overview of cPanel and we’re going to Togo over some of the more common tools that aroused in web hosting environment. Okay,

So, to Getto the cPanel you need to log in and it’s pretty straight forward. As far as logging into your cPanel it’s usually tied to your domain name, so if you have a domain name of example.com, the cPanel login URL is usually example.com. Slash cPanel. If you don’t have the domain name pointed yet to your web hosting server, then you can use a server name.

So, if the server’s name say, for instance, is randomABC.webhostingcompany.com, then you need to use randomABC.webhostingcompany .com/cPanelokay.

And you come up with a login page like this, you would enter your username and password for you or hosting account and click the login button That takes you right over to the cPanel.

This is the main page for the cPanel. Now it’s basically divided into two sections. You have the left panel here in the right panel. The right panel has all the different categories, and all the different tools represented by icons over here and the left-hand panel kind of gives.

You some stats that you can look at on the fly. So, if you need to know something come, a quick look, kind of thing I’ll run down the stats really quickly and then we’ll explore the right-hand panel the stats can be expanded or collapsed. There’s a lot of stats. Here you can collapse them down to. You know just a handful by hitting that button there, but we start off with the main domain, which is the domain name, that your account is listed under; okay, your home directory, which shows on this server itself, where we’re being located.

Andou can notice here that’s goon an have this little cPanel username here.

That’s the username used to login, okay, where you last logged in from or where’s, the last person to log was from their IP address how much disk space bandwidth, email accounts, subdomains, part domains, add-on, domains, accounts databases all this stuff here, how much you’ve used out of the amount. It’s allowed on your plan now, in this case theater have 0 or infinity. This is on a test server, so it’s not atypical plan but say, for instance, you have this space usage. I’ve used 29 Meg’s out of infinity. Soi has unlimited usage. If you’re on a plan that has a limit, you can kind of monitor it here.

Again, same thing with the bandwidth here: email accounts have one out of infinity, and maybe you have count leaves you a hundred, and you have two needs to have 98 left it’ll show up in a progress bar here like you’re. Halfway done, you can see it. Kind of halfway filled up subdomains park domains. AL domains subdomains are part of your main domain so if. You have a main domain example.com and you Havea blog section and that’s kind of separate you want – that under blog dot example.com that’s what a sub domain is, and you can have a minute’s case and limited, but maybe you have 25 or 50 or whatever the.

Your hosting account allows Park, domains are relatively low in number.

If I have example. Omand, I want example: net to share the same website would park it there, the compart domain and if anybody typed in either one, they would see. The same website, that’s a party domain and add-ondomain is a completely different website. So, if have example.com, and it’s about widgets and then, I’m going to make a website about skippiest. Then I would have puppy comm over here. A completely different website, completely different everything.

That’s what add-on domain is it’s added on to the account, but it’s not necessarily tied tony of the other domains or any other websites. Itan be completely separate thing:

FTP accounts, aroused to upload and download files, and you can Havea certain number of those, and this tells you how many others you’re using your cPanel username is automatically, created as an FTP account it’s not listed here as one of these. So, this would be additional once the GPO user is automatically the master account so that one can do anything.

The other accounts. You can actually point to specific folders. If you want to limit them, sequel, databases tell us how many you have then down here. It saysmy sequel databases, some hosting accounts, havedifferent types of sequel, databases; we have mysequel and Postgres sequel and, in this case, weare only using two, my sequel, databases. If I hada couple Postgres sequel databases, they may be listed here as well under Postgres sequel databases how much disk space you’re using what hosting package you’re using if you have those different ones your server’s name again.

This is our test server. So, it’s right here, but you might have you, know random. One two three: it would be here and, then use add the dot hosting company comm in our case in motion hosting comm will be the full server’s name, your cPanel version, what theme arousing the Apache PHP and my sequel versions, that are on your server. Okay, the architecture structure this is a server thing operating system tells you, but it’s again a server thing. Your shared IP address. This is the IP address that is for your cPanel and if it’s a shared IP probably other see panels as well.

If you do something like buy an SSL security certificate, then in that case you’ll probably have a dedicated IP address. And that IP address will be only for your cPanel Butin, the case of shared environments. This is usually shared by several accounts. Paths to send mail, suit some developers might need to know where that is this quick reference here, also to pearl version and then the kernel version the cPanel Pro and service status. If you want to check that out click and see what that looks like and it shows you, the status of different things, Righton the server you can see, they are up servers running full of full services.

Ok, so if you want to have a question about servers, a service on, your server, then you can go here and see ifrit’s up and running. So that’s the left, hands that side! That’s a quick reference for everything. Else now the right hand is all your categories they’re not listed in a particular order. This is akin of a default, but they’re not listed in alphabetical order, but you can move them. Youkan grabs them here and you can drag them around so. If you decide to make your own configuration please do son, okay, you start with preferences.

Here this is kind of some general stuff.

Doesn’t really go anywhere else. Some getting started guides and video tutorials! You know changing your password it’s pretty important. You know what that is. If you want to change your language, say your first language is Spanish or Russian, or something like that. You can click here and change the cPanel to that particular language. So, you don’t always have to read the English version. Mail, a lot of tools here for mail email accounts is the most used because that’s how you create email accounts other things here, such box Trapper and the spam assassin, are used to manage their programs to manage spam and filter out. Some spam you can do that a little bit further by using the account and user level filtering.

So, if you have specific email addresses or specific subjects or something you want to limit on your own that’s not getting caught by the other stuff, you can also block those here other tools here, your forwarders and autoresponders. If you’re going on vacation you want to set a response, say hey I’m on vacation we back next week, you do something like that so that here, so anything having to do with email okay, even an email DNS, which would be your MX records, are amazed here in the mail section okay down Here is the files category you’ll spend a lot of time here, particularly in the file manager.

Well, wouldn’t show you example of that if open the file manager.

I have two panels. Again, left hand right hand left hands kind of like the main folders and shows, where you know, kind of wherein am by highlighting it and the right hands.

Here ‘Sall the details inside this public HTML folder, are these folders, and these files.

Here you can upload download edit. You know there’s even an HTML editor in here if you want to create a page directly in this in the file manager here, but this is where you would go to see your files, whether there are images or code or whatever, again you can edit and stuff like that here too. So, you’ll spend a lot of time here, especially if you’re developing or moving things around alright, so backups is.

Another thing with a wizard and the regular backups, so Wizards kind of makes it easier.

But you can go the backups.

They can choose a little bit, more customize settings very important. So, make sure you are backing up your website on a regular basis, even though the server may do a backup.

For you always keep your own. It’s like a nice little insurance policy over here. Ftp accounts I mention those earlier. If you want to create additionality accounts, just go over here.

Click there and you can create those as needed.

Ok, logs another one it’s, pretty popular, you can see different types of logs here how much bandwidth you’re using where the latest visitors come from to access log the raw access logs, it’s kind of hard to read, but it’s there. If you want to see who’s been accessing, your account download that and look at it, error, logs if you’re, having problems on your site and then you have verbalizer and AW stats here and those are kind of error, reporting programs and they report all kinds of things. While your traffic by the dayboy the month by the year, even where it’s coming from, which country is sending the most traffic stuff like that, ok, so what’s going on down to security, you have the ability to pass or protect certain directories to keep people out.

Ok, youkan denies certain IP addresses from accessing your site on all together. If you want to allow a shell access to your account, so one wants to work on it remotely through command line, that you can kind of activate that here, ok domains here we talked about the subdomains add-on domains and park domains before this is where those will be listed individually and their own. Little lists: ok, you canals manage the DNS for each one of those and your main domain is using a simple or advanced DNS.

Zone editor, ok, databases! Here we have my sequel group. My sequel. Databases gives you a list of the databases, that’s just on your account. The database wizard here helps you create them the PHP mamanis, pretty intense tool. It allows you to see every website on every database on your website. It also allows you to manage these by. You can create new ones, you can add columns, and you can add tables and. You can change the data, and you can import you can export. So, it’s a very, very useful too land. The remote. My sequel tool here is used to add IP addresses if you want to use a remote tool to manage from your home computer, you just put your IP address in there. So, you can see it otherwise it, won’t.

Let anybody do it. So, it’s a security tool down here for software and services and advanced are more for the advanced users, except for deserticolous application installer.

This is for everybody, and this isn’t an installer okay, there’s280 plus different software listed in this thing, whether you’re putting WordPress in there or you’re putting ecommerce platform in there you’re letting a YardSale program.

It’s pretty much all kinds of different programs in here you can pick from, and this is a quick installer that lets you install it a much faster. It creates the database for. You install the program, so you don’t have to, do it all manually. So that’s probably the most used tool out of here for the more advanced you guys have you know the different Perl modules pair of packages just like that PHP configurations useful.

If you need to change the version Opp you use for your account again, I told you over here you can see the PHP version for the server but say if you want to use 5.2 or 56Whatever, you can change that for your account here in the configuration tool and then down here is the advanced stuff. The most used item here – is the, cron, job and cron job – is when you’re gonanes a script that you’ve written or purchased or whatever to run at a certain time, see maybe you set a script through your backups for you automatically every day at midnight.

You would set that here a cron. Basically, means chronological so think of it that way, it’s your timing, jobs or timing tasks to do something and then OfCourse. They have the different managers for images index, Apache handlers and stuff like that for the advanced user. So, if you don’t know what these are you, probably don’t need them. If you do need these then, you know what they are kind of thing, but thesis, where you would find all these tools again. Youkan drags things around and make it a little easier to manage all right, and this is the cPanel.

This is the, all the different tools and icons in here that you, can use to manage your web hosting account thanks for joining us for our what is cPanel video if you enjoyed the video, be sure to LIKE and, subscribe to the YouTube channel below also don’t forget to leave any questions Or comments you have below so we know what to bring you in future videos.

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