These 3 Techniques Helped Me Earn $161,472 in a Single Sale

When I began my first business I was clueless. I had no idea how to sell and I was doing everything wrong, but a few years in I began to receive some powerful mentorship from some sales experts that saw the world of selling from a completely different perspective. In particular, they broke down sales into a few key steps that Forever changed. The way I would sell before I met them.

My average sale size was under $ 10,000. Yielding me a personal Commission of around $ 4,500 after I learned their approach and strategies, my sales were unrecognizable from before. Eventually, I was able to close a sale that led to a personal Commission of 160 one thousand four hundred and seventy two dollars and what’s amazing, is that I didn’t do anything Magical. I just implemented their techniques on one large prospect in this video.

I’M going to show you Three techniques that helped me earn one hundred Sixty-one thousand four hundred and seventy-two dollars in commission from a single sale check. It out Number one dig into challenges. When I first began selling, I always thought that conversations with a prospect Should involve me trying to sell, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. The first part of any selling interaction involves digging into the prospect’s challenges.

So, with this particular prospect, I Asked questions about their current situation to understand What was going on What they had tried before and what wasn’t working when the prospect would tell me about his issues, he shared so much Valuable information about where I would ultimately focus my Solution I just dug, dug and dug for over an hour number two identify the Delta. Now the Delta is simply the difference between where they are now and where they would like to be so.

In case of my prospect, I Understood that they were dealing with some challenges that kept revenues lower than they wanted. So I simply asked one very basic question: if You are able to solve these challenges, What do you think that would mean in additional revenues? He replied that they could easily be doing ten million dollars more per year, were

They able to solve these issues. Wait. Did you hear that I just said he told me 10 million dollars? That is what you call creating value in the sales process. The prospect just told me that a solution, Potentially my solution – was worth 10 million dollars in revenues to them ten million Dollars. That is impressive value – number three budget budget budget. Once I established the value of a solution, it was time to establish A budget.

I didn’t want to just run off after that meeting and create a proposal without knowing Whether we were really on the same page with budget. This protected me on both ends, so If I came in really low, the prospect might consider me too Small and would ultimately disqualify me plus I’d, have been leaving a lot of money on the table. On the other hand, if I came in too high, the sale would also be over.

So, before I put together a solution or even discussed it, I asked another powerful question: What could you invest in order to solve these challenges after some back-and-forth.

We established a budget and When I ultimately presented my proposal a few weeks later, we were on the exact same page And I closed a sale. That earned me a commission of one hundred sixty-one thousand four hundred and seventy-two dollars, My largest by far to that day. So, there are the three techniques that helped me earn One hundred sixty-one thousand four hundred and seventy-two dollars and missions from a single sale. I want to hear from you which of these techniques Did you find most useful, be sure to share below? In the comment section And I’ll be sure to respond to every comment that I can get to and if you enjoyed this video, Then I have this awesome: free eBooks on twenty-five tips to crush your sales goals. Just click right here to get it instantly seriously.

It’s an amazing book, and it’s free, just click right here also, if you’ve got some value, please like this video below on YouTube, because that really helps me out and don’t forget to subscribe by clicking right here to get access to a new video. Just like this one each week. Lastly, if you got just one useful idea from this video, please share it with a friend or two. A great idea is the best gift you can give someone until next week.

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About amorosbaeza1964

Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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