How to Leverage ChatGPT to Build an Affiliate Marketing Funnel and Lead Magnet [Chat GPT Tutorial]

In this part of the training, I will show you how to leverage chat GPT when building your capture. Page writing your headlines, creating our email, follow-up series and also when building your lead magnets. This capture page share code, is available for you below this video. If you want to import it to your lead, sleep account and use it for your own projects.

So when you import it to your leadsleep account and open it on the page builder, you will be able to edit and customize every part of this landing page and you can populate the text here with the chat, GPT answers that you get for your project. All you have to do, for that is point the text and then change it on the right hand side here. If it is an image, you can just point it and then click on this field here and upload the image you want to put on the capture page now to start using chat, GPT head to chat, dot, open and, if you’re not registered, yet create yourself An account using your Gmail account or your Gmail email address and then you’ll be brought to this page here, where you can enter your queries and prompts and questions at the bottom here in this field, and the answers will follow.

First, let’s create some headlines to populate our capture page. The idea here is to be very specific about what we need from chair GPD and in this specific case, I put right five compelling headlines for a capture page that promotes a training program to become a YouTube. Influencer and make money from it so being specific, will help chat, GPT understand exactly what we need from him and then bring us answers that are accurate and targeted. Now I just copied that phrase and I’m going to paste it here, submit it and see what happens.

Now I submit it and chat. Tapt goes right away to work and starts typing what we asked for and, as you can see, I have now five headlines that I can use to populate my capture page become a YouTube sensation and earn a fortune join our influencer training program today ready to make Money on YouTube, our comprehensive training program can help you achieve your dreams and look the secrets of YouTube success and the other one get The Insider knowledge. You need to become a YouTube star and build the thriving career online from Zero to Hero, transform your YouTube channel into a lucrative business with our expert training program.

So here you pick the right headlines, you want to use and then just copy the text and paste it into the lead sleep Page Builder – and this is exactly how I got these headlines here – put on this capture page and now we are going to use chat. Gbt to generate follow-up emails for this YouTube influencer offer. I wanted to create a set of seven emails to send out to my future subscriber’s day after day for seven days to send them back to the thank you page where they can download the lead, magnet and also check the YouTube influencer affiliate offer. So, my request to chat GPT will be right: seven short follow-up emails about the importance of using the right tools and training to become an effective YouTube influencer.

Let’s go back to chat, GPT and paste the query here and then press enter to submit it and, as you can see, it starts to generate the emails. So email number one. It gives you the subject line and then the body of the email and you can see subject line for the for the second email says: don’t let a lack of training hold you back and then on the third, the tools and training you need for YouTube success. Our program can help you stand out from the crowd and they are very well formatted. They are short because they asked to be to have short emails, uh people they don’t like reading long emails. So, this is why we put the word short their number six.

The power of a community in YouTube success, as you can see, the emails are short people, don’t like reading long emails. This is why we wanted to keep them short, and the goal here is to send them back to the thank you page. The emails are well formatted, of course, we need to read through them and make changes if necessary, and also link back to the thank you page properly. Now we are going to create a lead, magnet using chat GPT, and for this step I wanted to create a checklist most people like checklists. It gives them precisely what they need to do. So we generate the checklist. We format it and deliver it as PDF, and this time we will put write a 10-part checklist to become a successful YouTube influencer in less than three months.

So, I’m giving some specification I’m putting myself actually in the shoes of someone who wants to be a successful YouTube influencer in less than three months and I’m going to ask chat GPT to give me a 10-part checklist for this. So, let’s go back to chat. Got and paste our query and press the button and let ChatGPT write the checklist for us. So, as you can see, he says here is a 10-part checklist to become a successful YouTube. Influencer in less than three months choose your Niche and then research. Your competition creates content plan, optimize your channel, investing equipment, collaborate with other creators, etc, etc.

So, we have our 10-part checklist now, if we want to make it a little bit longer and richer, we will say, for example, can you expand on this and then I will just click the button and then yeah. It says yeah sure here’s more detailed explanation of each step and then it will go further explaining each step and what we want to do later is to take all this checklist here and then copy it in canvas or Google Docs and then generate a PDF from There um, maybe you, need some help, putting an introduction and a conclusion.

What you can do is that you can ask chat GPT to turn it into an eBook. So let me say: can you turn it into eBook enter okay. He says here that uh as an AI language model that he cannot do really eBook, but he can suggest something. And here we have the introduction chapter 1 chapter 2, chapter 3 uh, the checklist is becoming now is turned into a small report or small eBook, and all you have to do after this is take this content read through it.

Make changes if you’d like to or if it’s necessary and then just paste it to Google Docs OB or to canvas and then just generate the PDF document from there. Now that you have your content coming from chat GPT, you can head to canvas and format that content and put it as a PDF, eBook or report. So, you come here to and search for eBook, for example, so search eBook, and then you will see many templates that you can use. Some of them are only for pro members, but lots of them are for free members as well.

So, you choose the template that you like, and then I will search something that has the red color on it because of YouTube. So, let’s try to find one of those. I just added the word red to the search I put eBook and red, and I got some templates, and this one seems to be okay for our example. So, you just click customize this template here and then you start putting your content on the pages here and when you are done, you click share and then choose to download as a PDF. Once you get your PDF, you want to attach it to the thank you page of the previous funnel we set up together. Remember in the first part of this training.

We set up the funnel to actually promote the Chris offer here, which is a training to become a YouTube influencer. Now we want to replace this graphic here for the eBook for the previous eBook. Put a new graphic for the checklist attach the link to the checklist with this button here and please don’t forget to put your affiliate link here for the offer so that you can make 50 Commission on all the sales.

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About amorosbaeza1964

Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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