September Update: Magic Snacks, Supercharge, and more! | Clash On!

In this update, our heroes will embark on an extraordinary journey, and we invite you to be a part of it. Our four heroes will find themselves in the unknown land known as Dragon Clash. It is a very legendary landscape, and it requires …

Lots of zooming and zooming Welcome to the first tabletop RPG season in Clash of Clans.

Let’s see what awaits our heroes on this journey CLASH ON CLASH OF CLANS.

Let’s start this adventure! How about you start first mysterious adventurer? Well, I’m ready to start my journey by exploring the famous Dark Forest in hopes of finding out the origin of the new feature Coming to Clash. Clan Notice Board Need a new way to recruit members Yes, do you dream of finding the perfect tribe that feels like home all the time?

Don’t worry leader

Leaders and assistant leaders can create boards Disclaimers, after that there will be no limits Up to the 50-member limit. The message requirements and even the background of the mentions, can be customized.

Players searching for clans will be presented with mentions, based on the criteria set by the clan and other various aspects. The game will automatically consider it Well done. I didn’t know there was something this powerful hidden in the forest, but first I’ll need to do a skill test to know what kind of tribe I’m joining very Get 20 You’ll need 10 or higher to get a clan to unlock every Clan Games.


It sounds easy. I joined a clan that only donates archers and doesn’t participate in Clan Wars very good. I can accept that now. It’s your turn. What will you do?

I heard about a machine specialist who lives in these lands. He will teach me about powerful building upgrades known as Supercharges

They are shorter, less expensive and give smaller stat increases. Super Charge only applies to buildings that have reached max level. Finally, it is temporary that Super Charge levels will disappear once a new building level is released, and players can upgrade their buildings to gain new Super Charge.

Each building can have up to three supercharges, each of which gives a different stat boost to the building. Another thing is: supercharging costs build time and resources. So, keep that in mind when planning upgrades.

It’s up to you Use Super Charge to reach the maximum potential of your buildings.

Remember they are temporary reinforcements and require planning and resources. Now back to our adventure.

We have monsters to defeat and loot, Let’s get it together.

This is amazing, but don’t celebrate now. I have other places I want to explore. The castle is amazing. I forgot how massive it is and what I want is right behind those doors.

My eyes are on these treasures inside Welcome to the first Treasure Hunt in Clash of Clans.

It’s a new kind of event. New rewards, such as reward chests and magical meals Treasures must be sought when attacking other players. After finding a reward chest, there will be four different rarities Normal Rare Premium and Legendary -Legendary Find the treasure and open it for the chance to win multiple prizes, including resources, decorations, magic items and appearances and a new type of item called Magic Meals.

Magic Meals are a temporary boost.

It expires after 24 hours, if not used.

This means that it cannot be collected or sold as magic items.

Magic meals will give you boosts, ranging from instant army training to builder and more
You may earn some skins and hero gear from Legendary Chests It’s time for a great treasure. Hunt Marco, You know sharing is caring right, There’s a lot of gold here and you only have a limited supply to earn. Your own boxes Go away. Okay, I still have some tricks I’ll go down to the big pedestal.

I still want to see what you’re looking for there I’ve been here before Hard Mode.

We heard your opinion about Hard Mode, so we will make some balance changes. The level limit for regular hero equipment is now level 15 and the level limit for premium hero equipment is now level. 21.

We believe that This will have a great effect on Hard Mode attacks and defenses. From now on, The attacking hero’s damage per second and health potion have been reduced by 5 %. The damage per second increase for defense has not changed.

It was 5 % What did you say? I think our journey is almost over, but there is still one thing to do. We need to roll the dice to decide whether to release this update or not I’ll. Take care of it.

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