Conversion Optimization Hacks: Increase Conversions and Boost Sales

In this conversion guide, you’re going to learn the three keys to conversion optimization success  to transform it. Your lead generation or sales process into a lean mean converting machine. Hey,  I’m Jason. And if you’re new here, go ahead and hit that subscribe button for latest and traffic and conversion strategies to optimize your digital marketing. Make sure you check out the timestamps below, along with some other helpful videos we’ll be referencing as we begin to optimize your site.

 Now, the key to conversion optimization success is to have one key action per-web page.

So that is every page on your site or inside of your lead generation or sales process should have one key call to action. This can be to purchase a product or service, enter a name, an email, submit a form, just click a link, but whatever it is, the cornerstone of conversion optimization is to remove the decision of choice and have your visitors, your prospects, your potential customers, your new customers have a clear path as to what they’re supposed to do next. And so, we’ll kick off our conversion optimization with tracking and segmentation after all, what isn’t tracked, can’t be measured and what isn’t measured cannot be improved.

And yes,  that’s a cliche, but in this particular conversion guide, we’ll be going through this basic sales funnel diagram. Your sales funnel might look a little different,  but these principles will apply to pretty much any lead generation and sales process. And of course, the first thing we need to do is make. That we are tracking every place our  traffic is coming from now, the good news is you don’t need any fancy software to do this.  All you need is Google analytics and the power of UTM coats.

Now link up in the cards, in the description to a video that takes a super deep dive.

Everything you need to know setting up UTM codes. But what you need to know is when you create special tracking links, you will be able to tell Google animals. Analytics group, you’ll be able to tell Google analytics exactly where the traffic came from, what campaign the traffic belonged to. And maybe even most importantly, the specific blog, post YouTube video tweet, Facebook posts, or a Google ad or Facebook ad that the traffic came from.

And so, if you were to do one thing out of everything with conversion tracking, it would be beginning to track. The sources of traffic, because you’re going to quickly find  that certain types of content, certain types of ads, certain, certain platforms are more  valuable than others, and that they actually wind up bringing you more customers down the road.

Now, the second step to segmentation, once you understand where all your traffic is coming from is actually segmenting the, your funnel itself, because we. One traffic source per landing page. And so, if you’re generating leads, you’re trying to grow your email list or you’re driving them to a key page on your website.

You don’t want your lead generation or sales funnel process to look like this.  You actually want it to look like this. Now, is it a bunch of extra work? Of course it is.  We’ll get to split testing in the next.

Well, what’s very important to note here is, as you start to figure out where your traffic sources are coming from, and then you also start to segment your traffic sources, you’re going to be able to optimize each one of these landing pages for that specific audience from that specific. And you will be amazed at how quickly your conversion rates start to creep up when you begin  to optimize for a specific platform and a specific type of content or a specific type of ads.  Now, of course, the common question I get after this is, well, what about my homepage? Right?  It doesn’t necessarily make sense to make five or six different homepages and try and force different traffic sources to go to different home pages.

So, what you want to view your homepage as is as a segmentation opportunity. So  what you want to do. Is choose one key call to action for your homepage. Since you can’t actually control where the traffic is coming from, people are just going to search for your site and then offer them some segmentation opportunities on the page itself. So, the segment opportunity opportunities could be content.

It could be opting in for a different lead magnet, but it is good for your homepage to have one primary call to action, normally, something to learn more, to begin the sales process.  Now to help you figure out how your traffic should be segmented.

You can go into Google analytics, and this is the old version. They, this is also available in Google analytics for it. And you can actually see the behavior flow of where people typically go on your current homepage.

So, you’ll know what people are. Interested in when they’re visiting your homepage, and you can make that the front and center call to action. So, if someone comes to your homepage and nine out of 10 people seem to be clicking on the contact or about you, then you should make that the front. Focus of your homepage. So, you serve the user intent of most of the people who are visiting your website.

Something else that you can do, if you have a lot of different offers or you have a lot of different lead magnets is you can give multiple opportunities for people to segment themselves. And so, as an example, here, we could have a call to action for how to grow a YouTube channel, how to build a membership website or how to be more.

And so, you could offer a lead magnet or guide right below your hero image, and then people can click on which one they’re most interested in. If you have a blog or YouTube channel or podcast, then you can segment your content based upon those categories. And they can click through to the category that they’re most interested in.

So, when it comes to your homepage, just look at it as a giant segmentation opportunity.  So, let’s jump back over to the lead generation and sales process. Let’s say you’ve got your tracking down your second.

Your site traffic correctly. Well, now it’s time to actually improve the performance of your pages and you definitely don’t want to skip the first part, because if you jump straight to this, your results are going to be very mixed and also very confusing.

So, when it comes to split testing, there are a couple of different ways that you can do this, but I recommend splitting traffic evenly between key pages on your website.

So essentially whatever traffic source you’re using to drive traffic to your landing pages or other key pages on your website. To split that traffic evenly, there are plenty of softwares  that can help do this for you. And this way you can see how one page performs against another.  And after a couple of hundred people, see one of the pages, you’re going to find that one page performs better than the other, and you keep that page and then you try another one.

Now, when it comes to what to test on these pages, Headlines are the biggest factor that should be tested on your pages. So, whether you’re testing a sales page, your shopping cart page, some upsells, you want to start with the headline because the headline can help you better understand the problems, roadblocks, and results of your potential customers that are hitting that page.

And again, because you are segmenting you. You’re optimizing for a specific audience who is most likely going to be consistent after all, if one week you have 3000 people from Facebook and then the next week you have 200 to 200, 2000 people from YouTube. Well, those are two different traffic sources.

And if you’re sending them to the same, one of these. Your data is not going to be very clean because it’s a different audience, different type of website visitor. So, when it comes to headlines, you do want to make big headline tests, but you also want to make headline tests where you can actually learn from your headline. So go ahead and let’s take a look at this.

So, the first headline we have here is the best way to drive more views to your new videos in the first 72 hours.

Then our second headline would be the best way to revitalize your current videos to get more views in just 72 hours. Now, both of these are talking about. Get more views to videos. And they’re both offering the same roadblock removal, which is all, this is going to take a long time.

They’re going to see results in 72 hours.

So, the result is more views and it’s going to happen in 72 hours. Now the big difference between these headlines is one says new videos and the other says revitalize. And the reason that you’d want to make tests like this is we want to know does our audience or the traffic that we’re driving, do they care about driving views to new. Where do they care about driving views to re to current videos, to revitalize videos they already have? Because if we were targeting a bunch of people, let’s say we’re running Facebook ads.

Conversion Optimization Hacks: Increase Conversions and Boost Sales

And we find that new videos do really well.

Well, that lets us know that whatever we’re doing with Facebook ads, we’re attracting people who have relatively smaller channels or less content on their channel. And they’re really focused on new videos and getting more views to them. Whereas let’s say we’re running YouTube ads, and we find revitalized videos that headline does better.  Well, that tells us.

Whatever we’re doing on YouTube. We’re attracting people who already have content and are frustrated that their content is not performing. And of course, if we took revitalize and we put it on our Facebook audience of new YouTube, they’re not going to click there. They’re not going to opt in because they don’t have videos to revitalize.

Whereas if we did the reverse, we may find that trying to advertise on YouTube about new videos, wouldn’t do so well because we have an audience of people who’ve already slaved over making lots of content and they just want their current videos to work.

And this is why it’s so important to make sure that you have big tests and that you don’t just  test little changes with your headlines. You make big enough tests where you can actually better.  Who is coming to your website. So just as a quick example here, let’s say we have revitalized videos, and we have new videos. We run our tests, and we find out the new videos headline does better.

So, we take down the revitalized headline and then we try a new. We run the test again, and we find the new headline beats are original, and then we run a test again. And so you’re just going to constantly test over and over and over again. And the more you test and the bigger your tests and the more you make sure that you understand what you’re actually testing in terms of results or roadblocks. Type of prospect.

You’re going to get closer and closer to that sweet spot where you’re getting a good conversion rate.

Now, of course, a good conversion rate differs in every single niche and industry. Although I will say if you’re above 25% on your landing page, you’re doing pretty well. Except of course, if you’re doing Google. You’re going to probably have opt-in rates less than 10%.

Although I digress, I really wish I could give you a clear, like this is the number to shoot for, but it always depends on the traffic that you’re driving the type of traffic and of course your niche or industry. And so this is what your lean mean conversion process is going to look like where you have a  split test for each one of your traffic sources. And of course you have a clear understanding.  Where your traffic is coming from because you’re using tracking links.

Now this last key to success, when it comes to conversion optimization, isn’t going to be as technical, but it’s going to be arguably more important than the first two.

And that’s because when it comes to the running of traffic and of course all of the conversion optimization that you’re going to be doing, all those numbers represent actual living, breathing people.

And it’s very easy to get detached from the. This whole process is to help our ideal customers is to attract more people so that they can find value in our products and services, and to better understand why customers chose our product or service versus everything that’s out there to use a framework from the book demand size sales called the demand point. So obviously link up in the cards and the description to a video that takes a much deeper  dive on this. And that really explains why this is so.

To your marketing messaging. It’s a talk from Ryan singer who works at base camp, and it is an absolute, absolutely phenomenal breakdown.

We’ll actually borrow one of the examples from the book and that talk when we go through this. But the difference between looking at demand point and supply point is the traditional way is supplying point where you’re looking at your product category, you’re looking at your competitors and you’re focused on how your product helps people. Whereas demand point completely removes your product and ask the.

What is the situation your ideal customer is in right now that is causing them to  look for your product in the first place. So, what we want to do is focus on what is our, our ideal prospects problems and what are their experiences and what do they need before we think about our actual product or service now realize there’s a little pie in the sky. So, let’s go ahead and use a candy bar example, taken straight out of the book and the talk that I’m linking up in the cards in the district. I just want to be clear that this is not original with this example.

So, we all know that there are tons of different time types of chocolate bars.

And if someone who’s not a big chocolate person, they all kind of taste the same to me. I know that’s kind of SAC religious. It’s like saying Coke tastes the same as Pepsi, but I digress. So, let’s say we have Snickers on one hand, and we have milk.

Well in, if we’re looking at the product side or product demand side, they’re both chocolate bars.

So, they probably would both be after this same ideal customer, they’re positioned at the same place in the checkout at a supermarket or gas station. And they seem to provide the same, you know, And they seem to provide the same benefit of Hmm. It  tastes really good. And now I had some chocolate and sugar and I have a nice sugar rush. Right.

So, we all want that serotonin and dopamine from sugar. Well, when it come, when they actually analyzed why people bought a Snickers bar versus a Milky way, it’s not always necessarily just because one tastes slightly different than the other.

Now, if you’re a big fan of one of those, I know that’s also SAC religious,  but just bear with me here for a moment. What. Was people who bought snicker bars  were in a rush.

And they want it to consume them very fast. Whereas people who purchase Milky way, we’re having a bad day and they wanted to go by the Milky way and sit by themselves and eat it and just let all of those woes slip away for a little bit. So, whereas Snickers was seen as a way of a quick pick me up and yeah, I got to keep going through.  Milky way, which almost does the exact same thing as Snickers was seen as a way to actually retract from the day and escape for a little bit.

And you wouldn’t be able to figure this out if you were just comparing, okay, which one tastes better, which one has more sugar  or which one has more carbohydrates or which one’s bigger, which one’s smaller.

The only reason that candy company was able to figure out the Snickers were for one type of prospect and Milky ways for was from another is because they are simply. Focused on their ideal customers. They now, as silly as this example is here’s a practical way.  You can actually apply this and that is simply giving your customers a simple questionnaire.

You can use Google forms and ask them a couple of questions.

So, you can get a better understanding as to why they purchased your product or service. And we really want to understand what situation they were in. So we can speak to that situation  in our sales. With new potential clients and customers. So, you can ask questions about why they decided to go with your particular product or service.

You can ask questions to get some better understanding on the experience and situation that they are currently in.

And of course, you can ask questions about  what they expected your product to deliver or do,  and where it actually fell short on those expectations. So thank you so much for watching. Sincerely hope you got some value out of this video. Most importantly, and you’re ready to go with optimizing your conversions.

Again, I’ll link up in the description to a video by Ryan singer from base camp who takes a much deeper dive on this last concept, because it really, really is critical to better understanding who your ideal customers actually are.

And of course, this will help throughout your entire optimization because your copy will be just that much better.

Hit that like button subscribe for more conversion optimization guides, just like this one, as well as other marketing videos. And until the next, keep building the business you love.

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Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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