Creating Root Directory

Okay, so the first thing that we’re goon an do when we’re building our web pages is we’re goon an set up a root directory. So, on your desktop you’re, going to right-click anywhere in the blue area and your goon an select new and then you’re going to select folder. We just want to call this folder, my all about me, so that we know that this is the website we’re building.

All about me, folder we’ll, go ahead and open get into that folder by double clicking it, and inside of here we’re goon an create one more folder, so we’re goon and go to file new. No, not that where is it where’s my new folder there?

It is sorry I had to click on the home button new folder inside this folder we’re goon and call it images when we start building the website and we find images that we’re goon an put on our website. We will save them all to the images folder, but for now we’re not putting anything in it. We’re just setting it up as our root directory for a later date go ahead and X.

Out of this and then we’re goon an open up our notepad, notepad plus, so we’ve been learning about HTML coding in class and every single time you start a code, we’re going to start with our doctype, so we’re going to type in exclamation point all caps, Vo C type, P, type and close the tag I’m goon an hit enter the next thing that we type no longer in all caps. Is our opening HTML so open your HTML right after the HTML opening tag is going to come our head tag, so I’m actually goon and tab to make it where I can see everything laid out nicely and we’re goon an open the head and then we’re going to hit enter and we’re goon and tab again and we’re goon an open a title. I just hit the tab.

The title of your website’s goon can be all about and your first name: hey good birth capsule. That’s goon an end our title, so we have to put our closing title tag, which is goon an, be our forward. Slash title: that’s the end of our head as well, so I’m going to close the heading after our heading cuts, our body. So, I’m goon an open the body tag here. You can type some text about yourself. So, all I’m go on and do is put some text about myself, so I can remember to go and change it later.

I’M goon a close up the body here because we will add more things at a later date, we’re just setting up our template. We will eventually put in some images as well, but right now we’re done all we’re. Gon and do is close, our HTML okay and then after we close our HTML, we’re going to save this as our index, so we’re goon an do a file save as and the file name is just going to be index dot. HTML L, I don’t want to save it him notepad folder.

Where do I want to save it and they all about me folder my root directory, so I’m goon and click, my desktop and scroll down to all about me: folder, we’ll double click and we’ll save.

Don’t double click into your images? We don’t want it in our images. Folder. We want it here once I have saved it as an index file. Did you see that all the tags became colors?

So now, when I close this out, if I go into my all about me folder, it now has a Google icon right there, because that’s what our default browser is. When I click it, I can see what my page looks like on the Internet. That’s all it is right now up at the top. That’s where my title is you see that all about Mrs Brown bytes: okay.

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