Effortlessly Create Short-Form Videos with Canva’s NEW AI Tool!

If you have a social media presence for your personal or business brand online, But you found a short form, video, too daunting or too time consuming to create. Then this is the video for you Today. I am really excited to walk you through canvas Newest, a video tool that I think is going to be a game changer in creating short form, social video content.

Video content on social is shared 1200 times more than picture or text content alone And, more importantly, when it comes to building your brand, people retain messages they receive through video about 90 % more than they do messages through text alone, which is kind of important in Terms of building brand recognition and getting your message across
And finally, Canva has created an air video tool that I think, could be just what we need to streamline the process and make it more accessible for everybody to create this kind of content.

Now, when I say this tool is brand new, I don’t even know if it’s officially been rolled out yet so once you’ve watched this video Drop a comment below this video and tell me if you can see it in your account. As far as I can see. So far, it’s only available in Canva Pro accounts, but that may be something that they roll out to a wider audience. But at the moment I know it’s brand new and I know that it’s only just been rolled out From our camera. Dashboard.

We’Re going to create a video and choose Instagram real as it’s a standard size for vertical social video. As soon as your workspace opens, you should see the new Canva tool on the left hand, side, which has a promise that says it generates video instantly and honestly, it’s not far off. If you click on the tool, you can then either upload media or choose from media you’ve already uploaded and don’t worry, you have to choose a minimum of three pieces of media, but you can swap and refine things later on and initially you can choose as many as you like,

Now, once your media is ready, you then need to describe the kind of video you want.

This is where the air helps to create this video. For my example, I have said a minimal and elegant video, with five tips for self-care when working from home. Now, because this is nice, some of it’s going to be a little hidden, miss so try different, prompts and see what works for you. Then we just hit the generate button.

After a few seconds, Canva will present you with a video that includes your media, that you’ve, uploaded or selected Suggested copy that it’s created split into text.

Captions are ready for you with accompanying emoji; It’s also got animations and transitions, and it’s all timed to a piece of music that Canva has chosen for your video One, quick thing before I give you some tips on how to make this perfect for your brand. If you are looking to expand your knowledge of using Canva as a business owner and an entrepreneur, then please make sure that you sign up for my email newsletter.

It’s called Meaningful Creations and goes out once a week, because I have some really exciting things lined up specifically created for business owners and entrepreneurs to help you up level you’re branding and design, and that includes tips on how to improve and create video content.

Now that we have the basis for our video, this is where we refine. So the first tip is to make sure you apply your brand fonts and your brand color palette and apply that to all of the slides or pages, And because I used my Canva brand kit. It’S even included a final clip at the end of the video. With my logo on it, which is great to make sure that your branding is consistent. Secondly, you can swap out any images or videos.

You can edit the copy on each of the captions and you can even duplicate individual pages so that you can add in more content. If you wanted to add more value.

Now a third tip is, if you do add, in additional clips or duplicate any of these pages, make sure that you click on the audio track and you use Canvas Beat sync tool to readjust the timings. Basically, everything in the video can be edited and customized like in all of your Canva designs and then, when you’re ready. You can just hit, share and download now before, and you have a short form social video ready to go in minutes literally, And one of the best things about this tool is that it already works on mobile too, which means you can just upload photos or video Clips that you’ve recorded on your phone as you go about your day and use those as backgrounds to create shareable short form videos with valuable content in the text Over those videos – And you don’t even have to be on camera. If you don’t want to

So, as I said, let me know in the comments if this tool is available in your Canada dashboard or if not, I’d, really appreciate. Hearing from you,

And one last thing: If you know anybody else who is really committed to growing their brand and their business just hit the share button below this video and share it with them.

It would mean a lot to me And that way we all pay it forward.

Have a fabulous, we keep creating and don’t forget to join my newsletter.


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About amorosbaeza1964

Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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