Facebook Ads Agentes Inmobiliarios 2024

You are a real estate agent and you are looking for How to segment on Facebook ad then this is going to be the best and only video you are going to have to watch about digital real estate segmentation and before I go to Facebook to the practical part that is going to fascinate you, believe me, it will It’s going to be the best video you’ll see about Facebook ads in digital real estate. Yes, but I wanted to start the video a little differently. This time, I want to show you four basics first so that by understanding this, it will be much easier to move on to the part.

Facebook ads and the most practical part, step number one, why it is important to have Facebook ad for you in your real estate marketing strategy and more nowadays, well, as I have said in some other videos, not as explicit as right now but for me If you are an agent what you need is speed and you need speed and you need inputs of course, money flow etc. then the best vehicle In my opinion of course It is going to be digital But why Facebook because Facebook is a simple platform you have a lot of work you have 100 other things to see you have to deal with 100 other properties to list with you have a lot in your in your in your field now more apart you have to get into digital what I would recommend is Facebook if not anymore I want to get into Google terms of TikTok such but in my opinion it is the platform one that you can scale the most and two the easiest so for you real estate agent it is the one that I would recommend Okay step number two who should do your campaigns and the very simple answer, not you as a real estate agent, as I just repeated, you have many things but I don’t want you to add the digital part separately one Why Because it will take you a lot of time to become an expert two you don’t need you to do this simply what you need In my opinion it is to delegate it as with a rule, I call it the 8020 or the Pareto rule.

What you have to do is this 20 that will give you 80% of your results. For you, a real estate agent is listing properties, capturing properties and sell those properties just that is your 20 that is going to make you 80 the other 80 that is going to make you 20 only for results it is in this exercise in my opinion yes it is the digital part of Who are you going to hire who are you going to to get it to do the campaigns for you But you don’t have to be doing them super important to understand why we go back to the same thing if you start from these bases and you start doing the marketing you already start getting into courses you start making an error That’s why you I mean, what I’m saying probably sounds very simple. Yes, but they are bases that I don’t want you to lose. Fundamental number three: How do you segment better than other companies that probably have more budget than I have? It’s a question that I’ve always been asked and yes.

I understand you as an agent, you are probably one or you are just starting out or you are in the middle or you are already very advanced but you probably know that there are other Macro companies that have much more budget than you how do you manage to compete not only compete but what I like It’s how you go about challenging them and beating them, which would be more interesting to discover and my answer is, let’s go back to the same thing. The most important thing is, as I always say, have a mentor by your side. What I would say is grab a person who already I have a lot of experience in this world of real estate digital marketing. I’ll make it very easy for you. There are very few geniuses in the world of digital marketing.

I mean, there is very little noise up there and up there. I’m referring to the level of expertise of these giant companies, yes, probably.

Of real estate agents or real estate agencies etc. that are very big they probably have a lot of budget Yes but you are sure from what I have seen in my experience in my 10 years that the people who have inhouse or whatever are not so well off Be prepared, be careful in the world of real estate digital marketing, it is very new, these people probably do invest a lot of budget if they have a better platform but one or they don’t know or two have no experience or three the people who are helping you have been in all niches That is to say, he has worked with doctors, he has worked with such and he has also worked in Real Estate and they also know, no, because that is what they know, 10 to 15% of them have knowhow, which is very important. So why not just compete like I just told you, grab a person, one agency get some people who really know that you are literally confident that these people are the best in the Niche and be careful, it’s not like you have to pay them millions of pesos, no, it’s going to cost you a lot Yes, but what I’m telling you It’s just that they are going to limit you a lot of stones.

So, what I would recommend is the moment you sell your property, or something comes out of some commission or two commissions, what I always tell people, grab it, save it, keep it in your pocket. and boom, hire an expert, but a professional, a genius, and yes, there are very few. I recommend that you google them to see who you like. There are several people who say that I am one of the best. It sounds too arrogant, but it is the truth and I know two three people.

More than that they can also help you a lot in this world of real estate digital marketing if you don’t google it Put it on YouTube or whatever you want so you can find the person you identify with the most But well that would be step number and foundation number three, don’t do it yourself and Eat people with a mentor by your side and point number four is it worth doing only Facebook or also Instagram and why, which is one of the super important questions and the answer is Yes, it is worth doing both why Because Facebook and Instagram is at the end of the goal it is by mar Zackenberg the same platform almost in the business manager that we are going to get into hard next I am going to explain to you how to create Facebook and how to create Instagram and how to kill them but in the end it is the same because when you take out your ads, and now you ‘re going to see them, they go out to both platforms, if you want, it probably depends.

My answer would also depend. Hey, if you only use Instagram or if you only use Facebook, I’m going to make a video, a video of Instagram only but I do not have YouTube on my channel yet but I’m going to do it Coming soon but the answer is right now I’m going to show you the manager that yes it will depend sometimes it depends and sometimes it’s important to have both Now yes Let’s go to the administrator of ads on Facebook and let’s get down to the practical part, I have not seen anyone who does this who literally has this experience and I do not say this in an arrogant way but I have seen many people who probably teach you Facebook ads but not in the same way in the one that I am going to show you Why Because I am going to teach it to you in a way that is so simple and so well done with as few campaigns as it really should be, I am going to teach a less is more way so that you can have a lot of order.

structure and be very objective the part of how you think here inside Facebook ads here this can be literally this is another language eh people think that it is sometimes like much more complex than it is it is not It is easier than what You think Yes, but as long as you really understand what you are doing and the reality is that there are very few people who can understand it in a very, very advanced way, then for all real estate businesses I think this is pure gold since Facebook ads Instagram is one of the most important platforms at least today to do paid advertising And this is what in my opinion you can do so that you can scale in the fastest way So the first thing you are going to do is go to Facebook ads no I’m going to show you right now how to make a polestar account or I’ll do it in another video.



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