CPA Affiliate Marketing – Make $500+ per Day – Helping people during LOCKDOWN

In today’s video guys, I’m going to show you how you can help other people and make $ 500 plus per day possibility with this. It has to do with people that have that are in lockdown because of this virus pandemic. That’S going on right now, I’m going to show you how you can help them and make some money for yourself too, as well alright and I’m gon na flip over to my other, monitor and get started on that here. Right now, alrighty guys welcome back to the video here, as I thought, they’re going to show you how you can help other people that are in lockdown because of this virus pandemic.

That’S going on here and make some pretty tidy money for yourself as well. First of all, my name is Kevin laner, with the freedom motivator channel that you see on your screen there right now and this your first time here to my videos or to my channel, make sure that you reach down there and hit that subscribe button that you See right there above my head and don’t forget to click the notification bell that shows up there beside it, so you get notified. I want to upload new videos. Ok also, I’m all the time bringing out new videos pretty regularly here because help you bring financial and time freedom into your life and so make sure that you subscribe to the channel and click the bell so that you get notified.

Alright, let’s go ahead and get started in on today’s video here excited to show this to you we’re going to come over here on our opera browser here and, as you see, I’ve come to Google Trends here. Google Trends is a site that you can do. Searches on it’ll show you. It will show you what’s hot and what’s trending right now in the world in terms of products and so on and so forth out. The outset here will want to tell you that this can be done for free all for free, and this affiliate marketing can be done worldwide as well I’ll come over here to Google Trends. If you noticed here in the search box up here, I typed in in 95 masks here.

These are the masks that people can get and wear and help protect them from getting the corona virus. Okay and there’s a shortage of them in the world right now, because their people are looking for them and they’re very hard to find. But they won’t be hard to find with what I’m going to show you today and is how you’re gon na be able to help people and make a tidy sum of money for yourself. More importantly, though, we’ll be helping other people alrighty alright, so I typed in n95 masks. I chose the worldwide search right here.

As you see, and then I chose just the past seven days in love. Look at this guy’s look at how hot this product is. People all over the world are looking for this particular product alrighty because there’s a shortage of them, but there will be no shortage where your concern that today, because I’m gon na show you how you can help these people get this so stick around all also. You want to stick around for this whole video, because I’m going to show you another way that you can help people later on after I show you this one, alright, so make sure you don’t leave stick around and keep watching this video alright. So you can see here that these are the there’s 17 regions right here. It shows in in the world and right.

These are the top five right here of people searching for the n95 virus, masks.

Okay, alright! So then I what I did was then was to come over here to offer vault. If you see this and come over here, and you want to click on, you see it up here in the address bar, you see, it says, offer vault com, you want to come here and it offer vault. All I did was come to their search engine right here, as you see, and i typed in n95 masks and what that does is it brings up this list right here and what you see here is child safe, mask right here and you can get $ 25 Per sale see that let me zoom in a little bit, so you can see that $ 25 per sale and if you click on this, it brings you over here to this page right here and by the way it’s free to register on this site. You can register and get logged in. You can do a search for that can actually do a search without being logged in I’m, not logged in yet myself.

I do have an account here, though, and it brings you over here to this page and you see the offer details now. It says here that it’s country is United States, okay, but I think if you’re in another country – and you do a search for this child, safe mask you’re you’re, not only gon na see us you’re gon na see many other countries that list it out here. On the side, all right and you get $ 25 per sale now, who wouldn’t want to buy one of these right guys who wouldn’t want to help their child stay safe from this coronavirus. So this is a very hot product right now and these are probably selling like hotcakes. I would imagine on this particular site right here off the vault all right, so what they would do is they become? You can come here, and you can see the sales page if you click on this right here in this picture.

It brings you over here to this page right here, and this is the sales page and what they can do is they’d see this, and it tells a little bit about it and so on the different masks and so on so forth about it. And you can. What they do is they would click on shop now here it brings them over to this page here and they got several different types of masks for children right.

You can click on any one of these. You want, and they will it’ll show you what is for sale here and, for example, if they click on one of these. It shows right here. Their most popular package is six masks at ten. Fifty each for a total of sixty to ninety nine. It doesn’t make any difference whatever package they buy here, you’re gon na make twenty-five dollars per sale. I would say that most people that see this are gon na want that, because they want to protect their children right. It makes sense to me so what you want to do is you want to come over here to offer vault you can register here. If you want, if not doesn’t matter, if you click on run the offer right here, it brings you over here to this side. Affiliate X, right here, Affiliate, X, click on get started and it loads up this page here and you just sign up with them fill out this form here and by the way, don’t forget this.

Damn little CAPTCHA thing tap here there. It is again right. I hate those things but anyways and then get your signed up here and you can get your affiliate link for these Co.

Vid masks right here for the child safe n95 mask for children, okay, anyways! You get your link for that in so on, and so forth. Have your leg for that now that you have your link and you have your product. How are you going to market? Well, there’s a couple of ways: we’re gon na. Do this number one you can if you come over here to Twitter, I came over to my Twitter account here and I clicked on Explorer right here on the left and then what that, what I was up here at the top in the search engine. I typed in where do I get a 95-mask set and if you look right here and under the latest posts right here this first, this lab post was posted on April the 19th about three days ago, they’re asking right here there are still a shortage of N95 masks and as you scroll down here, you can see.

Where do I get the 95 masks? Where do I get the n95 mask at right here? I know if you guys can see that or not and you keep scrolling down and it just goes on long. There’S quite a few of these: where do I get these masks at and so on and so forth? All you would do at that point is just come here and you could just click on comment right here and you could put your comment in here like you. Can get the n95 masks right here? I have them right here and then put your affiliate link right in there. You might want to take the affiliate link over to bigly. It’s shortened it up, probably and then put your bigly link in there after you tell them that you have a supply of masks at this link right here and then just click on reply and post that and do that down through all of these.

Also, if I click on top, it shows the ones from way back earlier in the month or in let late last month. That are also. Where do I get these masks, you know, wear it all the way down to where do I get a box of n95 masks so on and so forth, and you can reply to all of these in put your link affiliate link right in there in the comments And then, when people click on your link, you’re goon an make $ 25 per sale, and you can make quite a lot of money and you could tell them to share that. In tweet. Debt tells them to tweet it to their friends and to their family members and so on and so forth, thereby making your marketing even larger, getting area larger and make even more money with it that way, and then the number two way that we’re going to do This now don’t forget to stick around. I got another way to make money with this.

That’s even going to compound on this coming up next year, so stick around here. So another way to do it is to come over here to Facebook and you notice. I went to groups here on Facebook log in to your Facebook account and go to groups, and I typed in the search engine up here. As you see n95 masks and it brought up all of these groups, you could, and all of them have to do with these n95 masks right here. People are looking for these masks, so all you would need to do would be to join each one of these groups join as many as you want, there’s all kinds of them down through here, and they all have to do with masks and then what you would Do is when you get joined up.

You would post a link in a post, a post on Facebook telling them that you have the n95 mask available at this link right here and when they click and go over, and they purchase those masks for their children. And I’m sure that they’ll all they also have adult ones there as well. You know you’re gon na make $ 25 per sale and you’re also helping these people to keep their children safe, as well as themselves safe from this deadly virus that we’re having right now. Okay, that’s the first one! Now let me tell you about the other way to compound and even make more money with this. How about if we come back over here to Google Trends, and if I click in here and I type in what is what’s another thing, guys that people are looking for that there that there’s a shortage of probably it was the first name all right.

How about this toilet paper right? So we do a search on toilet paper. Look at this world wide, just the past seven days alone. Look at how many people are searching. Look at all this searches for toilet paper, because the stores are short on toilet paper. People are looking for ways to get toilet paper. Look, as you see the top five out of 18 regions. Total right here you, zero mouse’s in the top one is United. States is what most people are searching for this alright. So how are we going to help him? Well, we’re going to come back over here to our offer, vault and we’ll come back to the main page and we’re going to type in twilit paper right, and you see that that brings up here now. This is a little bit different situation here.

These are sweet tape, sweepstakes or drawings for free toilet paper that people can get involved in all right. You see all these down here. Our sweepstakes like right here, toilet paper, sweepstakes toilet paper, sweepstakes, and you can make a dollar two dollars and fifty cents per lead on this one they don’t have to purchase. All they need to do is click your link and you make two dollars and fifty cents. Just like that, for each click on your link, alright, so what you would do is you’d get involved with this and get yourself a affiliate link with that and then the same thing with the toilet paper. You’Re gon na come over to Twitter and you can do the same thing. Where do I get toilet paper? Alright, and you see look at all this. I just did a search on this guy’s look at here.

Where do I get toilet paper because I’ve been to three stores and they’re out? Where do I get toilet paper? You can get your link. The same way comment on this. Just click on each one comment and say you can get in a toilet paper: sweepstakes here to win free toilet paper click. This link and all it take, is a click of that link and you make two dollars and fifty cents per click and alrighty. That’s the one way again: how about Facebook come back here to Facebook and type in toilet paper alrighty – and you see here, there’s all kinds of group groups that you can join and put your affiliate link in there saying that you have access to a toilet paper. Sweepstakes, where they can get toilet paper for free ship to them, and they click that link your affiliate link.

You get paid two dollars and fifty cents per pop now and then you could also come over to the marketplace right here. Click on that, and if you click on any one of these right here and then you click over here, like click on sell something right and then you click on item for sale, and then you put it in here. What are you selling tell them that you have access to toilet paper, a sweepstakes where they can win toilet paper for free, and then you put your price in there? What you really don’t know you could just leave that blank select a category, and then you can put a photograph in here. If you want to put your affiliate link in there and every time they click on that affiliate, link, guys you’re going to make 2 dollars and 50 cents per click, and you could imagine, since this is such a hot thing guys, you should be able to make.

Well, over $ 500 in a day’s time, if you market this and stick with it and keep marketing and there’s many other ways that you can market this, how about like on classifieds? How about like on maybe Instagram? How about maybe LinkedIn I mean you just use your imagination come over and take action on this today. Get involved in this and make yourself some pretty tidy money and be able helped and be able to help other people out to stay safe from this deadly virus pandemic. That’S going on in our world today, alrighty guys. Well, that’s the method! I wanted to show you today how you can make some pretty good money with this reach down there and give me a thumbs up if you got the value and the power out of this particular method. Also, don’t forget to hit the subscribe button down there and click the bell, so you get notified.

I want to upload new videos which I do on a fairly regular basis here. Also, if you want to find out how you can start your own online business, you want to click that link that you see there at the top of your video and says mentor keV calm down they’re at the top of my description. Click on that come over. Come through my funnel signup on my mailing list and see what’s available to you at the back of that funnel and get your own online business up and running within about 15 days, with all the tools and all the help that you would need to do that. All righty guys well guys I’m gon na. Let you go with that and I’ll see you again here in a couple of days or so on. The next exciting video you guys take care have an awesome day today. You





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Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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