How I Overcame My Shopping Addiction | Low Buy Challenge

Hi everyone welcomes back to my channel, i hope you’re all doing well today. I wanted to share with you guys the story of how i went from being a maximalist to becoming a minimalist and also i wanted to give you guys an update on my low buy challenge this year.

If you haven’t already seen the two videos that i made on my low buy challenge will leave the link in the description below, so please go watch it after this video if you’re new to my channel then welcome my names Sophie, and i would really appreciate it if you could subscribe To my channel hit the notification bell for more minimalism and slow living videos, so where do i start? I have been doing a lot of reflecting in the past eight months about a lot of different things, but especially regarding my shopping habits so beginning of 2021, i decided to really cut back on my spending and challenge myself to see, if i can do this low by challenge feel like this Low by challenge was exactly what needed to kind of realign myself with my values again. It is kind of an embarrassing thing to admit but.

I had a shopping problem and it’s not like iWars going into debt or racking up tons and tons of credit card bills. Nothing dramatic like that but, it was more subtle and maybe that’s what took so long for me to kind of recognize it and. What i mean when i say that i had a shopping problem is that it would be really normal for meto get maybe two or three boxes to my doorstep every week. I would spend a lot of my free time browsing online.

Just constantly thinking about what. I can add to my life and little by little it, started accumulating and started getting really overwhelming. Of course, i could blame the marketing industry. I could blame the ads, the social media but at the end of the day, the problem always stemmed from me. I was the biggest problem to mown actions. The deep-rooted cause of my habit was, coming from a place where i needed to fill a deeper hole, and it was really noticeable. Because still couldn’t feel content. When i tried to fillet with material things, whether it was because of my insecurities or dissatisfaction or just because, i was bored i feel like.

I try to beat the monotonous day-to-day routine by buying new things, because it was the easy way outland in a way it felt like. I was treating myself and, of course, marketing ads and social media just makes it so much easier for us to spend our money because there’s always going to be a newer trendier shinier, better thing that emerge son the market just waiting to take our money. I really started to see this as a problem. Because still had boxes left untouched after 10 months of moving in all of my hallway closets and my wardrobe.

It was overflowing my bookcases were full of books that i have never ready mean you guys get the idea and on top of this, was still shopping and adding to the clutter and it just became so overwhelming to. Look for anything in the house and the strange thing is shopping. Like this is really out of my character. Growing up, my parents never really gave us gifts for our birthdays for christmas or foray holidays. I remember we would take road trips instead or just spend time together and even thievery few gifts that i got. I don’t remember theme, don’t remember what i got, but i do remember taking a road trip to Amsterdam. I do remember going down to Brighton for my 10th birthday and just spending every Saturday together, watching the Simpsons.

Those are the happiest memories of my childhood, I’m so grateful for my parents. Beausite instilled in us these values, the values of relationships and experiences and somewhere along the way i feel like i kind of got off track. I wanted to do this low by challenge because infelt, like i needed things to change in my life Andi needed to take a pause to really reflect on my actions to gain some clarity before we move oni just want to say that i know saying that lowboy is A challenge is a privilege on its own incompletely, acknowledge and recognize that butat the same time. I do think it’s important to open discussions about mindless spending, and how that can spiral out of control.

I’M hoping by sharing my story that some of you guys can relate and maybe motivate you to do the same and turn your life around. Now that I’ve been doing it for maybe eight or nine months. I feel more in control of my time and my money that is such an empowering feeling for the most part did stick to my rules and i feel like I’m very proud of myself for how far I’ve come. I did buy a few things, some major things, but the difference. Isis that i really thought about it: I’ve researched and, i don’t regret buying them.

I bought a surfboard earlier this year and I’ve been more than getting my money’s worth out of it surfing. Is such a mental physical challenge for me. So, it’s been my workout, my therapy and meditation all. At the same time also, i bought some clothes because i gained a little bit of weighty took a road trip to visit. My parents and when did my mom were just making the most delicious Korean homemade food every single night for us and. When i came back home, i noticed that all of my clothes felt a little bit tight. I never wanton feel guilty about having to buy a couple offkey pieces of clothing that i truly need and had to remind myself that this whole point of this challenge is not to obsess over things.

Butto adopts more mindful spending habits in general einstein once said, we cannot solve a problem on, the level of consciousness that created it. This is so true and in order to change our habits, we have to think and understand deeply about the bigger purpose of why we started doing this challenge. In the first place for me, this meant thinking about what a true priority for me is. What do i value the most in life do? I want to collect things or experience show. Do i want my time and money to serve mean? My favorite question is: if i was the only person on a secluded island, would i still make that same purchase?

I actually wrote out the answers to these questions and i go back to them when, i feel tempted, to buy something irrationally and i feel like. We all need reminders. Especially during times of transitions, if you are doing this low by challenge with me and if i can give you one-piece of advice, that would be to not focus so much on the rules and the details of the challenge. Butto finds a bigger purpose and just remind yourself why. You started this challenge in the first place for me. Yes, it was to simplify my life to own fewer things, but the overarching purpose for me is to steer away from the materialistic mindset and to find more meaningful things in my life because. Never have i once thought about what iWars wearing when i was having a good time, with my, friends and family.

I never once thought about what my hair looked like or what my makeup looked like during an amazing trip. No number of cool things will ever amount to the great books. I’ve read the movies I’ve watched the plays I’ve seen and now I’m just reminding myself that want to internalize this message and i need it to reflect on my spending habits as well thank. You guys so much for watching today’s video are, you are doing the low by challenge with me as well and. If you are, then what are some things that you’ve learned about yourselfer, just learned in general through the process? Please share in the comments below and until next Tuesday guys take care, of yourselves and I’ll talk to you soon. Bye. You.



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