How to Start a Blog in 2021 the Right Way // Starting a blog step by step for beginners

if you’re looking to start a blog this year this video is for you. hi, my name is Sarah  from businesswoman thrive and in today’s video we’re going to be talking about all the steps and resources you need to start a blog this year. And just to start off here any resources or anything that i mentioned will be linked down below in the description.

So, if you’re interested in anything that I’m talking about or you want to learn more and go more in depth on this topic, i will have a ton of resources linked down below for you in the description. including a link to my free how to start a blog email course.

it’s a free course that you can sign up for all you need to give me is your name and email and i will send you a ton more resources than i can fit into this video.

So enough for the talk let’s get started so the first step to starting a blog is choosing your platform. it is just the overall best blogging platform that i have personally used I’ve used a few others like Wix which wasn’t as good and eventually switched to WordPress and have not looked back there are a lot of different options that you can choose when starting a blog, you can start a blog on WordPress, wax, Squarespace, blogger there’s a ton of different options.

So, you might be overwhelmed on which one you should choose and the one that i highly recommend to choosing is WordPress. but if you do decide to choose WordPress then you have the choice between and there are a lot of differences between the two and we don’t have time to get into them in this video and if you’re interested in learning about the differences i already did a video on this and i will link it right here if you want to check that out. but pretty much the differences are is a platform that you can start on for free and then it has upgrades that you can do.

Which still aren’t that great for the money that you’re paying, or you can start on and the software for WordPress is free but you have to pay for a hosting company to host your blog online. which is the better option especially if you’re trying to make money blogging into your full-time gig or a side hustle. but make sure to check out my last video for a deep dive into this topic. the second step is where to host your blog.
so, if you’ve decided to choose wax or blogger or or any of the really like free blogging sites you don’t actually have to choose a host.

Your site is pretty much set up on like but if you decide to choose like i mentioned in the last step you have to have a hosting company host your blog. because once you get a hosting company, they pay to basically allow you to run your site and host it on the internet somewhere and then once you get that you can download the WordPress software usually a one-click install for free, but you have to have that hosting company first to actually start a blog.

If you’re looking for  a hosting company i recommend either Namecheap or site ground i started out with Namecheap  because they were the cheapest option that i could find and i feel like they had the best  value for the money that i was paying and then eventually i upgraded to site ground because they  are a little bit on the more expensive side but in my opinion they are one of the best hostings out  there. so, if you’re just starting and you don’t have a lot of money that you’re willing to put out right now i would highly recommend Namecheap, but if you’re looking to start your blog and you do have the extra money i would highly recommend going with site ground.

both of these will of course be linked down below along with a lot of resources that i have to help you choose which one is best for you. like a versus between Namecheap and site ground blog posts and why i switched to site ground along with a few more things which will all be linked down below. step number three is choosing a domain name. now you want to choose something that is unique because your blog name will eventually become your domain name, and your domain name is essentially just the dot com link to your site.

It’s important because you can’t have the same domain name or website link as somebody else for obvious reasons and once you choose your domain name you have to purchase that domain name from whatever hosting company you choose.

and if you’re struggling on this topic i have resources down below blog posts and things like that to how to help you choose your blog name.

Step number four is to install WordPress. so, like i mentioned this is pretty easy because once you buy your hosting company there is usually just a one-click install. I’m pretty sure all of the hosting companies now just have literally a one-click install and then it will take you to your WordPress admin dashboard and you can go to create your blog from there so it’s a really easy step. so, number five is choosing a theme and this is honestly my favorite part because this is when you get to pick out the nice colors for your blog and your brand.

once you get to the choosing a theme step you can either choose a free theme that WordPress offers you or you can go with a premium theme. i highly recommend that you choose the premium theme if you have the extra money to put out because with the free themes there are just kind of a lot of issues with them. you don’t get a lot of customization options, and they really don’t look as professional as the paid themes. if you would like to buy a theme there are some that can get pretty expensive but all of the themes that i have bought have been in between $25 and $45 dollars so if you look around, I’m sure you can find a paid theme that is in your price range.  and i have a direct link to a bunch of themes that are really nice on creative market and Etsy which will be down below.

Now that is honestly a very simplified version of how to start a blog there  is still a lot more that goes into starting a blog but there is just too much to put into one video so if you want to check out that free email course that i mentioned there are so many different free  resources and things in that email course way more than i could fit into one concise video.

so, make sure to sign up and check that out down below. if you enjoyed this video don’t forget to give it a like and subscribe to my channel if you’re new here and i will see you next Thursday bye!

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Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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