Battleship The Final Battle

Hard left rudder. Hard left rudder. Aye sir. Drop port anchor. What?

Drop it now! We’re going to die. We are going to die. You’re going to die. I’m going to die.

We’re all going to die. Just not today. Let’s drop some lead on those mother- Fire! Reload! Reload!

Firing mechanism reset! Secure the hatch. Port side ready! Release the anchor. Incoming!

Incoming! You alright? They aren’t going to sink this battleship, no way. Hit it! Everything you’ve got!

Woo! l wants every available plane on this ship in the air, now! I can’t believe that worked. Yeah, Art of War. Fight the enemy where they aren’t.

After all these years, that finally just clicked. But that’s not what it means. Really? Not even close. Keep going!

Mick, my leg is stuck. Mick. HOPPER: Status of weapons? VETERAN: Turret three is down. We got one round of high-explosive back-aft in turret three.

Tell them to have it ready when we get there. I got this. Beast, update. l needs that round. We need to bring it to turret two.

Battleship | The Final Battle in 4K HDR

¿Sir? Turret two is 500 feet away. This round is over a thousand pounds! How do you expect us to get it there? Raikes!

Get to the gun plot, finger on the trigger. Yes, sir! Come on, easy. Easy. Get out of here!

We got to go. Calm down, okay? lama going to frigging save you. Closed, number one is armed. Coordinates?

Train, 3-3-0. Elevation? 2-2-0 Let’s go! She’s armed. You better not be up there.

Hopper! We only have one round left, right? Yeah. It was an honor serving with you, Captain. The honor was mine.

Fire. Locked on target.

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