Most Profitable Freelance Writing Niches

Hi, everyone, I’m Jessica, Foster – and this is my channel, where I share valuable tips on how to start and grow your own, profitable online writing business in this video. I’M goon and talk about how to choose a profitable niche for your writing business. So, you can set yourself apart from other writers and charge higher rates, A lot of writer’s question: why do you even choose a niche to begin with? Can’t you just write on a wide variety of topics and work with lots of different clients? Well, sometimes it makes sense to choose a niche from the beginning because it helps you set yourself.

Apart from other writers, if you’re specializing in a certain type of content or for a certain industry, then you can attract that target audience and set yourself apart from other generalist writers. So, in this video we’re goon an talk about some of the reasons why you might want to niche down. In your writing business Some of the most profitable niches for freelance writers, and how to set yourself apart from other writers, by establishing your unique selling point

The goal here is to position your brand as the obvious choice for your potential clients, so they choose you over your competition. If you’re new to this channel welcome Feel free to like this video and subscribe to my channel, because I put out lots of information on how to start and grow your online writing business, including how to market yourself how to set your rates and build your online portfolio.

The first thing I want a talk about is some reasons why you should niche down in your writing business. Basically, you have two different options here. You can choose to be generalist writer, who writes on a wide variety of topics in different types of content, or you can niche down and be more specific by focusing on a certain type of content, focusing on a particular industry or both. The first reason why you might wan na niche down is because there are so many writers out there, and it can be really difficult to set yourself apart from other writers who are basically doing the same thing.

Basically, you’ll end up competing on experience level or on price and you’re, not really competing, based on the unique value that you bring to the table. If you niche down and focus on a particular type of content or industry, then you can stand out from other writers who basically do anything and everything This speaks to clients, because if you kind of market yourself as a jack of all trades, there’s not much.

That’s setting you, apart from other writers and there, most likely to go with the cheaper option. But if you wan na be a successful writer and make a lot of money in your writing business, then it makes sense to set yourself apart from other writers and compete based on your unique value and charge higher prices.

Also, niching down allows you to establish your unique selling proposition.

Basically, if you’re a writer – and you can say I had five years of experience in writing – blog posts and articles and social media content and stuff like that, basically, your unique selling point is the amount of experience that you have. But if you can position yourself differently, saying that you specialize in a particular type of content, which has gotten amazing results for your clients, then you’re standing out based on your value, and you can market yourself as a specialist in that particular niche.

This unique selling proposition then becomes the point that you market in all of your marketing. So then you can say that you are an SEO content. Writer for major enterprises and enterprises will see the value in reaching out to you, because you specialize in the type of content that they are looking for. When you simply market yourself as a freelance writer or a blog writer, then you are competing with tons of other writers that basically say that they do the same thing.

And then your client is left to compare based on years of experience or on prices and not the unique value that you bring.

When you niche down, you basically narrow down the pool of competition, because you’re no longer competing with tons of different writers but you’re competing with maybe a dozen writers or 50 writers that specialize in the type of content that you are focusing on.

That way, it’s easier to have yourself stand out from other writers and get chosen over the competition. Finally, if you have a unique selling proposition and have niched down by specializing on a particular type of content, then you can charge higher rates because you are essentially a specialist in the content for that particular industry. If you are a generalist and focus on a lot of different types of content for different industries, it’s much more difficult to market yourself as a specialist and charge rates accordingly.

Now that you see the value in niching down in your writing business, it’s time to discuss some of the most profitable niches that you might want and consider I came up with this list by looking at which industries spend the most money on content marketing. Obviously this varies from year to year, but these niches typically spend the most money on content and therefore are the most profitable niches for freelance writers.

Those niches are travel, telecommunications, entertainment beauty and wellness, e-commerce, softwares and service companies and technology. Obviously, you can write on a wide variety of topics, but these are the industries that routinely spend the most money on content. They also tend to be the most competitive. So that’s worth considering If you’re trying to reach that higher income potential, you’re, also goon and be at competition with other writers,

That being said, there are other profitable niches to consider that might not be at the top of the list, but you can certainly make a decent living in these niches. Those ones are legal medical content, hobbies like fishing and hiking sports and fitness marketing and search engine. Optimization food and beverage and hospitality These niches also spend a lot of money on content. They might not be the most profitable but they’re also slightly less competitive.

So in considering which niche you wan na work with, you definitely wan na consider the income potential. If you go after certain businesses that don’t have a lot of money on content, then you might struggle to charge those higher prices. There are also types of content that routinely generate the most income for writers because they work best at generating great results for the clients. Those types of content are SEO: blog posts, email marketing, sales, funnels sales pages, ad copy, ghostwriting, e-commerce and technical content. Again, you can write different types of content, but these types of content tend to be most profitable for writers because they can directly track the results that they’re generating from their content and therefore charge accordingly.

In any case, you want a go after industries that have money to spend on content and also see the value in investing in writers. You can certainly choose other niches, but it might be harder to sell your services if they don’t have the budget there and they don’t see the value in hiring a professional writer. So, if you’re choosing to work with small local shops, bloggers, coaches and non-profits, they might have less money to spend on writers. Might want and have more control over their brand voice and not really see the value in hiring writer or a lot of different factors.

That might limit the amount of money that you can make in those niches. If you have a niche in mind, that’s not on that list. That doesn’t mean that you can’t make a lot of money as a freelance writer in that niche. You just have to do your research to see if that industry has the money to spend on content and see the value in hiring professional writers.

So, for example, when I first got started, I had some experience in SEO and blogging already, and I decided that the type of content that I really wanted to write was SEO content.

But marketing SEO content was hard when I was speaking to smaller businesses that didn’t really see the value in SEO content or were more invested in writing the content themselves. So, I had to consider which industries were willing to invest in this content and also trusted a professional writer to write that content for them. Ultimately, I decided to work with marketing and SEO agencies that would see the value in generating traffic with SEO content and also trusted a professional writer to write that content.

It is a relatively small niche, but it’s allowed me to make a lot of money as a freelance writer and set myself apart from other blog writers.

So don’t be afraid to niche down Just because it’s a small niche doesn’t mean you can’t make a lot of money and make a name for yourself in your industry. Now we have a list of profitable niches that you can consider, but basically you want and choose a niche. That’s right for you! So how do you do that? First, you want and consider what you’re good at Obviously, if you have some experience in a particular type of content or industry, it’s goon can be easier for you to market those skills to your target audience.

Like I said before, I already had some experience in SEO, so it was easier for me to communicate the value of SEO content and write that content really well. But if you’re starting from scratch, I do recommend pursuing what type of content you’re interested in or something that maybe is related to something you’ve done in the past. If you worked at a law firm, maybe you are equipped to write legal content Or have experience in marketing and wan na write for marketing blogs.

Think of the different skills that you have, that you could bring to the table and could translate into amazing content for your clients.

The second thing to consider is what type of content or what industries you enjoy working with, If you don’t have any experience here. Obviously, you’re gon na have to guess, based on your interactions with different types of people in different industries, But you definitely want to pursue industries that you’re interested in, because it will help prevent you from feeling burnt out by writing content that you don’t actually enjoy Know That you could always pivot your niche later on. If you decide that you know, you’ve been writing content for a particular niche and you don’t really love it.

You could choose something else, But from the beginning you definitely want to try and pursue industries that you’re interested in get some experience there and then pivot accordingly. So for me I knew that I liked writing about SEO and marketing. So working with SEO and marketing agencies was an obvious fit. I’Ve had other clients reach out to me for different types of content, and occasionally I do it, but I don’t wan na market myself as a writer for these different industries. If it doesn’t interest me Because, ultimately, I would feel burnt out having to write this boring content all the time and that’s just not sustainable for my business.

In choosing a niche, you can certainly market yourself a particular way and attract those types of ideal clients that you wan na work with and make the decision on a case by case basis. If you wan na work with clients outside of your niche.

Another thing to consider is your income goals Again in considering different niches that you might wan na work with you need to consider which ones are willing to pay a decent amount of money on content. So if you have high income goals, you certainly wan na pursue industries that have a lot of money to spend on content. If you have lower income goals or you have different goals like location independence or something like that, then maybe that’s not high priority to you and you can work with businesses that maybe don’t have as much money to spend on content.

But it’s content that you enjoy, writing and basically furthers your goals in some other way With that, you should also consider how much you’re willing to work. If you have certain income goals, you need to consider how that translates to how many hours you work during the week and how many articles or pages that you write. If you’re working with industries that have a lot of money to spend on content, then you can usually get away with charging higher rates for less work.

But if you’re working with businesses that have tighter budgets, you might have to end up churning out more work at a lower rate in order to hit those income goals.

There’S nothing wrong with either option, but it is important to consider that when you’re choosing the niche that you wan na work with Again, I want you to know that you’re not locked in to any niche once you decide to work with it. The goal here is to get some experience and decide if you like, working with the niche, and you could always change your direction over time, But no matter what niche you choose. It then comes down to figuring out how you’re gon na position yourself as the obvious choice for your clients In choosing a niche you’ve already set yourself apart from other writers, because you’re specializing in a certain type of content or a certain industry.

With this in mind, you can relate to this specific kind of experience that you have, that qualifies you to create this type of content, and since you love creating this content, you’ll have the drive to market yourself to your ideal clients, and then you can establish your Unique selling proposition that communicates the value that you’ll provide with your content to your unique audience. This is basically to say that you wan na position yourself as a specialist in this type of content for your particular industry and communicate that to your potential clients in your marketing. With this you’re able to market yourself as a specialist and nor a generalist where you would have to compete with a lot of different writers who write different types of content in a wide variety of niches, You then have a smaller pool of competition and you’re. More honed in on the unique value that you provide to your target audience:

You still have more questions about how to choose a profitable writing niche Let me know in the comments – and I will offer my feedback and let me know your ideas about what niches you might want an choose for your writing business Again, if you’re new here, please give this video alike and subscribe to my channel because I put Out lots of free tutorials on how to start and grow your profitable, freelance writing business. I wish you the best of luck in choosing the perfect niche for your business and I’m excited to see where you take your writing. Business.

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