Body image and self esteem meditation with female success coach

Hello gorgeous, and welcome back to my channel, and I am here to help you transcend your trauma, unleash your femme power, and dance through life with juicy joy and so much abundance. Today’s video is about falling in love, so deep in love with your body and boosting your self-esteem. If you find this video helpful, please give it a like, and go ahead and subscribe and click the bell to turn on notifications so you never miss a thing. And stay tuned, because this video is just one part of a mini series on how to become your most badass self in 2022.

The human mind is a powerful thing, sister. So powerful that if you don’t take control of it, it can totally crush you at times.

Like when you tried on those jeans that you’ve had in your closet forever that used to fit, but now the button isn’t coming anywhere close to closing. In that scenario, what would you think to yourself then? Common answers might include “I’m fat, this sucks, I can’t believe it, “how did I let it get to this?” And those thoughts likely crept in, you didn’t choose to think those things, you just thought them, they just came into your head. When’s the last time your thoughts took control of you? Our thoughts create our reality, so when you learn to control your thoughts, you begin to control your reality, and what we tell ourselves really dictates our experience.

So, if you’re sitting there constantly telling yourself, constantly cutting yourself down, then of course you’re going to feel like ish. You’re creating your reality that way.

One of the first steps to creating a positive body image and high self-esteem is to mind your thoughts and internal dialogue. So today I’m gonna show you how to mind your dialogue, diva, to ensure that you’re treating yourself exactly like the queen you are. Remember your thoughts create your reality, so if you’re telling yourself “I’m fat, and lazy, and nobody wants me,” either subconsciously or consciously, you give yourself nowhere to go. That is a dead end road right there, errr. That doesn’t motivate you to change it, it just makes you feel like garbage and it keeps you stuck right there where you are.

Now, let’s talk about how to manage your self-talk and sky rocket your self-esteem. I want you to try this exercise. Go ahead and grab a pen and paper, and I want you to write down something negative that you thought about yourself recently.

For example, I know I’ve actually heard somebody I know say this “I’m too old and nobody wants me.” How does that feel when I say that?

Doesn’t that like, oh, doesn’t that crush you? It feels horrible, right? Absolutely awful. Now rewrite your negative self-talk, and turn it into something that motivates and inspires you to take action and be better. So using that same example that I just gave you, let’s do that one.

So “I’m too old and nobody wants me.” I might re-write that and turn it into, “I’m getting better with age, “and I’m focused on my happiness above all else “because I know that the partner of my dreams will show up in my life, and find me when I’m ready.” Now how does that sound? Doesn’t that sound amazing? Can you believe that to be true?

Yes. So whatever you write down, just make sure that it’s something that you really believe to be true, and that uplifts and elevates you, and makes you wanna do the dang thang.

Next, take that re-write and read it every morning, night, and in between, every dang day. Write it and hang it everywhere, where you’re going to see it super often. You can put it on post-its, whatever you’d like, but I want you to use this as your daily affirmation, and certainly revisit it when you’re feeling low and you need it the most.

We are emotionally driven beings, so when you attach emotions to anything especially the things that you say to yourself, they become very, very powerful.

Remember that. This exercise will boost your body image, self-esteem, confidence, and so much more. Here’s your homework, sister. Start a note in your phone, or keep a journal with you and write down your negative thoughts throughout the day.

Anything that comes up for you. I think that you’ll actually be really surprised by some of the awful things that you say to yourself, and you may not even realize that you’re doing it until you start writing it down. And think about this, if you ever said any of those mean things to anyone else, you would have no friends, because you’d be super mean and a horrible person and nobody would winna be your friend, so why would you say those things to yourself? See my point here? So, darling, it’s time you get on top of yourself talk, and start treating yourself like someone that you love.

Body image and self esteem meditation with female success coach

And if you’d like to dive deeper on positive self-talk and manifesting all your dreams, you can grab my Positive Movement Mindset Affirmations Guide, for free, and finally find your confidence to shine your brightest, reach all your big goals and live every day with purpose, intention, and so much joy. I’ll put the link below if you wanna check it out. Now to take things a step further, which I’m all about, and go really, really deep, I want you to move with your new re-write affirmations from before. For example, if my rewrite is “My body is a machine, “and I’m the architect.” I would put on a song that makes me feel like a million bucks, and I would move and dance to it as I repeat, “My body is a machine and I’m the architect.” By doing so you really embody it, rather than just saying it. When you move, you create energy and open yourself up to really feel into what it is that you’re saying. In addition to managing your self-talk and using your re-writes as your new affirmations, you can repeat this short mantra meditation to yourself as often as you need for a quick boost of ooey gooey self-love and confidence.

Repeat after me, “I am juicy. “I am divine, “I am light. “I am the creator of my body, my dreams, and my destiny. “I’m a fricking badass rockstar bombshell “and I love myself deeply.” Thank you, thank you, thank you, and so it is. Please tell me in the comments below how this meditation and exercise works for you. I think you’ll be really surprised to find out how you’re actually talking to yourself when you bring awareness to it, and how simple this exercise can be in totally changing things for you.

So let me know below how these work for you, and I can’t wait to hear. If you’d like to go deeper on any of these practices or methods, I have an entire devoted program where I walk you through everything using my movement and mindset techniques. I’ll include a link below, so you can book your complimentary upgrade call if you’d like to know more. I hope I’ve been of service to you, beautiful.

If you enjoyed this video, please like it, subscribe, and ring the bell for notifications.

This video is part of a series where I’m diving deep, deep, deep into exactly how to plan for your most successful 2022 by claiming it, embodying it, and becoming your most powerful self. So stay tuned for my next few videos where I show you exactly how to discover yourself and your limitless power. Click the link above to see more from the series. Thanks for watching, and if you’re interested in more I recommend this video, where I walk you through a movement and mindset gratitude practice that’s super fun, and oh so juicy. Stay sassy, babe, and I’ll see you in my next video.

So, gorgeous, if you’ve been listening and you’re excited about having a divine hype woman on your team along with a community of supportive like-minded women by your side as you elevate your life, join our free private Facebook group where you’ll have access to exclusive movement and mindset classes, workshops, coaching and more, to help you along your journey to brilliant.

We can’t wait for you to join the fam. And if you are ready to up level your life by becoming your most confident, self-loving, bad babe self, and you’re lit up about living the juicy life you’ve always dreamed of, schedule an upgrade call where we’ll map out a five part plan to own your divine power, and radically grow your sassy self with authenticity, grace, proven movement and mindset strategy, and a whole lot of fun. I can’t wait to explore how we can make magic together.

So, apply for your complimentary upgrade, call now at my move mentality.

com/call. Who, that’s a wrap.


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About amorosbaeza1964

Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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