Candle of Concentration Cosmic Kids Zen Den – mindfulness for kids

♪♪♪ Hello everyone! Welcome to the Cosmic Kids Zen Den. I’m Jaime, and this your place for a few moments of blissful peace to feel all calm and relaxed. First let’s get comfy. Sitting on our bottoms with our legs crossed, we bring our hands to our knees, and take a big deep breath.

Ahh… That’s better. Now let’s get the Zen Den ready so we can really enjoy it.

We need music. ♪ Wow, gosh! Look at all these sounds to choose from. Let’s pick some that help us feel all lovely and calm. Hmm… Ooh! The sound of mountains. ♪ Hmm… A cicada! ♪ Umm… Oh! A campfire crackling. ♪ Lovely and cosy. There.

Now we need to think about the smells. What smells should we have? ♪ Wow! Look at all these ones to choose from. Ooh… No thank you Mr. Fish. Woah, freshly baked bread.

That’s tempting. Oh, but look. Let’s smell the orange. ♪ Ah! It’s so good!

It makes my mouth water. Yummy! Now sometimes it can be tough to just focus on one thing. There are so many other things that we get distracted by. If we practice though, we can get really good at being focussed.

It means we can learn more and become really skilful at doing stuff- which is great! Sometimes it’s called concentration.

Candle of Concentration | Cosmic Kids Zen Den - mindfulness for kids

We concentrate on something. Now we all need to practice this, even our mums and dads too! Let’s have a go now, shall we?

Ready? OK, let’s get ready. We sit nice and still. Eyes open and looking at me. ♪ Can you see that?

The candle flame? Wow! Let’s look very carefully at it. We watch its tip moving, flickering around. We see the different colours inside it, yellows, the orange, a little green maybe.

The bright light. Can you see them all? Yes. We keep looking straight at it, focusing our whole mind on it. It is filling our mind as we concentrate on it.

Look. Now we try a special trick. Some real magic. Keep looking at the flame After I count to three, let’s close our eyes and see if we can still see the flame, even with our eyes closed.


1 2 3 Close your eyes. Can you still see it? You can still see the flame in your mind, even though your eyes are closed. But it might be fading away, that’s fine. Just open your eyes again and you can see the flame once more.

Yes! Wow. For just a second when we close our eyes, the flame stays in our mind. Isn’t that clever? We were so focussed we could still see it.

Well done everyone! Now let’s do a big breath in and blow the flame out. Ready? Well done! That moment with the candle flame has helped us practice focusing our minds.

And it helped us feel all lovely and calm too. You did it! Let’s give a silent cheer to the sky. Keep up the practice to become a true Cosmic Kids Zen Den master.

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