How To Make $100K a Month With A $67 Online Course

Up there up here are we live. I think we’relive hi, everyone welcome to the mike showwait, not the mike show the martha show ohmy daughter’s laughing at me out. There I’m in the command center here today, coming to you from beautiful winter garden, florida welcome to florida, everyone, you’re virtually here in florida with us today, um so hamartia many of you know, is filming a reality show in miami called four days to save the world hear, there’s awesome stuff happening Over thereof, you want to check it out.

Um, look them up. On Instagram four days to save the world. Just do like at four days to save the world. Don’T spell out forwrite the number four number four and then thatshould take you there. Okay, so first things first hello everyone. I’M seeing people good morning mike and Martha from misty good morning, misty micelle day, four woohoo blessings, mar mike all right, I’m, mar mike people used to call me that when i was a little kid okay. So, if thesis your first time here or if you’re watching somewhere other than YouTube, i want you to go to YouTube and hit that red subscribe button and then hit the bell. Because if you hithe bell, you get notifications when, Martha goes live and there is oh well you get notifications when Martha has a new video on YouTube, and we are making exclusive YouTube content. So, you don’t want to miss that.

Yes, and that is Herman in the back where’s my finger okay there’s Herman he’s in his business suit. I don’t know he had like uh. He used to be in corporate America, but he left because he uh took Martha’s teachings okay. So now I’m just rambling Um good morning, everyone. How are we doing also Uh make sure to comment in in the comments section and then, because Martha’s really busy during the day filming the filming the show but she’ll CircleBack, i think she’s been doing it around nine o’clock or so and answer your comments.

Um when she’s done filming. Okay, all right so that being said uh how’s everyone doing you having a Goodmorning um. I was g. I was kind of worried about topping my flossing dance from yesterday because now, you all show up and you’re like what’s Hegna do next. I have a hidden talent that no one else in the world can do. Do you want to see it? It’s going to blow your mind so I’m. The only person in the world I’ve ever met that can voluntarily close their nostrils so watch this right, i mean have you ever met. Anyone who can do that. I bet you’ll never find another person all right. Also, before we. I put Martha’s video here. You’re, probably allice get Martha on there. Please um before i put Martha’s video up here for you that she’s made for you today at 3 p.m.

Eastern standard time in, the heart centered group. We are going to dote. First, ever visual experience, review which we’re taking three wonderful people and. We’re looking at their visual presence online, their visual footprint online and we’re, looking at what they’re doing right and we’re going to be looking at what they cando to improve that experience for their people. Soif you’re, not in heart center there’s link in the description of this video whether you’re on Facebook or YouTube it, should be in the description you want to join that group and you’ll be able to see that today, at 3 p.m. Eastern standard time, okay here we go here comes Martha the moment you’ve all been waiting for.

Let’s do this: hey, hey, you guys! We are now on day four. Oh, my gosh of four days to save the world. The reality show that I’m filming in miami right now, so like mike said make sure that your goon and go ahead and comment on this video after I’m done filming today, Imona goes back to the comments and I’m going to see what you guys are saying. So, i love hanging outwit you guys today, what we’re going to talk agoutis, how to make 100k a month with a 67 course and you’re like. Why is that so? Specific that feels really specific because I’ve done it because i 100k a month making a 67course is doable, and i think that people look at low priced courses as not successful courses like. They can’t make money.

I actually used tobe in a coaching program where they all sold courses that were, like, i don’t know, five ten fifteen thirty thousand dollars and then the saw my little courses at sixty-seven dollars. And there was some laughing. That happened, they weren’t being mean or anything, but it was. It was just like, that’s adorable, you know, that’s cute, I’m like, don’t know it’s 100k a month is nothing to scoff at in my opinion right, so i want to explain to you how that actually happened, and it’s going to help you out with how we move forward okays. As i was first, this wasn’t when i was first starting in courses, but it was like midway through as. I was creating courses and stuff what i did was, i determined something that i did that had massive value, that a lot of people were asking me questions on okay.

So basically, i had already created a community, and people were asking me a lot of questions about how i did this one thing okay. So, the very first thing so step. One then you guys is finding something that people ask you questions on a lot as simple as that and you might be like well, it’s like about gardening is that something i can write a course on yes here’s. The thing is: if people are asking you a lot of questions about how you did something Makea course, out of it and monetize that thing for crying out loud, it doesn’t make sense not to and there’s nothing wrong with doing that. So, i call Ina lot of heart-centered people because i myself am one right, so i call in people that are mean.

I know that a lot of us are like well. Don’t necessarily feel right about charging money for the stuff that I’m teaching somebody right well. That’s what we do in her is, i show you how-to, be able to give and then also have other things that they can buy if they want tokay. So, we give – and we help people out but then we, also weave things in in such a graceful way that when implemented properly people haven problem at all, buying that 67-course shoot. They have no problem at all, buying that3k to 5k course when it’s time for them to do that. That’s why we don’t have to use ads or anything like that, so how i turned a 67 course into 100k a month. Just with that one course now I’ve made lots of courses like I’m like Martha, making the online courses creating righted, be making courses.

That’s just one of them so! Imagine you make many courses, and they all do that well i mean you’re talking about coming up and that’s a massive profit margin. So what. You know about my business – maybe you don’t know, if you’re new to me, but what a lot of people know about my business is that my husband and imp whole company, we’re after ending poverty, we’re ending poverty and the way in which we’re doing that is. We are making families invincible. So, one million families will be empowered by us by million families will be making high profit margin businesses from home and those are online courses or coaching for the most part that’s your highest profit margin, because it’s nobody else’s product, it’s yours and there’s little tono overhead. And it’s simple.

The thing is you have to, do it right, so you can’t just go out there and be like well. How do i make an online course you’ll find out how to make it, but then you won’t know the stuff that really matters which is the building the community, the selling without. Having to sell the making it sustainable the serving the community continuously doing that, while they’re buying different things asas they go. All of that needs to be done and like said when implemented properly. You can crush its even with a 67 course.

So again, all my heart centered people. They come to me because call them in because they are me, I’m like a foghorn for heart, centered people, right it’s probably, why you’re here and so what we do we serve. We show up and we serve and then we, don’t necessarily want to charge a bunch of money. For that first course maybe, we just want it to be 67, but we want Itto have massive impact. We want it to be able to spread far and wide. I have people in hardhat they’re advocates for autistic children so.

They have courses on how to be able to homeschool your autistic child, or how tobe able to help your autistic child thrive, in life or how to help the caretakers, how they can take care of themselves and mitigate day-to-daylife, so they’re not getting caretakers fatigue right, i mean that’s the kind Of thing it doesn’t always have to be how to use Trello or how tousle this app or how to use that and how to create this they’re more life skills than that that’s the beauty. Here it’s more about like how am i going to show up and serve what’s a thing that I’ve done what’s the thing I’ve had to learn myself: that’ve created my own system for – and i may not have ever called it a system before.

But when i look at my day-to-day schedule, there’s a system therein can show you how to make a course out of that and for you to be able to crush it and, it’s got massive profit margins, and it will change your family’s entire trajectory. So that’s how i made 100k a month continue to 100k a month on 67 courses. I did a thing. I then documented that thing and then i allowed people to buy it for a lot less than. What it was worth people bought that course and were like. I would have spent 500 to a thousand dollars for that course, and I’m like right. I know I’m selling it to you at 67 because i want you to be impacted. The impact matters more to me than the dollars and the more people that icon impact.

That’s what matters to me and also in the process, I’m building trust, and you know that know my stuff, and that i don’t just give you fluff and, i don’t just fill up. Videos with like stuff that, doesn’t matter that i give you do this do that do this. Do that wash rinse repeat and then give you the time to do it does not go on an take up all your time with a video, that’s not necessary that ‘show! You do it guys, that’s and her thing. That’s what show you in there.

That’s a big thing. Thawte talk about in her, okay, not only how to find your people who you’re going to serve if you don’t know, who they are yet a lot of people, don’t its no big deal and then how you’re going to serve them and a lot of people. If you already thoughtyou knew how you were going to serve them peoplecome into hbr and realize that they weren’t rightthat, they needed to rethink how they were servingtheir people, and maybe it didn’t, look the waythat. They thought it was supposed to look maybe. They were just mimicking.

Somebody else’s business and didn’t realize the weren’t doing something that would work for them. Let’s stop mimicking other people’s business and let’s start doing something that works for us that’s, where you’re going to find your success that’s, where it’s going to feel good. That is your sweet spot. Here’s how you get into that! You guys is, you message. My Facebook business page live in the dream with Martha message me the words case study rainbows and unicorns whatever you want.

Towe’ll has a short chat, I’ll, give you the details of the program and you’re in or you’re out, it’s completely up to you.

This is not a high pressure sales thing: it’s through messenger, it’s not a big deal at all. We don’t have to get on a Calland. Everybody starts sweating and getting weird it’s not going to be like that at all. It’s just a simple talk. My goal is for you to be better one of our business’s core values is that we run through the filter of. Does this make our people better we’re focused on you; we’re not focused on bottom line, we’re not focused on dollars quite frankly mike, and i can go retire, on our investments right now and be totally fine not. Just fine like be thriving, but we choose toto.

Do this because we choose for you to be better because what we know about you being better is that when there’s enough use being better, we’re shifting the entire world, and that is our goals. Do you want to be part of the world shifting because you are completely. Cayou can see you later bye-bye.





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Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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