How Marketing Works

It’s quite simple. Marketers ruin everything. Things come along in our world, radio, television, the internet, Facebook. Things come along and they’re for the people. Do you guys remember the first time you found email?

We loved email. Email in 1996, 7 and 8 wasn’t ruined yet. How many people here signed up for Groupon, Living Social, Daily Candy, one of those sites? Raise your hand. Remember three, four years ago how you couldn’t wait to get $40 worth of sushi for 20 bucks?

Or an $80 spa treatment for $40, that was the greatest thing of all time! And now you don’t give a rat’s ass if they send you a million-dollar home for 100 bucks.

You’re like delete, spam, get the fuck out of my inbox! And then marketers, much like me, see that people’s attention is there, because my friends it’s about this thing right here, and this thing right here. I don’t give a rat’s ass about fucking Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram or any of that horseshit.

Where did the customers attention go? And if you’re not there, and if you’re not playing properly within in that, you’re going to lose.

It’s attention! So, when people were listening to the radio, people that wanted to sell stuff, marketers, realized their paying attention to the radio, why don’t I stop what they’re listening to and because they’re baseball fans, let me sell them this beer, and tell them we’re the best beer ever, and interrupt that. And that process my friends has gone on for ever and ever.

You can go back to the caves, right? There’s a cave, I use it ’cause I don’t winna get eaten by a dinosaur. And some dude wants to sell me a new club, and he’s drew some shit in there to sell me. So, while my attention was here, staying away from the dinosaurs, hi, maybe I need a new club! That long and that forever, wherever there are people paying attention to something, marketers like me want to ruin it.

Gary Vaynerchuk Explains: How Marketing Works

You know it’s all going to happen. Google glasses will come out, we’ll start fucking with that shit, figuring that out. But everything I’m going to talk about right now will be ruined by us collectively, and that’s just the way it is, and that’s fine.

Snapchat emerges right? Tonnes of 16- to 22-year-olds there, and if you want to sell something to them, well that would be a good place to go, because all of their attention is there.

And that friction, cops and robbers, cat and mouse, will go on forever. When there’s a cave, let’s keep using that analogy, when there’s a cave with a whole bunch of mice if I’m the first cat to say you know what, they’re not hanging out over there anymore, all the mice are over here, and I come there there’s a lot of mice to eat.

And so, my game was quickly to move into new places, Facebook, the Internet itself with my ’96 eCommerce site, and on and on, Oculus Rift is coming. Virtual reality. Can you move first?

Find it, get the most value out of it, then all the other cats come they eat up all the other mice, and now the cats, the marketers, have ruined that location. And that goes on over and over, over and over, over and over, and over again. So, if you people, the fans, the peeps, the real-life people, if we all migrate our attention, anywhere else it’s just a matter of time, until the cats come.

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