Beginner’s Guide To Affiliate Marketing With Free Traffic PASSIVE INCOME

Intro Think about  it – have you ever wanted to receive letters full of ads? Probably not,  right? Most of us would just throw them away. Affiliate marketing works the same way. It’s  crucial to bring value to your customers.

When they trust you, sales will follow. If you truly want to build a passive income with Affiliate Marketing,  remember this key phrase: Traffic is money. Now, let me tell you what not to do. Don’t flood  forums with links, hoping someone clicks and you earn money. This approach isn’t  technically wrong, but it’s basically SPAM.

I know how it feels to start from scratch. I  was once in your shoes, searching for ways to make money with zero investment and no  skills. I spent over six months chasing that dream with no results. Then, I discovered a  secret that changed everything – a method to create a sustainable passive income online.

Stay with me until the end of this video, and you’ll save thousands of hours and dollars by  avoiding costly courses on making money online with affiliate marketing.

If you follow the  steps I share here seriously, I guarantee you’ll make your first sustainable income. This video is divided into four parts: The Right Mindset for Online Business Without enough knowledge, you might follow many Internet gurus, wasting time on trial and error.  That’s why this part is crucial. Funnel Creation I’ll show you how to create an Affiliate Marketing Funnel so you can start earning income today. Funnel Configuration You’ll learn how to set up  email marketing automation.

How to Build Free Traffic I’ll guide you on finding unlimited traffic sources on the Internet. Alright, let’s dive into each part. Right Mindset One highly effective strategy that successful online businesses use is “Give First,  Receive Later.” Trying to sell to someone who’s never heard of you usually doesn’t work – 99%  of the time, they won’t buy because you’re a stranger. This is what we call Cold Traffic.

 Instead, start by offering something for free to your potential customers.

As you  build trust over time, they’ll start to like you and eventually buy from you. Now, you might be wondering, “What should I give away?” An eBook is one of the quickest  and cheapest ways to gain your customers’ trust and collect their information,  like their email, name, and phone number. Depending on your niche, think about what you can  offer to your customers.

Take a moment to pause this video and comment below with your niche.  I’ll help you, along with others, to brainstorm ideas! It takes just 5 seconds to type but can  save you a lot of time and provide free advice. Here’s a bonus: If your comment gets the most  likes, I’ll create a detailed video next month showing you how to find products,  create an eBook, and design a sales funnel for your product, step by step. So, what’s next?

Spend a week writing the content for your eBook and package it into a PDF file. Then, use Canva to choose a template and create a cover for your eBook. Once that’s done, move on to step two: designing your sales funnel.

Funnel Creation Welcome to the funnel design tutorial! For those who are new, an Internet sales funnel is a marketing model that outlines the journey of your customer from first learning about your product or service to becoming an actual customer.

The goal of a sales funnel is to guide and convert potential customers through each stage. Take a look at the example on the screen. I have an opt-in page to offer a free gift  in exchange for the customer’s email. Once they enter their email, they’re taken to a  Thank You page where they can watch a product introduction video. If they’re convinced, they can make a purchase on the Affiliate Offer page.

But it doesn’t stop there.

With the customer’s email collected at the opt-in page, I can send weekly or monthly emails to introduce more related affiliate products. This creates a passive income stream with just one simple sales funnel. Now, let’s get started on designing your funnel. A quick note: In this video, I won’t cover how to choose products or get affiliate links because I’ve already explained that in previous videos.

Check them out here if you need that info. To design a marketing funnel, there are many all-in-one software options that allow you to create funnels, landing pages, and automate emails. For this video, I’ll use because it’s easy to use, free, and it also has email automation and blog writing features. Click the registration link in the description, sign up, and log in.

You’ll see an interface like the one on the screen. Click on Funnels in the menu, then select Create Funnels.

Beginner's Guide To Affiliate Marketing With Free Traffic | PASSIVE INCOME |

Name your funnel, choose Build an Audience, and select your currency. Click on the name of the funnel you just created.  You’ll see many beautiful and free templates to choose from.

I’ll pick one related to an  eBook. Click Edit to customize it. I’ll remove some unnecessary sections, replace images,  and tweak the headline a bit. Hit Save and exit to continue customizing the Thank You page. Alright, now let’s set up your email campaign.

Funnel Configuration Now, let’s draft the email and set up automation rules. First, go to the Automation Rules tab and create a new rule for the funnel.

Set the trigger to Funnel Step Form Subscribe. Then, choose Add Action and select Send Email. An email editor will pop up.

Don’t worry, we’ll use the power of AI to help us here. To save time, I’m going to use a tool called  Dracula AI. I’ll choose the Email template, then select Cold Email. All I need to do is provide Dracula AI with the name and details of the product I want to introduce. For now, I’ll just enter a sample to demonstrate.

I’ll leave a link to Dracula AI below so you can sign up for a free account and use it too. Once I get the result, I’ll copy the email content and paste it into the email editor in Systeme. I’ll make a few tweaks  to personalize the content and add the link to the eBook for your audience to download. And there you have it! Your funnel is set up.

Let’s test it out. Click View Funnel,  enter your email, and the system will automatically redirect you to the Thank You page. Next, the system will automatically send an email with the exact content you’ve drafted.

Isn’t that fantastic? With just a few simple steps and the help of AI, you’ve created an effective email marketing system and designed a perfect affiliate funnel.

Now,  the next task is to build trust so potential customers will enter their email into your form. Building trust is key. Let’s dive into the next step and see how we can make that happen. How to Build Free Traffic To build trust with your customers, you need to clearly identify their demographics: their age, gender, and where they hang out on social media.  Spend at least an hour listing this information in as much detail as possible.

The better you do this, the more customers you’ll attract. For example, if you’re doing affiliate marketing for overweight women who want to lose weight, join Facebook groups that share weight loss recipes and healthy eating tips. Now, don’t think I’m going to tell you to spam these groups with your links. That’s 100% ineffective. Instead, create useful content and regularly share your knowledge as a health expert in this field.

Once you’ve built trust,  you can share the link to your eBook from the previous step. You can even send them  your affiliate link directly via messages if they’re genuinely interested in weight loss. You might be thinking, “I don’t have enough knowledge to create content.” Don’t worry, Dracula AI can help. I’ll use the AI Chat feature and ask it to “Share Knowledge on How to Lose Weight Effectively.” See how quick and easy that is? Conclusion I’m 100% confident that if you follow this method, money will start coming your way within the next week.

Stay persistent and do this every day. Here’s something special: your income can be unlimited because you can keep sending marketing emails to the customers you have. Set a goal to collect 1 million customer emails.

If each person brings you $1, that’s a million dollars. Remember,  traffic is money. Keep this mindset in mind. In future videos, I’ll share more ways to  quickly increase your income with Affiliate Marketing. Don’t miss out on those exciting videos!

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About amorosbaeza1964

Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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