Fool Your Friends – 3 Magic Tricks Revealed

What’s up everybody, today I’ve got three magic tricks for you that you’re gonna be able to perform and show your friends using ordinary objects like a water bottle. Now if you don’t have friends, this will also help you get friends, like me. Anyway, keep your eye on the bottle, and keep your eye on this pen, three, two, boom. And if you think this is some weird wizardry, I’m gonna show you how to, let’s go to the park, I’ll show you two more tricks.

Cue the drone shots.

Alright, let’s find a bench, do some magic. This next trick shows the power of water and air and how they can work together to create a really fun and simple illusion. So, what you’re going to do, is take a glass, pull out a Bicycle card or any kind of playing card, and turn it over, and you’ll see the air is actually creating a vacuum with the water and the card.

Now, I show you this because if you actually grab a water bottle, take the top and you seal with your hands, that’s creating the seal for itself, and you let go, and ta-dah. I really think recycling is important, and I need to tell you guys about something you’re probably missing out on.

It’s that sodas have two drinks in them. So, what you want to do is place your thumb over the front of the drink and actually just believe hard enough that you can get a soda back to normal, and that’s the first step.

The second is doing a little shake with the can and notice how it grows back to normal right there, in front of your eyes. So, cheers! We’re going to head back to my place, and I’m going to explain all of these tricks to you.

You can do this trick with any carbonated soda or drink, but you Gotte makes sure it has a can, so you can puncture through the aluminum. So, what you’re going to do is take a bobby pin here, pull out the little needle, you could use a needle, but this is the best, so you don’t kill your finger.

And before you do this, you might want to have a little protection, because this is going to shoot out, everywhere, so, I actually usually do this in a sink, but to show you guys, I found this little thing in my garage and I’m going to pull it. (soda spray sound) Yep, and what you can do is continue to shake it, I like to get the cans about halfway empty for this trick to work.

And once you pull it up like that, it’ll stop.

So, there it is, you’ll dry that off. I like to usually put the hole in words, on the back side here, but it really depends on the orientation of this, it’s awkward if you have a hole here, ’cause then your kind of covering most the trick, which isn’t fun, ’cause you can show this trick off, just like this. So be here. The second step of this trick is going to be making this look like it’s an empty can. This is a really cool illusion to me, ’cause it just, it’s a real life illusion, people aren’t paying attention to this black piece of paper that you can cut out in the same shape, slide it under the top there, and in good lighting, so you Gotte be careful where you do this trick, it’ll look like that is an empty can, which is just awesome.

Now you can just squeeze it, if it’s doing this during the trick, you’re going to want to empty it out a little.

Fool Your Friends - 3 Magic Tricks Revealed

Oh, darn it, I forgot that was in there. I just peed my pants. So you’re going to palm the top like that, that part is pretty easy, and then, sometimes I’ll crinkle it in my hand while they’re not looking, let my hand naturally swing down, and put it in my pocket or crumple it up and kind of drop it, and actually while you’re showing them this part, that’s falling to the floor and you step on that paper. The next part is going to be shaking this can, and this is the cool part of the trick, it works because of physics with the carbonation.

So, you’ve got a bend here, so you’re going to shake this part of the trick and I like to rotate it like this so it’s not making sound with the soda inside and you’re going to see it’s now inflated, you get the idea. Then if you were to let go of that hole… So, you winna quickly open this up and part of the trick is quickly pouring it too.

They can taste it, they can see liquid coming out and that really sells that, “What the heck? “There was soda there the whole time?” I love this trick because it’s fun, it’s physics, it’s real, there’s a lot of practice that’s involved. I’m gonna explain the concept of what can happen, so you have a card, and you can use this in your performance too to show your friends, but you show its surface area tension, I don’t know what the physical term for this is called, the pressure of the air is holding the card up and if I took the card away there, it’s gonna fail, all the water is, obviously, gonna fall out. To perform this trick you’re gonna want to grab a bottle of water and what I’d first do is take a swig and I’m proving that it’s a real water bottle, but I’m also showing this air pocket here, which is gonna help for this next part of the trick, ’cause I’m gonna put a card, you can do it with your hand too if you get a lot better, if you pull it away just right, you’re gonna have the effect, nice.

You can also do that, again, with your palm and I’ll show you that in a second, but what you’re also going to be able to do here, this is the part that takes a lot of practice, and you get the straw in there and what you can do is, if you can quickly turn it over, I can’t, it usually messes up, so, I kind of pop it over and then, you can drink out of it again, you can take the straw out, you can do whatever you want. What you’re going to do if you want to do it with your hand, a lot of people like to put their hand pop in the beginning and turn it over and this the part that’s hard, you Gotte be really stretched out and then, you’re going to slide it of like that and when you get it, if you squeeze this water bottle at all, all of this is coming down, so you Gotte be really still with it and then you just pop that up like that.

Now my desk is sticky and wet. I love this pen trick because what’s going on is, the pen is in there the entire time, so you’re going to need a duplicate pen, go ahead and grab this here and its simple light refraction, guys. This is how it disappears, you can’t see it, so you Gotte make sure you’re performing this at the right angle to your friends, too low, they might be able to see the pen, maybe, sideways, they can definitely see it, but right here is a see spot, I kind of point it towards the camera a little bit, or you can go straight on, you can move it to prove, “Hey, there’s no pen here.” if you do a slow one, but what you’re going to do is open up a pen and you’re going to fill the inside of the pen, if you pop it off, however these pens break open, fill it with tiny nails or weights, some people do little ball bearings. You’ve just gotta weight it down, so when you put the pen in here, it’s gonna sink, otherwise, the regular pen, this one’s gonna float like that, so get it weighted down, do the trick like this.

The back of your hand, you’re just going like this for the performance, you’re saying, boom and boom, and this is just coming in here like and hiding. You’re palming the pen, they’re not paying attention to it cause they’re looking here and you’re kind of hiding, angling it behind here for a second, then let your hand fall down, drop the pen in a pocket or give it to a buddy that’s in on the trick, there’s all kinds of ways that you can get rid of the pen, but I’m just going to do this and like that, and you show this pen and I can also show my sleeves or my arms, no pen. What I’ve really done is been able to hide the pen back here this whole time.

So, a lot of different ways that you can get the pen from hand to hand. If you guys do any of these tricks to fool your friends, be sure to film it and send it to me. Here’s the email right here, submit it and we might show it in a future YouTube video. You winna see some other fun stuff? That’s cool and that’s cool, and again, this is also cool.

I’m always amazed how it does that, it just, you can turn it sideways, it’s just amazing and if you turn it just right… Yeah.

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Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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