This Video Will Control Your Mouth For 6 Seconds.

Like and subscribe right now, for amazing luck for the next week make sure to watch today’s full video to see panoptical illusion where i will control your mouth and as we go along comes your answers to. The questions in the comment. Section first we have an optical illusion that will trick your mind into thinking that the carshare driving down this road, but in reality, nothing on your screen right now is actually moving if you place. Your finger on the car you’ll come to see, the car isn’t moving at all.

This is crazy. Next, we’ve got this photo here so right now, youkan sees a fish on your screen right, well, there’s actually, something else hidden in this photo that. Only the people, with the best eyesight are able to see comment down below what the other thing in this photo is.

If you’re able to see it all right, so if we turn this picture to the side, we’ll actually see that there’s a lady in this photo as well. If you’re able to spot this that means you have some really special eyes, take a look at this circle, here there’s, actually something inside of. The circle that only people with the best eyesight are actually able to see you guys so comment down below if you can see what is in this circle. Okay, you guys so apparently, its actually spaceship hidden in the circle did you see.

It comments down below, can you spot the difference between these two photos from toy story. Only one percent of people can actually spot the differences. If you find it, then you have some really unique eyes so comment down below what the difference is all right. So the difference between these photos is actually that buzz lightyear if you look closely, you’ll see that buzz missing the red button on the right and. If on the left, you’ll have it if you spotted this, I’m very impressed, are you able to find the odd emoji in a short amount of time comment down below what the Automoti is alright, so the lot emoji is actually this one right here. Were your able tosspot this or did you need more time let me know in the comments below this photo will test your eyes, there are three numbers hidden in this photo are you able to see them if so, comment down below what the three numbers are.

Alright, so the three numbers in this photo are actually five seven and one if you’re able to see this then comment down below, and you have supervision take a look at this picture here and tell me what you see and what you think is happening all right. So did you see this man as someone who was floating well, the truth is that he is actually not floating, obviously he’s just standing next to a small puddle of water were your eyes, tricked into thinking this manway floating, there’s. Actually, two animals hidden in this photo right now.

First, obviously, we allseed the lion, but you guys. Can you see what the second animal is if so, comment down below what the second animal is, if you find starlight look what happens when we flip this photo upside down, we actually reveal the second animal, which is a squirrel there’s no way. You got this, but if you did comment down below how many people are in this photo here comment your answer down below as well all right. So did you say that there’s two people in this photo because the truth is there’s actually. Only one person he’s just sitting in a position with his helmet on his knee you guys, i don’t know, but that is crazy. Try to pause this cup in the perfect place.

There’s no way your goon an get this because only one percent of people are actually able to land. This perfectly comment down below if you’re able to get this or not, but good luck so right now we can actually see a photo of albert einstein on our screen. Right well there’s actually another hidden face somewhere in this photo. You may not beagle to see it right now, but if you squint your eyes, it should reveal what the second image island comment down below what the second image is as well alright, so the second face was a blurry photo of Marilyn Monroe. Were you able to see this this here is a photo that tricks a lot of people’s eyes bet when you first looked at this photo you thought?

That was a girl with the beach but you guys. If we actually end up zooming in on it, it shows that her hair wasn’t actually her hair it’s just, another man walking past did this trick. You when you first looked at the pictures or did you think. It was a girl’s hair; I’m interested to hear what. You guys saw first comment down below right now. It looks like all these characters are jumping and. Moving around on your screen right. Well, what if. I told you that nothing in this photo is moving at all and everything is completely still.

You can even place your photo on one of the characters: and you’ll realize that it stays in the same position this tricks our eyes, and that is absolutely crazy. Take a look at this picture here. There’s actually hidden mess switch somewhere in this dawn can, you spot the hidden message though. If you can’t see this then shake your head left or right overhand over again and the hidden message actually may be able to be read now so comment down below the hidden messages, all right. So, the hidden message in this photo. Actually, the words hide and seek let me know if you’re able to see it if not then comment, down below.

Take a look at these towlines here, which one of these lines is bigger the line on the top or the line on the bottom let me know, which one you think is bigger, and comment down below which one you think it is so the truth is that the lines are Actually the exact same size, the arrows on each side just trick our brain into thinking that, one is longer than the other but they are not. So, if you got this one correct you are a genius.

Do you see the red circle here on the screen? Well, there’s actually an animal hidden somewhere in this circle can. You see it though comment down below. What you think the animal is, so you guys, apparently the animal hidden inside of this photo is actually a cow.

If you saw it in the red circle, then you have some unique eyesight because. I see absolutely nothing. Take a look. At this photo here, there’s actually a hidden animal somewhere in this photo. Can you spot the hidden animal? If not try shaking your head left, or right and the animal should become more visible, so the animal hidden in this photo is actually a panda.

Were you able to see this comment down below? Can you guess what word these two emojis end up making up if. You can then comment down below what you think it is alright, so the first emoji is milk and. The second emoji is handshakes together. That makes milkshake find the emoji this. Is one of the hardest optical illusions I’ve ever seen, and it’s more of like a seek and find thing, because this is insanely hardware you guys, I’m goon and give you accouple seconds to find it comment down below. If you find the emoji and then I’ll, let you know what it is? Okay, you guys if we actually zoom all the way in here, we end up finding a little snowflake and it’s the snowflake emoji.

Did you get this? What is wrong with this photo you guys? Okay. So, there is all these girls and everything, but then something is really wrong with this photo. Can you figure it out? Okay, so what’s wrong with this photo is look at all the guys in the background all of them. Have the exact same face crazy right, so this video will control your mouthy up in this video. I have an interesting challenge that will take your mouth. I bet this is going to be very hard for you Soare you ready before i tell you the challenge can you like and subscribe right now and comment mouth. Okay. The challenge is that you have to pronounce a word many times in a row remember pronouncing the word correctly.

Every time you say it: okay, showing the word in the word is: can you say it correctly well there you have it you guys if you enjoyed today’s video go down below and hit, that subscribe button also hit the like button and tap on another video. You see on the screen right now to watch more videos just like this one and I’ll see you over in that video.

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