A Social Media Plan Is Essential When Building Your Business

Hi members quick Facebook live. I’m at Launceston General Hospital and It’s yet another day where? I’m coming here to Support mum in the treatment process that she is having to go through here at Launceston General Hospital. So Just checking in with you. I haven’t done alive.

I think it was last Friday was my last life here in the members area and So just wanted to really just check in the progress with mum is awesome.

She’s just doing so well, and she’s strong and That’s really what’s important. So she’s doing really really well Very quick brief check-in not a lot going on with the business I think that I’ve just been really consumed with what I’ve had to do here in Tasmania However still doing things. I actually had a great conversation Meet up with my nephew on Sunday. I’ve actually Brought him into the business He’s 17 years of age and he is Pretty adept at you know, social media and knowing what’s going on in social media especially at 17 and I thought it was a great opportunity for him to start to get involved with things especially the social media side of The business can be a challenge to actually keep up with when you have several business pages When you have and that’s on Facebook when you have a YouTube channel That you’re doing every day that you’re updating every day and you’re optimizing as well When you have now as of yesterday an active Twitter account And you’ve got – which I’ve got is – active Instagram accounts.

It’s Doing the content for me is quite easy. So do it hi Sarah great to see that you’re here watching And a family business. I love it. I know it’s really awesome So being down here having those conversations with him has been really good and just to get clarity for him on Exactly what’s required across the business So what I did do because at first I was a little vague and I don’t Know that I was vague because it was not coming across clear and in that first week that he was doing it there was no clarity for him either and So it’s really important if you’re going to bring somebody on board with respect to helping you with social media To get clear with a schedule.

I think it’s the big thing that’s helped us to both get clear It’s not just about me being clear about what I want and then trying to translate that It’s just both of us being very clear about what the requirements are for social media so it’s literally a to-do list a spreadsheet in Google sheets, and he has a link to that and we’ve literally Typed out what’s required of him and we’ve put all of the business pages down the left we’ve put the Instagram pages But what it’s also done is forced a commitment from me as well To make sure that I’m regular with my Facebook lives on all of my business pages So as of Monday, I did one yesterday So Monday Wednesday Friday is my day for completing Facebook lives on my business pages and then I can repurpose that content so you can obviously download that content Upload that then to YouTube and you can then what I’m doing is daily is just optimizing those YouTube videos so that You’re repurposing that content which is really important that’s an important thing to do Brilliant, thank you for this I’ve never even heard of Google.

Okay, Sarah. Google is a brilliant tool so you can Share documents with people in either Google Docs. You’ve got Google Drive and You’ve got Google sheets and so you can create to-do lists or spreadsheets You can give that link to someone and then they can share that particular file with you it’s a great tool and I’ve been using it throughout this whole business journey and You have it in your Gmail your Google Drive which is linked to your Gmail account or your Gmail email address And in that you have those capabilities so in Google Drive You can upload and store anything you want and then you can share those Google Documents you can share those with other people, which is really brilliant so completed the spreadsheet a schedule that is shared between myself and my nephew and He knows exactly what’s required as well.

So, For example, on Monday. I did a Facebook live Which was to my business page my Facebook business page.

I shared that across all of my other business pages I’m still live. Yes. The phone call just came in then what I did was Download that and then uploaded that to YouTube I spent about half an hour optimizing that video in youtube Through vid IQ, which I’ve shared information about that in this members group Then what he does is he’s gonna take that Facebook live That raw piece of video and he’s actually going to chunk 60 seconds out of that So a minutes worth of content and then he’s going to upload that to Instagram for me So out of one Facebook live you can see how far across You can You can go with one piece of content So anywhere between a three and 10 minute video can be repurposed into many different areas across your social media across your business pages across YouTube and Then what happens is part of that that Facebook live then can become a broadcast that goes out to your list as well.

A Social Media Plan Is Essential When Building Your Business

So My you know Facebook live will then become part of today’s broadcast as well to my list. So That’s my share today valuable and Just exactly where I’m at on what I’m doing so I am still Operating as I’m down here in Tasmania.

It’s what I love about this business. It’s just friggin awesome I mean the fact that I can be down here and just operate my business is brilliant as well Just another quick thing that I’ve done as well is I listen to Amy Taylor’s video on the cookie script calm and That was very valuable. I went ahead and I paid 40 euros. It’s one off payment and I installed the cookie pop-up that comes up on my main website on my advertising website and I’ve also installed now the cookie pop-up that comes up that pops up on my convert real anding pages so I’ve got two landing pages at the moment one for my book and one for advertising on YouTube and That cookie pop-up now comes up.

It’s all about becoming more and more compliant with these gdpr Policies coming out.

I still need to read a little bit more into it and I still need to I think Send out a broadcast email to my list Explaining to them the reasons why I am collecting their data storing their data The fact that it’s going to remain private and it’s going to go nowhere else So that’s something that I have to do over the next two days. I’ve started to see some gdpr compliant emails starting to circulate so people informing their list that the this is, you know, According to the new laws the new regulations.

This is what has to happen. I’m still not fully Conversed or fully knowledgeable on this whole process but I’m just sort of putting things into place as I as they come up as people in for me through sfm or through other means I Think however a pretty good Obviously being such a huge organization have to obviously put the steps into place to make sure they are gdpr compliant but ultimately the onus rests on the person that owns that website owns the sales funnels and is promoting a marketing and to the people that they are collecting the data from and that’s yourself the owner of of the the database That’s my share Sara I’m great to have you here and listening and watching and I’m so glad that that’s been helpful and Google sheets. I need to recruit office.

Well, I know that feeling And I think that as you recruit help as that Expands as your business expands you can get them to do more and more for your for your business So if you can, you know $10 an hour literally For him at the moment.

It’s a great way to some additional part-time income Obviously while studying while at college and school, it’s a great thing so if you can get a college student to help you five hours a week that’s going to make a massive difference across your social media and just across your business online business in general, so That’s really important. Thank you Sarah That’s really I appreciate that. She is doing really really well. Mom’s doing excellent So I just appreciate this time.

I’m here till Friday and then I come back, and She will continue on dad’s been great He’s been doing this trip everyday So it’s about an hour and 10 minutes here to Launceston hospital and then it’s an hour and ten minutes back home So she’s here for the process.

So pretty much every day is all about being here at the hospital Appointments follow ups and she’ll be doing that for another five weeks. So, everything’s going well. She’s strong. She’s doing well and thank you for your wishes your well wishes to Sarah and I’ll talk to you all very soon Thanks for your time, everyone.

Love you all love to members and check in with you again very soon. Bye everyone.


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About amorosbaeza1964

Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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