How to setup email auto-responder, Email for your website and more

Welcome to another glen technology video, we have videos that cover various parts website, building cPanel and many more so be sure to subscribe and see what else can help you. This particular video is playing adding a logo to an autoresponder and we’re going to What’s covered in this. Video is How to Customize Your Autoresponder, How to Add a Logo to an Autoresponder How to Edit Text in an Autoresponder. Basically, everything you need to learn how to customize your autoresponder, okay, so we’re going to add a logo in Autoresponders, I’m going to give you more options in So you can dress it up a little bit.

You can make your autoresponders match your website. What I’m showing here is what I set up: We’re going to go through every part of this and I’ll show you how to change it it and edit it and so on. We have a full video on how to set up launch your autoresponder. If you don’t set one up or you want to know how to subscribe and view the video priority, we have here basically a title logo text and another. You don’t need any kind of coding experience to do this.

I’M going to keep the basic code. If you don’t worry about knowing how to write anything, we’re going to write, go over it and figure out just a few basic rules for you. First, the email provider doesn’t like a lot of encodings, and it won’t accept a lot of the encodings. You do.

It’s very basic on how it’s done If you have other people and they’re viewing email on their phones well, most likely, it won’t show all of them. That kind of depends on what provider they’re using. So, this is a Gmail account and right now it’s just a dummy account that I set up. So, I can show a lot of email providers are going to be more restrictive, a lot of the way and what it’s going to do if it doesn’t show it. It’s not going to show any errors, it’s going to be like a white screen here and it’s going to be a white screen and probably like the phone won’t even show your logo. So, let’s see how we set it up and I’ll show you how to edit Everything and first thing first thing you have to do is log in to your account. Your website account.

We are using round cube here if you already in your email, if you set up go directly to your email, just You need to click on the top right corner for the web homepage, which will bring you here so like. I said we have a video that shows how to set it up, so we’re not going to go into that and we click on the autoresponder and I’m already here so we’re going to click on edit. All the other stuff is the encoding that we set up. That we have and now that’s what you have, what you need to do is you need to make sure this little box is check. It says this message contains html, so that’s the first thing you want to do and then I What I’ve done here is.

I wrote on top of what everything is and now I’m going to show you how to change everything here and how to edit it – and this is like it says this is a background color. So let’s go back to the bottom of this and our background color. Okay, Go ahead now, if you don’t want the background color, what you can do is simply highlight it and delete. It will just give you a basic white background. Color. If you really want it, you know I don’t like the style here. These are just colors you.

What you can do is, if you, google, html color picker, you will get millions of different combinations and the colors are always six-digit letters and numbers, and if you notice one thing, it’s important. The tag in front of it can only write a tag like this, and then you have Six alphanumeric combination to change the color. You can go into the color picker and select any color. You want and change the background. Color

This again is the background circle color here, So, let’s move down a little bit.

Let’s say this is the title. The title section is Content here: okay, if you don’t want the header, you can, you know, delete it like this. One is the color for the header. So, if you want to change the color, then we can scroll down a little bit more, and it says this is the box and the header. So, this is the outside. The box is the box. It can be a little bit time. Consuming it just takes depends on how much time you want to spend with it, but it has a little bit of style to it. That box can be made in different sizes. It can be made longer, it can be made, it can be made, got taller and smaller, and this is by padding here.

This is the way it’s written, leaving padding around it. So, what you can do is you can play with these numbers no problem and see what you get Now here. It says width is obviously it the width of the padding is the area around the border and around it. Is this little black bar? That’s the border. If you’re curious, you know you just play with it and see what changes the only downfall. You have to go to a different email address of yours and send an email to yourself to see your changes because there’s no real display on it and then again at the end, we have the color, and the color is the background of the color. Like I said it’s fun and you can learn a little bit at the same time and then we Go ahead and say this is the header image and we’ve got the width and height again.

So, this is how we control the size of our image so that the image fits in the space.

And if you change your image, you’re going to make it bigger or smaller, and then we now have our Image. Image is going to be a little bit more and that’s what we’re going to talk about now, that’s going to be your logo or whatever. So, the first thing you’re going to do is store the image so for that we’re going to go into our cPanel. If you’re not familiar with cPanel or you, no, you know what we got is feel comfortable covering all the parts of the video subscription and looking at those, but we’re not going to go into cPanel we’re just going to it. We click on file manager which we’re goon an come to, and then we click on our public html to go to our website. I What it does is create a folder.

We have a folder here and, as you can see the images in it, you can set them up to put your images anywhere, but I created a separate file that I’m calling the mail image Folder create a folder, it’s the folder, you just clicked on the folder. Anyway, we’re going to go in and see, I have a few pictures and then we come back here, and we’ll see you have my URL in there.

You need to add you’re Okay and then like we’re back here, we’re going to talk about this in detail in understanding the cPanel file manager, but it’s steps, so each slash is a step. So, this is our website address dot com.

This is our public html and then we have our mail image so back here we have a slash mail image and then we go back to our cPanel, and we click on the mail image, and we have the name of our image.

So, let’s call it glen tech png, so it’s right there you’re it. The important thing is, it has to be like this or it’s not going to appear now. The only thing you need is what you need to edit is from here to here you don’t you want to make sure you leave the slash and then you leave https like That way. This is your URL for whatever folder you’re using and also your image name like I said: email providers won’t display images like that.

There’re always alternatives. So, if it doesn’t display this image correctly, what’s going to happen here is the alt text will appear and its simple ext., I’m right here. So if anything happens, the image doesn’t show up or whatever you’re going to see this text. So, you need to change it to whatever you want, your address to be or Anything like that.

That’s how we add the image and then we go down, and it says this is the header end. So, when we look back, this is our title. This tan is right here and that’s the end of it.

So that’s it Already, the encoding header, let’s go a little further down and we get. This is a this is text. So, if it’s an autoresponder you’re, probably going to have some kind of universal text, because it’s an autoresponder and now in the video I have how Setup starts the autoresponder that we get and everything you need to know about. Adding you know different codes and stuff, like that.

I put this in here and you can put whatever you want and what we get is a p for paragraph indicating that we’re writing a paragraph.

It’s pretty simple and you can change it a little bit. If you understand encoding a but I’m giving you the basics here, so then we got the fill style here. Given the text room sides top bottom here, the way it works is you All you have to do is remember. It’S like the clock starts at 12 o’clock. So the day starts with the first two digits being 12 o’clock and the last two digits being three o’clock, so the first two digits are here and the second two digits here are the third.

The two numbers are the bottom. The last two numbers are on the left here. So, if you want this more center, you just add more space here, like I said, it’s a trial-and-error thing until you get. What do you want to see will give you some space to make your text look more organized, and then you see here the first line and we have brr, you can write your email and you can delete like I said of that way, I’m going to leave This text, so you can, if you mess up, you, just try it and do it again, but anyway it has br. We come over here. Fine.

This is where the line breaks so, where brr will it Drop down to the next line and, like I said whenever you want, you just take that brother out and it’s going to make you know even if it’s broken here, the line is going down here when It shows it it’s not going to go down, will Show the whole thing. So, if you take that brr off that line, it’s just go on and go ahead and that’s how your line is set up and then we go down a little bit more and we got this. Is the text above the logo? So, it’s the same thing?

Is the text you see, i just got the glen technique in there. So if i were that’s the text here to set it up, if i just wanted a name, would you know or anything that i might incorporate it in the logo in and make it a picture when you make your logo, but you can use it to name And address or phone number or alternate email or whatever you want like there or like. I said you know, if you don’t like Part of it, you just delete it and then we have the logo at the bottom. So, this is our logo, and now we are with a couple controls that logo style code again to get our width and our height.

If you change it, you know, Like I said it’s good for you to know a little bit. If you change, you know, say: 400, you come down here. This logo is going to get fat, so this is the control area. The logo is taking up the height and the same way. The padding is the same way we explained before Over. But you see it has um top 12 points right. Three points down, 100 picks and leaves 60

So that leaves some if you take that 60 out the space here, that’s going to go all the way up here and if you stick to this line, the same way takes out 100 and that’s it and stick to the bottom. So, I, if you want a little bit More, you just add a little bit where you want it to be higher. You know 12 points you’re, adding space between it and that’s what the padding does and then again, we have the same settings here with our URL and our email Pictures folder and our technology png.

So, this is our technology png. This is basically how you do it now again; you have an alt text. You should always put, for example, the alt text in it says someone is looking at their phone and they’re not going to shoot the display they’re going to display the image alt text.

There’s going to be something there and then once you’re done, click modify like I said you kind of send yourself an email to check it out and see. If you like it, you know, and this one might It takes some time and you know it can be a little annoying but, like I said, I’m going to keep the code. So, if you mess it up, you know just delete it and start over. It’s a good practice and gives you where you can learn A little bit of coding and how to set it up without any experience.

If you have experience, try your own code, but I tell you a lot of the codes, won’t show up or don’t work or they just don’t work properly. You are really limited in the amount of code you can use. You know if you just want a logo. Ok, you remove everything except the logo part down and the rest is all just white. It looks like a typical email. You know, use your imagination to dress it up a bit and make it match your website match. You know just add some tenses. Whatever you want. I hope this helps thank you for watching. We will see you in the next video have a nice day.


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