How to Get Your FIRST 100 SUBSCRIBERS on YouTube

You publish videos and wait for views and subscribers but you don’t see the progress that you want. If you find it difficult to get your new YouTube channel off its feet, here is how to get your first 100 subscribers on YouTube Find forums that are related to the video topics you upload When your channel is new you need to make an effort promoting your videos. You will get your first 100 subscribers on YouTube fast if you promote it to people that are already interested in your niche. for example, let’s say your channel is about let’s say your YouTube channel is about Makeup and fashion. Look for Facebook groups that are active and have a lot of members.

Choose between 5-10 Facebook groups to start off with and share your videos. Remember don’t spam, let your videos be a useful guide. Apart from Facebook, you can also you reddit, Quora, Pinterest to get your first 100 subscribers. I have created detailed videos on these strategies before.

The links are in the description.

Get your comments noticed in related channels Select about 6 channels that are similar to the content that you create. Leave noteworthy comments for every new video that’s been uploaded. Not don’t say “subscribe to my channel”. Just add value and if you leave a head turning comment, viewers will also pay a visit to your channel and if they like your videos they will subscribe. Add the direct link to subscribe when promoting your channel When you promote your channel don’t just leave the channel name link.

How to Get Your FIRST 100 SUBSCRIBERS on YouTube

By adding “?sub confirmation=1” to the end of the link to your channel it will prompt people to subscribe when they visit your channel link. Getting your first 100 YouTube subscribers will be easy if you include this link in your blog posts or even forums that you promote your videos. Create playlists. Playlists are one of the most underutilized growth hacks on YouTube.

Most people don’t realize that playlists show up in YouTube search results just like videos do. If you have more than one video around a particular topic, playlists are a great way to ensure your audience will watch them. If you don’t have a lot of your own content yet, you can even add other youtuber creators’ videos in playlists that your targeted audience will also enjoy.

Upload videos consistently I have seen in several YouTube channels, that if there is a significant gap between uploads — YouTube traffic goes down. It even happens to me as I couldn’t upload videos for 2 weeks.

YouTube algorithm takes the upload consistency also into account while deciding which videos to recommend. So, decide on an upload schedule that you can stick to. For this channel I upload every Saturday and I have clearly mentioned it in the YouTube channel banner, so viewers know what to expect. If you follow these tips on how to get your first 100 subscribers on YouTube fast you will achieve your goal of getting your first 100 YouTube subscribers.

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About amorosbaeza1964

Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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