How to Beat E-A-T and Get Influncers to Represent Your SEO Website

All right, I’m going to show you how to get real influencers to represent and actually become authors for your affiliate websites. What this is it going to do? It’s going to create a ton of trust for the readers of your website. It’s also going to satisfy Google’s EAT requirements. And the best thing about this, is it’s easy as hell, your grandma can do it.

check this out. But first I winna talk about what is EAT. EAT stands for expertise, authoritativeness, and trust, and it’s part of the Google’s quality rater guidelines, which is a document that Google gives manual reviewers when they’re reviewing and looking over the results in their search results. So what they’re looking for is they’re telling the reviewers to check any piece of content that gives us any kind of beneficial advice, quote, unquote. And they’re looking to see if the author demonstrates any expertise, or authoritativeness, or trust, it’s part of their manual review requirements.

Now there’s a debate on whether or not this stuff is part of the algorithm itself.

Is this something that the robot is automatically checking? Some say yes, somewhat say no, but you know, honestly, there’s no way to really know. But the great thing about this technique is it’s super easy to set up and it completely dismisses this whole concern for this EAT criteria. Now let’s get into the process of setting this whole thing up.

Now, the first thing you need to know is that there’s influencers in any niche that you’re in. Whether you’re in fitness or technology, there’s always going to be influencers on Instagram, with YouTube channels, on Pinterest, no matter what it is, you’re always gonna find influencers in every single niche.

So the first thing you’re gonna do is you’re going to identify influencers in your niche that are starting to come up. Maybe they just have like 2,000 subs on YouTube or maybe they’re just getting their feet wet, they have an Instagram followers of like, I dunno, 5K to 10K, whatever’s not big these days. You’re gonna try to identify these people first.

Once you’ve identified these people, you’re gonna make a list of the ones that you wouldn’t mind representing your brand, you wouldn’t mind being the face for your affiliate website.

And then you’re going to reach out to them, that should be pretty easy. Every one of these social media platforms has messaging system or some kind of contact system. Even YouTube has, in the about section, usually a place to email the person you wanna contact. And then you reach out to them, usually by email, email is best, but anything will work.

And this is what you’re gonna say right away. First, you’re just gonna introduce yourself, you’re gonna talk about you being the owner of this website that you’re working on. Talk about the ambitions you have going for yourself. You’re aiming for the top, you’re looking to overcome all these sites.

You can show them your trajectory.

You can show them all the keywords that you’re working for. And then you’re going to propose this. What you’re going to offer is this complete win-win situation. In this win-win you’re going to let them know that, hey, we’ve got these excellent writers, they’re PhDs, they’re doctors, they’re people that really know the subject matter that we’re both interested in. And we’re looking to put a face behind these because they’re just ghost writing right now.

How to Beat E-A-T and Get Influncers to Represent Your SEO Website

What we’d like to do is give you credit for these great writings in our niche. So we’ll actually author these, ghost write for you in your name so you can build up your own credibility and authority because you’re writing for our website, already an authority in the space. All we’re asking for you is, you already have a YouTube channel, you’re already producing content, how about just produce one to three of these pieces for us for our YouTube channel, per month? In this whole process, we’ll grow together. You’ll get the credibility for writing for this incredible website, and we’ll also get some YouTube videos that’ll help us as well.

This win-win proposal is such a no brainer.

I’ve had 100% success rate anytime I’ve done this to a new site. In whatever niche, no matter what it is, I can usually as soon as I identify someone and explain what we’re looking for and explain what they get out of this, no one says no. When people see that how easy is this, all I have to do is do what I’m already doing, producing tweets or Instagram posts, and maybe tag the person or maybe create them a couple of YouTube videos, I’m already doing that stuff. In the meantime, they’re gonna let me be an author with this amazing content on this authority website on the internet, heck yes, I’m doing it.

100% success rate. I even get doctors to sign up for this, doctors on my affiliate websites, writing content for me. So now what? You’ve got the yes, what are the next steps? All you need to do is start gathering their information.

You wanna get their bio, where they went to school, information about them, favorite quotes, stuff like that. Great things to add to your about page. Also make sure to get the links to all their social profiles. You’re gonna connect all these up and reference them in your about the author pages. Next step is just to completely dress these pages up with your new real influencer who’s now quote, unquote, writing for your website.

On top of that, work out a scheduling program. So if you’ve decided what you’re getting in exchange is YouTube videos, so work out your system, I’m gonna send you these three content ideas to talk about for the month, usually that coincides really well with the last three posts you made on the website. And now you’re going to get nice little videos that you can insert right into your posts, which will increase time on page. And here’s a bonus idea for this process as well.

If you’re looking for another way to monetize your affiliate website, other monetization channel, try this.

Now after you’ve been working together for a while, you got a feel for each other, you decide you like working together, consider offering a coaching program, or they can offer a coaching program and you’ll send them leads. It’s a nice, easy way to tack on another 20% earnings on your email follow-up series, for example. Easy stuff. Now, if you like outside the box, affiliate SEO ideas like these, whether it comes to monetization, ranking, whatever, make sure to subscribe because I got some crazy stuff coming for you very, very soon.

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About amorosbaeza1964

Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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