How To Get Access To Your Affiliate Bonuses

How to get access to your affiliate bonuses Hey guys!  Today, I’m going to make this video, quick and short and to the point. Basically, I’m going to teach you how to get access to affiliate bonuses now. This is something which i thought was just normal is easy, because it’s a big button. Which pops up underneath your affiliate area, you don’t want to purchase the product, will be access, your area and also there’ll, be a button there which is accessing your bonuses, but about this quite a few times.

I keep getting emails from people like this one here saying that you know good morning.

Please give me access to the bonuses that you promised meso.

You know i took a screenshot of the actual Uh bonus button, which was there, and i should explain it explain to him that you know to get access to your bonus. Just click on that link there but anyway, some people – i guess, if you’re new you don’t, know how to do that or you probably you just didn’t, assume that I’m just going to show you basically come to the, especially if you’re, on Warrior, Plus or JVZoo I’ll, show you.

This is the warrior plus network. You come over.

This is your purchase history, click on there and everything that you purchased on warrior, plus, will uh popup here and, as you can see, i purchased quite a few products there. It doesn’t matter what i purchased but uh just click on this one. Here and one of the latest ones i purchased and there you go it’s that simple. If i want to get access to the uh product which i bought. Is that one there?

And if i want to get access to the affiliate bonuses, just click on there, okay, simple and then you’ll get access to the actual affiliate bonuses, I’ll also teach you how to build a list as well. Using this method it’s uh, it’s like to build a buyers list, so I’ll just show you all you do. If you create a form? Andou can add it if you’re their affiliate marketer like, i am, you can add it.

Add your actual affiliate the opt-in form where the bonuses are so I’ll give you an example like this is something here: I’ve created this nice and easily using get response you’ve got done a few forms already. There adjusts place this where it says access your bonus, so when. Someone comes here clicks on this affiliate bonus section they’re going to come over to this page, instead of get going directly to the actual bonus which I’ve given them and what that’ll happen is they’re going to enter their name and email address and that way once they do, that then you’re going to Email them the actual bonus okay but the benefit of you uh doing it this way you’re going to get to build a buyers list, okay, so you’re going to build your email list and give them the bonus at the same times. I hope that makes sense.

So that’s an interesting way! I’ve had to build a buyer’s list. Okay, you cause! That there’s also another way: the jvzoo as well again I’ll jump on to jvzoo again you just come over here to jvzoo, you go to access your purchases, there’s a button on top somewhere which is access.

The purchaser you’ll find that, and these are all the products which i bought previously it doesn’t matter what they are just click on this one here which is called a quick list and.

Then, if you scroll down there, you go to access your, purchase and access your bonuses.

There okay there’s one there. Just click on that and althea bonuses will be automatically given to Youso. I just click on there. This will go directly instead of going to the opt-in form.

This is going to go directly to the bonus page. Okay, so when someone wants to uh get access to the bonus just click on there and they just download the courses. That’s that way i could have added an opt-inform in there as well built a list, but the reason why i didn’t is because i use a different software Uh for jvzoo and the software which i use is called affiliate tracks.

I’ll show you that this one here – and this is where you’ll come to when you first come in, and this way you can get to see all the sales that you’ve made and when you’ve made them so I’ll Justus jump into here and I’ll just show you these are all the sales That they made – and this way you get to build it – your email list automatically okay.

These are all the customers email, this along this side here, and this is how much money they spend the product with the purchase the day and time and when everything happened, even the country here, which is not important, it’s interesting, actually because, obviously, most of the people who purchase the digital products From united states, but I’ve also got Korea, herein, Norway, Qatar, Australia, even Nigeria I’ve got a customer from Nigeria.

You know i never knew they had PayPal but yeah. It’s an interesting part. If you want access to this affiliate track, there’ll be a link down below if. You want to purchase this because it’s not it doesn’t just give you the email list and the names.

It also got some training there as wells. If i click on this training section here and. This is all the training provided by these affiliate marketers. Okay, you might know this person uh, Mike from Maine and there’s Brettley there, so this will be a breast method you, know, affiliate marketing or what to do what actually use WordPress how to create build, theist, uh, ranking and all sorts there, and this will be mike’s method. Okay, he’s more into a video for again teacher to find an offer reach out to the product creator.

You know, create and buy bonuses basically, making a review, video, interviewing people and building an email list that way okay I’m not I’m not doing a review of this but if you’re interested in this. So, this is not justa software. It’s also training there involved by two uh two top affiliate marketers okay and, it’s very easy to use visually. I just go into jvzoo and i just i just see this link here. I just add that link onto the actual jvzoo network when get the affiliate link. It’s called whatever it’s called in.

This is your URL again.

If you’re interested in editing a purchase, the instructions will be there that video that will show you how tousle this anyway, that’s not important. You can just add in an opt-in form like i showed you earlier Uh, which is that one there and that one there is if you’re not interested in buying this product but the training there and that’s all up to youth. I think I’ve explained i think I’ve done this video.

Basically, it’s how to get access to your bonuses, okay, and also don’t forget, learn how – to build the buyers list using this method Uh if you’re interested. If you want some more tips and tricks, just click on the links, down below it’ll lead you to my website. I’ve got fakebook group. You feel free to join that one and. Any questions you can leave them down below.

Okay, speak to you next time.


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