Can Lying Actually Help Your Small Business Marketing?

And they claimed they were working with the smiths down the street, all of a sudden yeah. They told us the smith’s on our street too yeah the smiths yeah, the smiths. You know what this salesman just did as much as he was trying and as much as his sales pitch was scripted. He just took away all credibility from an entire town:  hey folks, it’s Brian here with a bigger, better biz community, where i equip you with the tools and know how to grow that bigger, better small business.

Today i want to talk about lying and how it plays into your marketing. So let me tell you a quick story. Last night we get home, it had been a five-day road trip from florida up to new hampshire, about four and a half hours in the car. Each day with two kids, two puppies, it was definitely a long journey, so we get home well, 7. 15 p.m. Someone rides up to the door on a little segway, hoverboard thing kind of looks weird, because i live out in the sticks. It doesn’t make sense and they pull up their mass and they say hello uh.

You know I’m with blah blah pest control and we’re getting a lot of calls and so we’re in the neighborhood we’re. Actually, we wanted to see if you wanted us to fit you in with the smiths down the street first off smith’s generic name. I don’t even know my neighbors because we’re so separated from each other and the pandemic. We haven’t had a block party so right away. I’M like okay – and i said you know what we’re okay well, the smith’s had a really good experience with us. If you want to work with us too, i can discount it. I said, thank you very much, but i think we’re good we’re not interested.

Maybe the next house will be okay. Well, the smith I’ll just tell the smiths that maybe next time they can let you know. I talk about social proof all the time. I talk about this idea that people are trusting, reviews online. It’S in fact, 85 percent of people trust an online review as much as a suggestion from a friend or family member. Okay, social proof does exist, but there’s a difference between having substantiated reviews online, real reviews from real people and using some fake made-up family on the street, and that goes beyond that’s like you calling someone saying hey, we worked with your friend blah blah blah because you Saw they were friends on Facebook, hey. We think you should work with us too.

I’ve seen that happen before the big thing here that i want you to take away is that people are going to find out now. Here’s what i did i went on to our town, Facebook group and, i said, hey guys, just checking uh. We just had someone roll up on their uh Marty, McFly hoverboard, and they claimed that they were with xyzzy pest company and that they were working with the smiths down the street. All of a sudden yeah. They told us about the smiths on our street too yeah, the smiths yeah, the smiths.

You know what this company just did. You know what this salesman just did as much as he was trying and as much as his sales pitch was scripted. He just took away all credibility from an entire town because he used the same name with fake people on every street, and people have now called the police because they had private property, no trespassing, they said, don’t ring the doorbell. We have guard dogs, and the person still did it.

The salesperson just unraveled the credibility of an entire company by lying, and i want you guys to remember that lying in your marketing is not going to work. Trying to use someone else to prop yourself up for social proof is not going to substantiate your claims. It’s not going to make people want to buy from you. Don’t refer to the smiths down the street. Try to create a reason why people would work with you.

Try to be actually responsible and tell the truth in your marketing. Hopefully this helps until next time I’m brain Kaplan stay well stay safe, stay, healthy! Here’s to your success! You.





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