Clone Any Website with AI and publish it online for FREE

Hello, YouTube and welcome to this brief video tutorial. My name is Benjamin, and today I have something awesome for you. I am going to show you how to clone a website. Just like this one publish it online as a fully functional WordPress website with any domain of your choice and how to modify it from the WordPress dashboard. Without further Ado, let’s get started. Disclaimer calling websites may have legal implications. This video is intended for educational purposes. Only with asset include the website.

We just need two plugins HTML to design and FEMA to WordPress. I will share the links of these plugins below, first of all, let’s copy the link of the website that we want to clone. In my case, I’m going to clone the website. We are now in film – let’s go to the plugins and use the HTML to design plugin, and now I paste the link of the website that I want to clone, and I click import here. It is the website converted into a Figma fight. Now, let’s make some small adjustments, and I’m going to modify the copy of some sections – and now is the time to turn this female design into a fully functional WordPress website.

So, let’s go to plugins and click FEMA to WordPress, plugin. I enter my email and I click start now. I copy the link  and I paste it in the placeholder, and I click create your website. I select the frame of the page and I click add frame. I click continue and I just follow the process pretty easy right: I click on preview. I choose the free plan, but you could choose any other here is where I will write down the domain of my choice. My case is WordPress that will be under the subdomain of gyotaku, but you, for instance, could buy any domain directly from here very fast, pretty easy.

You see, I got the domain and the website for zero cost and if I need, I can easily upgrade the plan from here. Let’s click, ok and now your taco is publishing online. Our WordPress website that we will see in a few moments here it is. Let’s have a look: our domain is already there I cloned website is online, as we can see is pretty much the same website that the original one, let’s check the chains in the copy that I just did in the Figma file. Now I move to the WordPress dashboard. Yes, I want to show how functional it is. So, I will play with a WordPress blog editor, also known as good Timber. I go to pages, and I select the front page, so I click edit.

Now I will modify the copy of the headline. We write down visit us at and I will have a link to this headline. I copy the link and I paste the link in the headline using block editor. I will make some small changes in the copy. I will write down clone and I will correct the typo. I update it’s time to see the changes that we’ve done: and yes, everything worked beautifully.

Let’s click the link, and here we are at Toyota website. A WordPress website is fully functional, and that’s all for now, thanks for watching. I hope that you find this video tutorial useful. Personally. I think that those two plugins are very powerful tools. So, I hope that you take the muscle thing and start to experiment. If you have any questions or just want to leave us some feedback. Please leave us a comment in the comment section below and also share with us the link of your clone websites. Please subscribe and give us a like with a thumbs up button.

It’s very important and that’s all thanks for watching hope to see you soon and bye. Bye,


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