How I made $47,000 BEFORE YouTube Monetization

You don’t have to wait to get monetized on YouTube to make money with your content.

Creation here are some things you can start doing today to start making money long before you’re monetized on YouTube with your camera. In short, a lot of YouTubers want to get monetized as quickly as possible, and sometimes that can take a pretty long time to achieve some people get there in a matter of days, weeks months or if you’re like me, it might take you a little bit over A year, but here’s the good news, you don’t have to wait an entire year to start making money with your content creation and a lot of us don’t have the luxury of creating a prank Channel, get the police involved cuz.

We will it’s, not a kitchen guys. Come on, you know better than that or living in a tiny van and traveling the country, hello. My name is D, and this is my 2010 Ford Transit Connect.

Lady bugout, a lot of us have jobs, bills to pay and lights to keep on. If you’re. Like me and fall into that category, where you can’t quit your daytime job and go 100 % at YouTube, then you need to take the skills that you’re learning on YouTube and apply it into content, marketing or content creating for businesses or people in your area. There are a lot of people who want to pay. You really good money for what you know. I got serious with my content Creation in 2020 when I purchased my first camera from Best Buy for $ 600, and I had a really fast trajectory. Within a year and a half, I was creating content for companies like ABC NBC, Telemundo, Major League Soccer, and then I was also traveling the country with my camera.

And it’s because I did these three things that I’m about to share with you and before you say this guy got really lucky. I was in sales for 10 years I was hitting the phones. I was working in super toxic sales companies, horrible managers. I was job hopping, I was super miserable, I did not enjoy it one bit and I decided it was enough. I needed to make a change. I’M quitting my job. I’Ve got no plan, but I’m going to go, buy a camera and I was scared shitless. I remember driving back from Best Buy and thinking no one is going to hire you. No one is ever going to pay you for Content creation, you’re a total fraud.

You suck. No one will ever work with you, but I said that little voice in my head to shut the hell up and I decided to go for it and here’s the first thing I did. I decided I was going to work for free, so I assembled my list of Brands and people influencers that I wanted to work with and I would shoot them a message offering free work and for reference, here’s what that message would sound like hey. My name is Andy Munos, I’m a videographer based in Utah. I love your brand. I love your company, I’m a big fan. I would love to come shoot some content for you; I’m just trying to get more portfolio work.

I would love to give you a free video when would be a good time to chat and set something up, and that would get a reply from a lot of Brands, companies or influencers who wanted the next steps who wanted to hop on a phone call, and They thought it was so cool that I was offering free work now. The only payment that I wanted in return is that if they used any of my content, I wanted to be tagged on that post and three things end up happening when you offer free work. The first one you’re boosting up your credibility because you’re now working with Brands, influencers popular people in your city and your state, and you have the footage to show that you’re in the room with important people or cool people.

Number two: is you start building a network when you’re offering free work, you’re, also opening yourself up to all of the people that they know. So if they’re happy with that free product, they may hire you again in the future or they might refer you to somebody else that they know and when you’re getting referred. That is a warm lead, and they’ll trust you more because they see the work that you did for this other person and the third cool thing that happens by offering free work. If you open up yourself to some real cool experiences that you wouldn’t get otherwise so, rather than building out a portfolio of your cousin Jessica in a church parking lot, you’ll actually have events like Allstar matches, Mansion parties, Steve awoke, DJing, on a roof move uh, traveling Filming race, cars – these are all things that happened really fast to me.

Offering free work will get you in the door with some really cool people and a portfolio that is going to impress anybody, but Andy you’re, telling me how to make money before I get monetized on YouTube, so how the hell does free work? Pay me? Yes, people will hire you if you have cool footage and social proof, but you got to tell people what you do and that’s number two you have to own it.

So, while we wait for us for YouTube to finally get monetized, I want you to start telling everybody. You know that you are a content creator and that you are a videographer in my early days. I would tell people that I was a full-fledged videographer and that I could create content, no matter what kind of vision they had and when you repeat that enough to your friends, your family, your relationship, you post it on social media, you tell people that you are A content creator when the day comes that they need somebody they’re going to think of you they’re going to hit you up because you have told the world exactly.

What you are word of mouth is so rampant that when people need videos, they think of me and a lot of the DMS that I get now or even text messages, 80 % of those are usually hey. I need a video. I want to work with you. What’s your cost, can you help me and so now per month? And let me just tell you that I do have a full-time job as a content creator, so I have a salary, but per month doing this part-time, helping local businesses. People in my area, in influencers the network that I’ve built out A bad month is usually about $ 1,500 per month. A really good month is about5 Grand per month, but I kind of averaged like that $ 2,000 to $ 2,500 range, just by doing light work.

Little things here and there on the weekend or on week nights so before you see the only Avenue in making money through YouTube, consider just telling people that you can create content and help them film videos, because I know a lot of us can use an Extra 500 or an extra even $ 150 a month and as I was on my way to shoot this video, I had a client send me a text message asking if I’m available a month from now, so I made some money.

So, yes, I’m a little late to YouTube, but I’m supplementing what I’m missing out from YouTube right now with a Content creation business that I’m doing on the site as well. So if you haven’t thought about that, you should strongly consider it and step number three to make sure that you’re making money with your content creation way before monetization kicks in is to show your work build up that social proof, those videos you’re filming for local businesses.

Maybe you’re filming events or even the stuff you’re creating on YouTube, make sure to post all of that work online for people to see people want to hire people with plenty of social proof showing that you can produce videos and create content.

Too often, I see content creators get passed over for work missing out on money because they don’t post their work anywhere, but we live in the real world and if you want to start making money before YouTube, monetization kicks in remember do [ __ ] for free Own, what you do tell people what you can do and remember to show your work and if I can just help one person spark an idea or have an aha moment and realize that, if you’re on the path to wanting to become a YouTuber that you’re already A content creator and there’s a good chance that somebody in your area or several people in your area want to pay you good money to help them create content.

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About amorosbaeza1964

Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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