Create a Lead Magnet That ACTUALLY Converts (In 2025)

Hey there Amar here welcome back to another powerp packed episode before the end of this presentation. I will show you the setup process for this funnel today we are diving into the world of lead magnets, those irresistible tools that can transform casual visitors into dedicated subscribers, but before we jump in, don’t forget to hit that subscribe button and ring the notification, Bell. So, you never miss my content, so what exactly makes a lead magnet compelling? Well, it’s all about delivering value that your audience cannot resist.

Your lead magnet should be like a Golden Ticket, promising something valuable solving a problem or providing insights that your audience is eager to get their hands on whether it’s an in-depth eBook, a handy checklist or an exclusive webinar. The key is to offer something that aligns with your audience’s needs and leaves them thinking. I need this now. Let’s talk about crafting a lead, magnet that not only attracts but converts the secret Source. Here is understanding your audience inside out. What are their pain points? What keeps them up at night, your lead magnet, should be the solution they have been searching for. You can start with an audience search. You can use surveys analytics.

You can use social media insights once you’ve got the pulse of your audience, tailor your lead, magnet content to address their specific needs. Optimizing your lead magnet for Maximum Impact. The way you present your lead magnet should be clean, clear and compelling use attention grabbing headlines, concise copy and vibrant visuals. To make that first impression count and remember Simplicity is a key. For example, building an effective lending page for your lead magnet is crucial. Also, the call to action needs to be clear. You need to make it Crystal Clear whether it’s a signup form a download button or a registration link for your webinar guide. Your visitors, seamlessly towards the next step very important, also engaging your subscribers beyond the lead, magnet.

The journey does not stop or end in the lead, Magnet download. What comes next is equally crucial. You need to nurture those new subscribers with killer or amazing email sequence that offer them uh value, because your emails should continue. The value train guiding your subscribers towards your main offerings or products, it’s all about building a relationship that goes beyond the initial interaction. For this example, I prepared the welcome email and 15 follow-up emails. All of them give value to the initial subscribers and there you have it the potentials of compelling lead magnets and how to optimize them for Maximum Impact, and remember it’s not just about download numbers.

It’s about creating a lasting connection with your audience. Now before I show you the setup process for this funnel and if you found this video helpful, give it a thumbs up and don’t forget, to share your thoughts or questions in the comment section below now to set up the funnel and duplicate it on your own Leads leap account you need to open your leads leap account and then go to the page manager on the left side. I always start with importing the pages, so I’m going to create a new page.

Let’s start with the capture page, I’m going to put here, for example, uh lead magnet capture page this. Just this is just to give it a name, and then I will click uh create, and now I’m going to import the design that I showed you before. You click here on ADD a new design and then you paste your share code here and then you click import now, so I just did that and it’s imported. I can open it. If I click on the link here, it will open. This is exactly the uh capture page that you will be getting to uh, promote this lead magnet here.

That teaches lead magnets actually and then, if you go to your leads leap account, you can click on this button here launch editor in order for you to uh, customize things or attach that page to the right email list, I’m going now to import the. Thank you page for this funnel and then customize it as well. So I click on this button and I will call it. For example, Ty uh lead magnets like this and then click now and I will import the design by pasting the share code right here. I just did that and now the page is here and I click the link to see uh an overview of the thank you page. The video will be here this link here here will be your link for leads leap to gain more referrals on leads leap and uh. Maybe uh earn affiliate commissions recurring affiliate commissions, and these here offers uh.

They offer 50 % commission. So, you need to get your affiliate links from here from these links here below the buttons and then, when you get your affiliate links, you stick them to these buttons here. So anyone who upgrades from here from your thank you page will make you 50 % commission. These programs offer quality traffic and I always promote them on my pages, so you can also get your affiliate links from these links here and stick them to these three buttons here.

So you might make recurring commissions using these programs here and if anyone of your referrals or of your future, subscribers wants to duplicate this system here, all he has to do is click on this button to duplicate it and of course this button will have your own Affiliate link that you can get from here and you will earn actually 60 % Commission on this funnel. Of course, your subscribers will be able to download the lead magnet that I subscribed for in the first place by clicking on this button. Here I put it just on top of the video here and when you click on it, it will open on a new window and they can of course, read the uh valuable content that we put together here.

Uh about all the steps that we just described in this video now after you finish importing and rebranding the pages with your own affiliate links, you need to create a list to save those future subscribers, and for that you need to go to the list manager. Here, click on add new list and you create a list for yourself. I just created one here and to import the follow-up email series. You need to click on these two envelopes here and then I already imported them as you can see, they are already here. One welcome email and 15 followup emails. You can edit each email by clicking on this pencil here and then you can edit.

You can add your own links here inside the email and save but let me show you how to import the list as it is. What you need to do is click on the import button here it will ask you for a share code. You put it here and then you click replace all existing episodes, and then you click yes, if available for the welcome email, when you click this button import now, another popup will uh pop up here. Just like this one asking you for two information, the first one is the link for you thank you page that you just imported and rebranded.

So you put that link, so the emails will send them back to you. Thank you, page, where all your affiliate links are. The second information is your first name to sign off all the emails so like this, you are are sending valuable information to your subscribers automatically every day and uh those emails they have your links, so chances are that you will make affiliate commissions. Now, with this funnel, you can build your email list and you can follow up with your subscribers, but you can also make affiliate commissions directly from this funnel you can earn 60 % commissions on the funnel.

That has two offers. One is $ 17 and the other one is $ 47, and you earn like for full sale. You earn $ 38.40 per sale and in order to do that, actually you need to ask for your affiliate link right here and then, when you are approved you will be Auto approved if you are buyer and after that you need to stick this affiliate link that You get from here, you stick it to two places that I’m going to show you now so the first place where you need to plug your affiliate link for this funnel is on the thank you page when you go to launch editor here, to make changes on Your uh page, where you need to put uh all your affiliate links for the different uh programs.

Of course, this one you keep it as it is. It has only the PDF that doesn’t have any links on it, but here you need to put your affiliate links here for these programs here and here you need to put your affiliate link for this same funnel. That will allow you to make 60 % commission. So you click the button and you put your affiliate link right here so and then you save. Where do you get the link? You click on this one. Here I forgot to change this 50 % commission. I will change it in a bit I’ll put 60 % commission here, and then you click here. You get your affiliate link and you come back put it on this button and paste it here and save the changes. The second place where to put your affiliate link for this funnel, is on the capture page when you try to connect your capture page to your list, that’s where you put the affiliate link. So, this is where we are on the editor with the capture page.

You go to the list here to attach the capture page to the right list. You click get uh list ID and then you choose. The right list lead lead magnets, uh newsletter. I choose the right list and there here you put your affiliate link as a bridge page, so everyone who subscribes will be redirected to the offer with your affiliate link. If they buy you make 60 % commission don’t forget to save changes now. I hope this funnel. Will help you with your list, building efforts and thank you very much for making it so far. Don’t forget to like the video subscribe to the channel if you are new to it and if you have any questions, leave them in the comment section below until next time.





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About amorosbaeza1964

Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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