How to Identify Your Target Audience

Hey everyone, it’s Jessie, Acker managing director for our vector international, I’m so happy that you’re watching this video right now it’s super important. If you want to succeed in business because one of the most important things that you need to be able to do when you are starting a business or when you’re in business and you’re not doing as well as you want to, is really able to identify. The people that you want to work with you need to know who your customers are right.

It’s pretty simple that you know if you want to attract more of the people that you want, you need to know who they are. So one of the things that I’ve learned really early was, if you don’t know what you want, you won’t get what you want, so you need to be able to identify who your target market is, and a lot of people are like yeah. I know who my target market is, but when I ask them, they’re so general about the people that they actually want to work with and the reason why they do.

That is because they don’t want to feel like they’re missing out on anyone. Now I have to tell you, from my own experience, it’s much harder to succeed in business when you are general to trying to go to everyone versus being a specialist and try to go to a specific group. And let me tell you this: the group doesn’t need to be so specific that it’s only five people on a market. You just need to be specific enough. So let me let me talk to you about that. If you are saying my demographic is women between 30 to 40, who are new moms that have under 2 children? How many people do you think are in that market a lot there’s a time. You know, there’s a ton of people in that market.

So, what’s goon a happen is all the new moms between 30 and 40 are goon an resonate with you way more than they’re goon an resonate with someone who is the mom girl right, it doesn’t matter who it is. You know they’re goon an resonate with you, because you’re speaking directly to what they are going through and marketing in general is all about communication.

It’s all about community kidding that you understand what your target market is going through. You understand their problems, their frustrations, their pains and your product or service is their solution. So when you can talk to one person or talk to a group of people in one demographic or a demographic, then it’s so much easier to talk to their frustrations. So talk to their problems to talk to what they’re going through then, when you’re talking to everyone when you’re talking to everyone, you’re talking to no one, but when you’re talking to one specific person, then you’re talking to them specifically and there, like oh, my god.

This person knows me they know what I’m going through. They understand me and what’s active that builds rapport that builds trust that builds the know that you are the person that’s going to be able to help them. So I really want to make sure that you understand your target market and the way that we have been able to do this with our students is. We have them, go through a quick exercise and they fill out a sheet and they really start to pinpoint who that target market is today. I want to give you that exercise. I want to give you that worksheet for free all you need to do is go below this video there’s goon can be a button or an image. Something like that. You click it.

It’s going to go right to a PDF, and you’ll just go ahead, and you’ll be able to either print it or fill it out in online and you’ll be able to go through the exercise to figure out that target market. For yourself, it’s really really important that you do this. Take the couple minutes to do this, because, whenever we’re starting a brand new campaign or whenever we’re starting a brand new product, we don’t say hey what do you want to create today? No, we don’t do that. We say the first question is always: who is our target market? Who is our customer?

That’s always the first question we ask, and we do that because once we understand who we’re talking to, then we understand the problems that people are going through the frustrations there. Having then it’s much easier to create a solution for those problems in frustration, so that we can speak to that, so you first start with the who and then you go with the what so step. One is always understanding knowing exactly your target market is specifically and not being a generalist. Okay, don’t generalize and say I want everyone who is between 30 and 50, but that’s not going to help you at all. Right so be specific.

You know for us. I have to say that this business is a little more complicated and the reason why we do so well in this business is because her his brand he’s being able to build this brand, but the types of people that we attract into our business. Our financial seekers, there are people who want to succeed financially, but also want to have this great life of balance, and you know self care health relationships, all the great stuff and personal development self-improvement they want all of that. But then one of the main focuses for Harv’s people is financial success.

So, a lot of our people, our financial seekers. Now that’s a big mass market and sometimes it’s really hard to talk specifically to our audience, because there’s a lot of different people coming in, take it from our own experience that it’s not that easy, and sometimes we missed the mark because there’s a lot of different Entry points, so what I’m saying is it would be much easier for us if we had one specific program, one specific audience that I was talking to so that I can go deeper into that, so that they can resonate with exactly what I’m saying on every message.

That I put out there and they think that this is meant for them, its relevancy right, its relevancy, which is really important, so go ahead, download this amazing worksheet that we have for you, it’s completely free.

I think it’s really goon some help you, I think you’re really goon an, enjoy it and just go ahead and download the PDF fill it in take a few times set a timer for five minutes to do it and I think you’ll really get a Lot out of it, I appreciate you again watching this video. I really appreciate you being a student of ours, learning and growing and committing to improving your life.

It’s so proud that you’re here and you’re a part of our community – and I hope you have a great rest of your day.

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About amorosbaeza1964

Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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