I Am Iron Man” Priming Improves the Learnability and Memorability of User-Elicited Gestures

Hello: everyone, I’m Abdallah ail, I’m a creative lead at amazon. Today, I’m presenting work did, as i was finishing up my PhD at the university of Washington in collaboration with Meredith wrinkle Morris and my advisor Jake warlock. Our paper is titled. I am iron. Man priming improves the learnability and memorability of user elicited gestures. What, if what?

If we use movies, movies design better much better technology tecnología? Can we use movies to design better technologies this work builds on the literature of illustration studies in illustration studies.

The phenomenon of legacy bias, as defined by muricidal, is the proposal of legacy interactions that might note the most suitable during the course of an illustration study.

In this paper we investigate the effects of priming and illustration. Studies to reduce legacy bias and we investigated how to create gestures for a mixed reality. Environment system that are that are guessable learnable and memorable and finally, we also wanted to find a way to conduct, learnability and memorability studies in a distributed manner. Building on my own work, undistributed interaction, design and also given the restrictions of social distancing that made lab studies almost impossible.

There has always been abi-directional relationship between sci-fi and chi Schmiedt’ll mentions many examples of this relationship, citing an anecdote of how director Steven Spielberg worked with chi researchers’ format on the design of interfaces shown in the movie minority report.

On the flip side, mineral lists many examples of how movies influence the design of technologies like mobile phones inspired by the communicators from star trek in this paper we used priming in two ways. First, drawing on the sci-fihci relationship, we used a montage of sci-fi clips as, a primer for participants to watch divorced before, starting an illustration study and two we borrowed Basenberg and Moskowitz priming technique from psychology, literature of using creative mindset to reduce stereotyping.

We did that basking participants to provide three examples. Ofttimes when they were creative before starting an illustration study to carry out our investigation, we, followed, the six-step distributed interaction design dad model, which we recently published, in the interactions magazine for our system, we chose a video player in augmented reality that had.

These 10 functions play pause fast forward, and on and we had three augmented reality specific functions, which were pin view to a surface and, bring view into a field of vision we run the distributed between subject elicitation study by using our online crowd listed system with 167 participants.

The experiment had priming as a factor with three levels: a control level, with no priming, a sci-fi priming level and a creative mindset level. We created three sets of gestures based on the proposals we collected from our 167participants. In the illustration study, then in this paper, we introduced a method of evaluating the learnability and memorability of interactions gathered in an illustration study in a distributed manner to do son.

We recruited 18 participants and contacted them via video chat. We randomly assigned them to view videos of one of the three gesture sets. After viewing each one of the 10 gestures, once participants were asked to, perform the gestures randomly by recording them using crownless. We viewed the gestures and noted their correctness and then asked the participants to relearn the gestures and perform them again until.

They learned all 10 gestures in the end for initial learnability.

The number of gestures performed correctly after a single viewing, we sawn significant differences across the three groups for, the overall learnability, which is the total number of video views, required to learn all 10gestures from a given gesture group scarious performed, the other two groups to run our memorability study. We invited the same 18participants after one week of no practice and asked them to perform these gestures. Here we saw that both priming groups, outperformed.

The control these results lead us to recommend incorporating priming in elicitation studies, especially ones similar, to the study we are presenting today. Afuw key takeaways from this work we conducted the largest investigation to our knowledge into the effects of priming on user elicited gestures in our investigation.

We found priming with sci-fiproduce, more memorable and learnable gestures and.

We contributed a methodology of running distributed learnability and memorability.

Studies would like to thank my collaborators and Microsoft research for their support of this project and thank you all for listening.



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