How to get mass real traffic for free? Best Traffic Exchange

Hello: everyone in this video, i must show you how to get free traffics via traffic Bot pro, let’s go to the official website and click free version to get traffic Bot pro for free. The software can autofill in the free version son code, just complete other information. You can add proxies directly or import proxies from a file in proxy center. The file format should be like this. Next, you can generate some device fingerprints in device center.

The software will autofill in the path of chrome if you’ve installed it before. If not, please, install chrome and set up the path manually, then you can set up max chrome window count here. It means how many windows the software will open at the same time when you run tasks after that, go to the traffic exchange, page register an account. First of all, you should complete some tasks first and then you can create tasks to let others run your task, which means all for one for all set up the device and the proxy here, then you can click start to get point.

The software will run tasks automatically, and you will see the task log below it won’t end until you stop it manually request. Fail means that there are no eligible tasks for you to earn points when new eligible tasks are released, the software will automatically continue to earn points. You can also add proxies to change your Ip click refresh, and you will see the points. Change. Next. Add your tasks.

You can set up total run time and limit the runtime per day. I p click setting to set up the task. Add the target url and a refer url some other options on this page. You can set up as you wish. You can also add some custom operations, like auto click input on your website, if you paid for the software, for example, if i want to click one element on this page, then i should do like this after you post your tasks, you can disable or remove them.

Your points will lose when someone completes your tasks. If you don’t want to exchange tasks to gain traffic clicks, you can also create tasks directly in the manage tasks category to run locally, then your tasks will not be published to exchange points with others. Right click and add modules i’ll manually operate one time and then i’ll show you how to do this via the software. Add a sleep time to wait for the website load then go to the browser and press f12 to open the retools click here and select the element you want to click.

You can see the value of id in the retools, then you can fill in the value in the software. Don’t forget to save settings here. Index 0 means the first element. The software find accord to the id input. You can click get element count to know if the element is found according to your settings, click here to test, then you can do the next step. I want to close the second page open just now, so i need to fill in one here. Index 0 means the first page, it’s better to add a sleep time between each step then select the element again, it’s class in the dev tools.

You can use the value of class in the software too after setup finished, don’t forget to save all right. That should be all thanks for watching.


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