How to Get Clients Online and Offline – The Step by Step Guide

How can you get clients when you’re starting from scratch, you don’t have anything to show? How can you convince anyone if you don’t have a portfolio or experience, I’m Alessandro and I’m an online marketing expert and this channel? I give tips and advice on how to start and create your online business, how to grow it with customers and clients and how to make it your real job and leave the actual one. You have that you probably hate if this sounds good to you subscribe to the channel with the red button you have below and click on the bell, so you will have a notification every time I would post a new video.

Alright, let’s get started. How can you find clients, online and offline welcome to the Growth Academy? I came across this question so many times and I rarely read the reasonable answer to it. How can I convince an hypotetical client to work with me if I don’t have anything to show? Well, let me give you an example of my early stages when I was proposing to manage facebook ads for clients when I started, I had no experience with third-party social media accounts. I grew my skills just with my personal account and my business account so instead of lying to my clients talking about successful projects, I work for or big clients. I worked with I’ve done something that is really rare in marketing.

I used honesty, it’s a real word. It’s in the dictionary, it means the quality of telling the truth. I admitted I had no experience with social media marketing for clients, but I was eager to learn new things and I wanted to improve my skills Plus, and I think this is the reason why they accepted me to work for them. I propose to work completely for free in exchange of a testimonial video in case I was bringing good results to the company funny.

How working for free in exchange of reviews and experience is never contemplated when you’re starting and I get it – I get it when you start, you want to make your project profitable from the get-go and we want to skip completely the struggle period. But let me tell you one thing: even if I was using my spare time to work for free for those clients, I loved every single second of it, I had the possibility to experiment. I had the possibility to learn new things.

I had the possibility to grow in my area and, if you’re generally passionate about something you’re doing, you can do it for free and you’re happy and if you can handle more than one client. I can tell you that in a few months, you will have grown exponentially your expertise and you will have testimonials and case studies to put on your website, and this is precisely what I did in around six months. My portfolio was filled with projects. I worked for and testimonials reviews on my work and I was finally ready to charge for my service all right all right. This makes sense, but where can you find clients?

We are in 2019, my friend actually when you’re watching this video, maybe is even I don’t know, 2030 no wait at that point. Right-Wing parties should have destroyed everything well right now. The web offers a lot of opportunities and possibilities to create connections. All you need to do is to find online communities where your future clients are hanging out.

The first things that come to my mind are Facebook groups and forums that are related to your niche. But if you want more options, I put up a document with a list of the five best places where to find clients online, and I have wrote for each place a few advice on how to make that place the most productive possible. So you have the link in the description of this video click on the link and download this list after you found those communities make a daily habit to support people in those communities. So reply to the questions, write your opinions on different matters and when it’s possible send a private message offering your service.

If your comments on those communities are useful, someone sooner or later will consider paying for your service and I’m telling you for personal experience. Look finding clients becomes super easy when you start fixing their problems, but at the same time don’t understimate offline communities. Look for events that are around your area and attend them in order to create connections, and if you don’t know how to find events that are around you, there are so many tools and apps that can help you. With this. I put up a list of tools that I’m using for this purpose. So if you want to download the list, you have the link in the description and don’t make the mistake to attend those events. Unprepared.

If you have to go, there prepare a good amount of business cards that you have to give to everyone, not just people that can become your clients. The majority of your clients will come from recommendations and, if you still don’t have a website to put on your business card, don’t worry you just have to put a way to get in touch with you and a phone number or your skype name is enough. If you liked all those advice, don’t forget to subscribe to the channel and click on the bell, you know the drill question of the day. Where did you find your first client write your answer in the comments and if you have any question while asked the question always in the comments, I will answer all the questions they are in there. So, for the rest, I’ll see you there in the comments having a discussion with you or otherwise at see you in the next video cheers mate.


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Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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