BUILD YOUR EMAIL LIST (Full AWeber Tutorial) – Create Repeat Customers & Increase Sales 💸

Hey guys, thanks for joining me for a new video today, I’ve got a banger of a video for you, I’m going to show you a full tutorial start to finish of how to create your own email, signup list. This is one of those things that I’m just guessing a lot of people have had on the back burner.

It’s something that you’ve known is a good thing to know how to do and because at face value, it probably seems like it’s a lot of work or confusing. Maybe you didn’t start because it’s tough to sit down and just be like. Oh, i have you know, hours to figure it out, but i’m going to show you that it can be done, probably in 20 minutes. If you just follow this tutorial, and it’s really not that much of a headache and it’s not even that expensive okay. So, I’m going to show you everything you need to know let’s get started: real quick reminder.

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My go-to Redbubble niche research tool link is in the description alright, so we are talking about building an email list. This is important guys, regardless of what type of business you’re running.

If it’s a brick-and-mortar business, you should still have an email list.

If it’s an online business, you need an email list.

If you’re selling t-shirts, you need an email list if you’re selling anything or if you just run a business and you’re selling, nothing, it’s still great to be able to get in contact with your users, your customers, your fan, base, whatever you want to call it. Having an email list guys it’s important, so it’s something that if you have been putting off today, might be the day that you get started all right and i think you may be able to get started for free.

But don’t quote me, I’m going to show you that in a second um also before we go, i just want to say like if you sell on somewhere like Etsy. Etsy is a great use case of how you can build an email list from your Etsy customers and I’m going to show you at the end how to do that. I’M going to show you a really cool way of doing it too.

All right!

So, I’m going to show you basically how to create this.

This looks pretty nifty, pretty neat, it’s an email, signup form and you don’t need to be a web developer or write any code to create this. Yes, I’m making a lot of promises, but trust me I’m going to back them up step by step and you’re going to be amazed at how easy it is to do all right.

So, we’re going goon can be using a Weber.

Okay, a Weber is like MailChimp, but a lot cheaper uh, so i prefer a Weber.

I prefer saving money um when i signed up for a Weber years ago about this is like the email, um database provider, so that when someone signs up, it goes into the database that they host for us, and we can set up a bunch of you know.

Email list – customization automation, et cetera through here I’ll – show you how to do like the basic automations that i think everybody should be doing in this video and uh yeah.

Hopefully this video doesn’t go on too long. I guess you already know how long it’s going to be, because you can see how long it is as i get started on it, I’m going to try to keep it at about 10 minutes. So that’s my prediction: when you sign up for a Weber by the way when i signed up, i used an Edu email address from um college right and i teach so. I have the same email but anyways. If you have an Edu email address, you may be able to still save money.

I think i save 20 by having the Edu. I don’t know if they still run that promotion, but that worked when i initially signed up also it looks like they’ve got a free tier okay.

So, if that’s still the case, i would recommend trying it out and uh following along with me: okay, all right. So, once you’re in you’ve got your account created, you are probably looking at your dashboard, okay under dashboard in the top left corner. You have your navigation uh where it says list, I’m assuming you don’t see a list so go ahead and click that where it says list and then find where it says, create new list. Now, I’m not sure if, like you’re a first-time user, if it just forces you to create your first email list.

But if that’s the case perfect follow along with me.

Okay, so under list settings name your list, this one that i’m doing is called sandbox. If you are just getting started, you may want to just create a sandbox list with me, and this will be your demo list from today until forever.

Okay, so mine is just called sandbox testing. I put that as the list name and the description, you’re from name and address, so i have a custom domain of my own that i uh use.

That’s already set up so my from name Reinhard from address Ryan, i don’t know they say, avoid free email addresses like Gmail and Hotmail, so um as far as like best practices for what you might want a do.

This is probably, if you pause, my video, like I’m, not go on an walk you through, like the technical complexities of um, setting up the like records on your web server, so that a Weber can kind of confirm that it’s you that’s sending the emails and you’re not like Spoofing and faking an email for now you may just want to come up with like no reply at or something like that um and just to get through this step, because you don’t want to get hung up on here for too long uh contact address. You know you can always open up a po box. I think they do force you to have a p an address.

Now so – and i don’t think this gets like actually injected into the email unless you want it there so, but i think a Weber because of like laws related to email spam, they require you to have an email or not an email. I keep saying email a a physical address on record, so for me, like i have a po box, you may want to consider doing that for your business. I think it’s like 60 bucks a year or maybe they increase the price and maybe it’s six bucks.

Every six months, sorry, not six 60.

Every six months, i can’t remember i either pay 60 bucks to the sup us post office or 120 for a po box all right and then, if you want notifications, when people sign up, you can enable those ums.

All you have to do is put in your information, okay, so you would put your name and your email, and they will let you know when you get subscribers, that’s not required, though you don’t need to do anything. We can automate everything, so you don’t really need to know, but if you choose to that’s available all right now we’re ready to create our signup form so again on that left-hand side, navigation find where it says, signup forms go ahead, click there and then on the Top right corner there’ll be a big blue button and it says, create a signup form, click that and then click on a landing page.

Okay, so we’re going to let a Weber host the sign-up form for us.

This is the path of least resistance um.

You can also, if you have your own website, you can say for my website and then they’ll just give you the embed code for your website, but for this tutorial i want to be very accessible, very easy, so we’re going to do on a landing page. Now you get to choose from all of their awesome. Looking templates all right, there’s a lot of things to choose from uh. If you couldn’t guess already the one in the top right corner, there called virtual business card is the one that i used in the demo.

So that’s what we’re going to click if you want to follow along and do as i do son.

I clicked virtual business card when you hover over it with your mouse, you can click choose and now it will take you to their um. I don’t know what to call it their editor, their html editor. Even though we’re not going to be writing any code. This is basically building out the html for our page, it’s really a WYSIWYG editor.

What you see is what you get WYSIWYG. It just feels weird saying that, but I’ve said it so many times from teaching my web development course all right. So, this is what it looks like by default. Now we’re going to get into customizing it. So, the first thing i did is i deleted the section with the qr code and the title: if you want to keep that, if you see any usage for it, go ahead and keep it, but i just hovered over the section, this pops up and there’s a little trash can icon behind my head.

I click that and the row is gone all right now.

Next, i want to customize the header icon, okay, because I’m not actually trying to make a digital business card. So, what i did is i hover over that image there and i click delete now.

The section is open so, on the left hand, side where it says elements, and i guess i forgot to put an arrow there, but on the left hand side of the screen where it says elements you see, text you see image, you see, video click where it Says image drag and drop that into where the image that we just deleted was okay, and now it’s going to make a placeholder for an image, it’s going to say, click to edit.

So, i went ahead and i clicked where it says: click to edit and on the right hand, side.

It says image and then it says upload an image.

Okay, so, and they even have a canvas integration, which is pretty cool, but all i did is i clicked upload an image and i uploaded my own brand image, the one that you see uh right, underneath this video on my uh channel. So now i just took a second, i customized the text i didn’t want to bore you guys with a super long walkthrough about how to do that. All you need to do is click into the text.

That’s already there for you and type out. Whatever text you want, so this example that I’m showing you is uh under the assumption that we’re basically trying to grab our Etsy customer emails and we’re incentivizing them by saying they save 75. All you need to do is join our email list. So, what do we say in big, bold letters? We say save 75 or did i say 75.

My bad 75 would be awesome, but save five percent, so they’re paying seventy five percent uh. So, i just say: save twenty five percent and then underneath that in small text, take twenty five percent off your order after joining Ryan’s email list, and if you have something clever to say, go ahead and say that um we keep the name field by default. We keep the email field by default.

It’s always good if you can to collect their name, because, depending on what email service provider they’re using they build in ai on the email service provider side to do things like figure out what is spam and what’s not – and sometimes they false positive and false negative And all that but uh, if you have a name, it’s more likely to make it into their inbox.

So, if you can collect their name, that’s always a good thing, all right and then just you know you got the sign-up button. It’s already there for you and i click, save and exit in the bottom right corner.

That’ll. Take you to this screen that says landing pages. If you have multiple landing pages, you’ll find them all. Here. I titled this landing page save 25. I may want to put in brackets, like Etsy save 25, but whatever nothing. Nothing on this actual page says Etsy though so it could be used for anything.

Actually, no, that’s not true, because what we’re going to do is we’re going to configure it so that when someone signs up for this list, they get an email immediately following and in that email it’s going to basically take them to Etsy and automatically apply the 25 Off code, okay, that’s going to be part of what we’re doing today, but you can see here. The preview behind me looks pretty slick, so go ahead and click publish now you’ll be able to grab the URL of the form that you just created so copy that to your clipboard put it in your web browser and boom. You got a pretty slick, looking signup form, that’s awesome!

Now, when you sign up it’ll, take you to a page like this. That says: you’re subscribed. I’ll be honest. I’ve never even attempted to customize the thank you page uh, because at this point i don’t even know if it matters, because we’ve got what we wanted, which is their email address, but I’m guessing it’s probably customizable. I just haven’t gone looking for it.

Typically, when i do my signup forms like i, i get a little bit more technical and customize like where they actually go, and i don’t use the standard a Weber hosted pages. I make my own pages and stuff like that, but anyways. So now you’ve got a fully functional email, signup, page and email list. There are some additional options that you can configure.

I just wanted to show you them, so you can customize like the landing page URL, there’s a WordPress integration. Again, you can do it on a custom domain. You can do it on a Weber domain.

That’s what we did. That’s the default, that’s easiest! You can let other people copy the landing page into their account. You can add tracking for things like google analytics and Facebook pixels, and you can set up like social sharing, including uh, an open graph image for things like Facebook, twitter, etc. So, i just want to make you aware that those are there as well. Now we should probably set up that autoresponder so that the uh – i don’t want to say customer, but i guess they’re, not a customer yet, but the potential customer gets that email that they’re expecting with their 25-off coupon.

So, this is how you do that, on the left hand, side under messages, click, follow-up series, there’s actually two ways to do this, but i would just do it this way. It’s simple so under follow-up series go ahead and click the create a message button and then on the pop-out click html editor again we’re not going to really write code. The default is like a WYSIWYG editor, where you don’t actually see the code and you can just kind of type it out, like you’re, using Microsoft, word and you’re good to go. So, i put as a subject line here’s your coupon smiley face and, as the body i put her first name fix: that’s the placeholder in a Weber to insert the first name. So, if that exists in the database for the subscriber, they will replace that with their name.

Next line, we’re glad you decided to take us up on the 25-off offer, use the coupon below to save on your order best Ryan. Now, I’m actually thinking that we will inject a button in there a big button, so they can just easily quickly hit that button, and i just realized that if you click a button, I’d probably have to update the uh. The text and just say, click. The button below and your 25 off will automatically apply.

That’s what we’re actually going to do son, I’m just providing text as a you know. This is a placeholder. You can make better text than what i wrote, but this is what i was thinking right. So, if you go into Etsy and you go into marketing and you go into coupons right, so Etsy shop manager, marketing coupons and then you go to create a coupon. This is what you get so i did 25 off minimum order. No uh duration, whatever a month out or as long out as you can name your coupon, so i just called it take 25

And then Etsy will generate a link underneath there, underneath, where you name your coupon, that, if you put into a web browser, will automatically apply the coupon. How cool is that? Okay, so grab that link and go back to a Weber autoresponder email, and i made this big red button that says redeem coupon and I’m going to link it the same way.

You would, in Microsoft, word or anywhere else, you’ve ever written an email in any email by the way, if you want to put a link in an email, it’s the same way. Okay, it functions the same way and it’s just going to say redeem coupon when they click it.

It goes to Etsy; it automatically applies it keep it as simple as possible right in order to make that button. By the way, i read your mind, someone was wondering: how do you make that button completely free i’ll, put a link to this button, generator i’ll, put a link to that in the description. What’S cool about this website? Is that, like it basically already looked really good? I just changed the text and the button color.

That’s all. I did so um very easy to use free, um buttons, okay, um.

So then, again, you would just save that image and pop it into your email and you’re good to go guys. That’s all it takes all right and, if you’re not on Etsy, yet because that’s really what i geared this tutorial forum take advantage of my free 8-day print on demand mini course. It is in the description. It’s down there right next to the link to sign up for a Weber. If you guys are looking for an email provider, that’s cheap, that’s i mean it, may not be you may not. You may not consider it cheap, but it’s definitely cheaper than all the other ones.

That i could find um and the ones like there’s one called send fox, which looks cheaper, but the functionality is super limited.

So, i wouldn’t recommend sacrificing functionality because in the long term, your goon and regret it um, so anyways yeah, a Weber is definitely my go-to. I’ve researched that pretty thoroughly um so check them out in the description uh. Of course, i’ve got a print on demand facebook group linked to in the description as well, and a full print on demand course, where you can learn this plus a lot more awesome things. If you want to check that out, of course, it is linked to in the description all right. I definitely went over 10 minutes, but if you can forgive me and still hit that like button, that would be greatly appreciated.

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Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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