Creative Visualization – Overcome Fear & Activate Performance Brilliance

Hello and welcome to creative flow Evolution where creativity has no boundaries. Now, when we have opportunities in life that makes us feel like we’re moving towards a certain direction for where we truly want to go and chief, we would always like to feel confident and relaxed that we’re best prepared to create the best outcome we desire. We also know that fear and anxiety can sometimes hold us back even prevent us from achieving their goals in life.

For example, it may be a situation or challenge that kind of makes us feel out of our comfort zone. You may want to prepare for a job interview, a business meeting or even a live presentation. You want to provide in front of a large audience, and you want to make sure that you don’t feel overanxious which affects your performance. So, in this video i’ like to share with you a really powerful and fun visualization process, which I like to call Visual prep avium, it’s basically a really cool way of actually boosting confidence and help mentally prepare to win for any situation.

It’s a practical technique which takes advantage of mental imagery as well as using affirm to help us feel. Like we’ve already achieved the outcome before it even happens, so in turn it helps us feel well prepared for any given situation. You see by harnessing the power of a subconscious, mind and visualizing the type of person you want to become. You can overcome any boundaries that could normally hold you back, so you can become better at doing the things you love to achieve. Now, when I was a young boy, which is a long long time ago, there I um was always affected by anxiety, Stress and Anxiety, especially for situations that tested me like examinations, School tests and really had an impact on my results and performance.

Now, once I learned this process, I really took full advantage of it and used it in plenty of times. In my life, where I had big challenges and it helped me feel at ease and flow of actually deing the situation. For example, you the process to actually feel more relaxed and confident during my college examinations, also to build a strength, encourage to do speaking, presentations and gig performances with my band in front of large audiences. In fact, the first time I discovered it, I used it immediately to pass my driving test. In fact, I’ll share a short story on this in a minute and how it actually changed my life.

There will be two parts of this video to follow. Firstly, I’m going to explain in detail how the process works for the subconscious mind. Give you a little bit of an Insight on my story on how it actually changed my life and also following food. App I’ll give you actual guide with audio background music. To take you through the process itself, at the end of the video, you have the opportunity to download a free, MP3, audio plus a visual mind map, so you can use this process any time you want in your life now i’ like to explain very briefly here About visual prep Paving this process is about mentally par to win and is effectively Associated to creative visualization celebrities, such as op for wimpy Bill Gates, W Smith and even Jim Kery have claimed to have used s such techniques to gain their biggest successes in life.

Will Smith, for example, would visualize his success well before he became famous from a practical point of view. Creative visualization enables us to create a virtual world of our reality and effectively. It’s like daydreaming most rehearsing, an outcome of a future event.

Visual prep, paving which I’ll guide you through in a moment, is a slight variation of creative visualization in which it uses mental imagery, as well as affirmations that help give us positive, life-changing results. It also allows us to feel and absorb the vibrational energy of the desired outcome or changeing the state of mind when done correctly. When we do this, we feel, like we’ve, already experienced the outcome of the event and feel confident to do it again when it actually comes into a real reality. Now, I’d like to share with you a short story and how visual prep Paving changed my life forever. Now, when I was 16, which was a long time ago, there I had the vision and passion to want to start driving and have my own car, so I could explore the world even more now.

What was stopping me from achieving this dream was actually passing. My driving test now I have to admit to you now it took me about five to six times to finally complete the task. Um. Please don’t tell anybody, will you and um there’s even one time um, I F before I got into the car now, perhaps that’s a story of another time of such so as a young chat would be. I was concerned and angry and frustrated with all the money that I was spending and a time I was losing for not passing my driving test and having to retake the actual lessons at the time. A lot of my focus was upon on what I wasn’t achieving, which did not help too much.

The truth was, I did not feel confident with any type of examination, that sort of age, because I always felt nervous when I was tested. I felt as if I knew how to drive a car relatively safely, but when it came to situations that tested my nerves, I kind of fell apart.

Occasionally one night, my mom um Susan, Jean C, of which I bless and appreciate for having her in my life. She gave me an inspiring idea. She she said to me Paul: why don’t you spend quality time? Relaxing and visualizing yourself going for every single step of action that you learn during your driving lessons to pass your driving test? I thought it was a brilliant idea, because my mom was a kind of person who like to try different things to achieve different results, and certainly this was a different approach for me. So, the night before my driving test, I sat down relaxed and visualized myself going for every single step that I learn through my driving lesson, and I put myself in a scenario when I was actually experiencing that test itself.

I felt like I jumped the car one moment and went for every single process that I learn. I visualized what I wanted to see. I heard what I wanted to hear and I felt how I wanted to feel so effectively. I create a whole situation scenario as if I was living in the present time. I even visualized myself seeing an instructor at the end of the test. Congratulating me now, the very next morning um. I actually woke up feeling really excited and confident about the day ahead of me, because the night before I actually felt like I changed the whole of my cells in my body and breathed in the outcome of the success and the next morning that felt within you.

Still and I looked at the window – and I saw the sun shining brighter almost more than ever so before it’s because I had a shift of perspective now the day ahead of me went fantastically well my past the dramatist of ease, confidence and flow, none of Which I quite experienced before now, when I drive instructor, actually took me home. He congratulated me big time I stood outside my garden. I looked in a far the far back scenario with the woods and the sun shining and I had another aarm moment. I realized from that day that I am the creator of my own life, and so following this I took advantage of using this process more and I used it to help me feel more confident with taking College examinations and it really had a good impact on my Results now I’ve shared with you, this uh story and how I changed my life.

I like to actually guide you through the step-by-step process and then, following that, you can actually do this yourself with soft relaxing piano music, which I’ve created purposely for this video, so enjoy. Now, I’m going to talk you through the step-by-step process for visual prep, Paving in this track, I’m going to briefly explain what you need to do and the next section guide you through the process yourself with music, choose a space and environment which helps you feel comfortable And undisturbed it will be your own personal time. You could do this first in the morning or before you go to sleep. Basically, when everything is quiet, think of a future event, you wish to fulfill and do really well with it’s best to sit upright, as the idea is for you to not fall asleep, you may find it helpful to use headphones to quieten your surroundings.

If you decide to focus on an event such as a practical test like a drive and test, it’s a good idea to rehearse all the techniques you learn during your lessons during the process, it’s easy fun and rewarding once you start basically, you’ll be Imagining the actions You are Tak in given situations, you’ll know the answers. If you experienced the outcome before because the subconscious mind it’s a memory bank which you’ll be accessing when relaxed certain intentions going to a world where anything is possible and place yourself in experience. So, it feels like you’re living it in the now.

This is purely a mental rehearsal to help you prepare to win. So, this process is like playing a film of yourself in that moment of time.

For example, if you’re preparing for a presentation visualize the people around, you smiling watching and engaging with you allow yourself to hear, see and feel every moment of that experience you desire and allow the world to evolve and become supportive of your needs. It’s a wonderful experience when practiced now. Are you ready to do the process yourself? Now, I’m going to guide you through the process, so you can experience this for yourself. This is purely a guide, so please use it in any way that suits you best.

You can spend as little or as much time as required. Please note that regular practice Str sterns your ability, so I recommend at least 5 to 10 minutes a day on your dream goals now sit upright close. Your eyes, breathe deeply notice. The rhythm of your breath allow your body to sink towards the ground, relax! That’S right! I want you to let all of your muscles in your body become warm and soft, relax and really indulge yourself in this visualization Place yourself in that moment of time, as if you’re running a film of the future Event open the doors to experience how you wish To create in your mind’s eye, see what you see hear what you hear and feel how you wish to feel for every moment of that experience Focus purely in what you want to expand you entering a world of pure potentiality.

That’s right! You are becoming fused with the experience you wish to create, see yourself as a happy, confident positive person who appreciates every moment touched by your thoughts, absorb the energy of your visualized actions, now listen to music and play that moment of time where you are achieving everything You desire step by step, as if you’re experiencing that moment in the now keep roll. That film must play the music for a few minutes is, and now start to bring into your mind that moment of time, where you see yourself feeling successful with the outcome of your agreement visualize.

That moment of Glory immerse yourself with the sensations of success. With the end result really feel this: now I’m going to bring you back into conscious awareness, I’m going to count from 1 to 10 and with each number you will slowly begin to come back. You will open your eyes, but a count of 10 and you’ll feel fine, refreshed and full awake, so ready. 1. 2. 3. Coming back to full, conscious awareness. Every part of you will be back here with me: 4, 5, 6, 7. More and more alert. Now. 8. 9, 10 open your eyes and feel fully alert, feeling fine and wide awake and refreshed, get up stretch. Keep your spirits high and know that you are the creator of your life. Now hold your hand close to your heart and repeat after me, I am the creator of my life.

I am the creator of my life. Everything I visualized in this experience will come to me with flow everything I visualized in this experience will come to me with flow. I am the creator of my life. I am the creator of my life excellent. So how do you feel bring back the energy of this experience into your reality? Take your time and set the intention to hold this energy for what you have achieved in your mind’s eye. As Wayne Dy would say it’s the energy that we hold within us that attracts what we desire in life. I look forward to sharing with you more processes like this, so keep creating what you love and all the best. Thank you for listening.

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About amorosbaeza1964

Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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