How to create direct download link for OneDrive files

Hey, how’s it going guys in this video, I’m going to show you how to generate a direct download link  for OneDrive files. So here in my OneDrive, folder is a file I want to share with people. If we use the share option from OneDrive, the share link is going to take you to this folder here. Let me show you example. I’m going to click on this file are incurred PDF.

That you can see them going to right click. Then I’m going to click on share. if you want to configure the sharing option and I want to uncheck the allow editing, and my sharing option is set to anyone with the link, then I’m going to click on apply.

 Then click on copy link to create the sharing link. All right, so here if I copy the link, if I open a new tab, copy and paste enter, and it’s going to take me to this an actual YouTuber views folder, then it’s going to prompt me to down the file I selected and let me cancel that.

So, to generate a direct download link, can we sign the file right click from the menus. I want to select embed. And I would copy paste. The code block to a notepad and let me zoom in a little bit more, Arlethe So here I want to grab the source link. Here’s the source, link to download the file.

How to create direct download link for OneDrive files


And I want to change the curry a little bit founder URL. I’m going to change embedded to download. and this time, if I grab this link, I’m going to create a new tab copy and paste into install going to takes me to the OneDrive folder and it’s going to prompt me to down the file directly.

So, this is a some come to share in this video and hopefully guys found this video is for in the Swiss. See you guys watching.

 I’ll see you guys on the next video.

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Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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