How To Make $100K – The Simple Formula

Hello, hello, hello, Facebook. How are you Jena Rodriguez here just waiting for some of you to show up, and so I definitely want to thank any replacers that are watching this. After the fact, I do appreciate you and we’re going to have a great little conversation about how to make 100,000 K right hundred thousand a hundred thousand in your business and what that simple formula is and we’re going to go through some of those quick steps. And I really just dive in a little bit so for those of you that might be new to me and hopefully we’ll get some people here. Just if you are here, please say hi and tell me where you’re from and just let me know that you’re present. Otherwise, if you’re replaying feel free to leave comments as well, I do go back and check it out.

So I’m Jena Rodriguez – and I am your Brand Business and Brave Strategist and CEO of soon to be Brave Masters, we’re rebranding what was formerly known as Brand With Jena to Brave Masters, so you’ll start to see a lot of that roll out and today, like I Said I want to talk to you guys about this conversation, mainly about how to make more money and really what that formula is, and so we’re going to go through those details. So, I love it if you’ve got a piece of paper and maybe take a few notes if you’re so inclined. You know this is a hot topic with my clients and the truth is it really? It comes down to the numbers and, if you’re not paying attention to the numbers – and you can’t get there right it really is – it will be much more elusive if you’re not paying attention to the numbers of the details. So, here’s the deal the formula for making more money, basically as much money as you’d like to see in your business there’s a formula for it. It’s really easy. I think we’ve complicated this so much but the truth.

It’s A times B equals C, and so what is that and the truth is, is if you know how many units need to be sold, what you’re selling those units for right, the unit price, the multiplication of that equals the revenue and if we don’t create Those projections for ourselves, we kind of end up going down the road and not knowing where we’re trying to get to right.

So, I’ve created a system or a tool: that’s actually called the money map for revenue, success, template and – and it’s just a way to basically work out this formula and the more you see what’s possible in your business, based on that A times B, equals C formula. The more opportunity you have to really be in control of where your revenues coming from, as well as how it’s actually playing out throughout the year, and so this is an exercise I do with my clients, it’s an exercise I do for myself, and I check it. Every quarter, I check it as periodically as I can to make sure that I’m on track and plug in the actuals versus what I projected and then just course correct. So, here’s the thing: it’s that simple: you have to know how many units you’re selling, what the unit price is to equal the revenue or the potential revenue and the thing about it is.

There are 4 things that I’ve identified in general that you have to really consider in order to make the number happen, so you may plug in numbers and say great the numbers $ 200,000 or a million dollars a year, and there are some factors that have to Come into play in order to make that happen, so it really does depend on where you are in your business. What phase, what stage? Clearly, how much you know leverage you have and how much support you have, and so I want to be clear on what these 4 things are. So, one is CLARITY, so you have to be clear what you’re selling you have to know how much you’re selling it for.

You want to be clear what some other things such as: what is the brand stand for? What are you trying to accomplish with your business and what are the solutions? You’Re solving I mean so ultimately, you do need to be clear on those basics. Those fundamental answers for yourself so that you can clearly market whatever you are selling you’ve got to know. The end result that you bring to people so # 1. Is CLARITY? # 2? Is BANDWIDTH right? So how many hats are you wearing in your business if you’re in a place where you’re just getting started?

And you expect to make a million dollars in your business in the first year, because you plug in some numbers that equate to that you’ve got to look at what is it require of you and if you’re by yourself, you may be some team to make that Happen so that brings us to # 3, is RESOURCES, so once you have clarity once you know what your bandwidth is like, how many hats are you wearing how much time, energy and space do you have for running your business and marketing your business and getting visible And then # 3 is resources. So, do you have the time? Do you have the energy? Do you have the money? Do you have the team to reach those financial goals so in order to expedite and to reach the ultimate financial level that you want to reach?

Those things have to be taken into consideration, and the fourth thing, just so you’re aware, is, of course, the INPUT of those resources right, the fast action. How fast do you take action? How full-time focus do you have on this? (, excuse me) and ultimately you know how much can you put focus on (, making my eyes tear up) and if you know you’re clear, on what you’re selling and what you’re doing and how to market it with different roommates? You have the bandwidth available, and you have the resources and you’re willing to put the input in right to fulfill on those resources.

Then you can really look at the plan and the map of your money success inside of this formula and really home in on whether it’s realistic or not realistic. Or what else do you need to add to you to your resources in order to make it happen?

So, if you’re in the beginning of your business – and you are all on your own – you don’t have any team you’re, certainly trying to build cash flow and time is limited because it’s limited to how much time you personally have. If you don’t have the team and resources to help you, then that’s going to play a part, and can you reach that goal that formula that you projected and ultimately, when I started getting some traction in my business and I started out just like anyone else where It was all me, but I quickly knew that I needed to get some help.

I even started with a virtual assistant for five hours a month and it was minimal. It was a low investment and I was able to gain some traction get some time back right on my plate, so that I could start to do some other things that are more income producing activities and more marketing focused. In order to accomplish the projected revenue that I desired, and so when you’re looking at these factors and looking at this formula, the formula is simple. However, inside of that, you want to look at okay.

Do I have these other things in place, or am I willing to invest in them in order to expedite it and I’m all for getting team, I’m all for getting mentorship and coaching and things like that is an investment? Yes, but it’s also something that can accelerate your results and will get you closer to that financial goal that you want to get to so here’s the thing: if you’ve got you know a thousand units to sell at and you want to sell them a hundred Dollars great you’ll get there, but just notice how many units you have to sell, which requires a following, which requires marketing and hustle, and it requires visibility at a very high level. So those are the kind of things you want to consider so that you are staying on track being realistic.

At the same time, seeing what’s possible, I’ve had clients fill their forms out for what I call the money map for revenue success. I’M actually going to tell you here in a minute how to get access to it for free.

I had to fill it out based on what they’re selling and what they’re pricing things at currently, because we work on that first and determine that clarity and they plug the numbers in and they’re like. Okay, I’m going to estimate that I could get so many units in this quarter or this month and how does that layout over the rest of the year and they either have a really high number, or sometimes they have this low number and it’s like well, I Can do more than that right, so you have to plug the numbers in play with them and also get realistic with yourself and keep track of it. So, you might project for the year and then you ultimately want to take a moment every month or every quarter and update the actuals versus what you’re, projecting and really start to see.

Are you on track to reach that goal and it’s been really powerful in my business it’s been powerful and my client’s business. You know sometimes they’re so surprised by like wow I can get to a hundred thousand. If I just do this this and this and I use my resources – and I might add, a team member or I get help in this area so that I can expedite it and it’s that opportunity to really see what is possible in your business and take the Necessary steps and actions to get there, so I just want to check in if you guys aren’t here with me, live, say: hi, speak, say something in the comments would love to know that this is working and if you are replay watching again, please leave a comment And let me know how this is helping you, so here’s my gift to you.

I would love it if we could stay connected even more and if you are an entrepreneur looking to build community and visibility, etc. I have a great group on Facebook that is really growing, and more and more people are joining every single day, which is really exciting.

You just make sure you jump over to the group on Facebook called Get Your Brave On, and I’m going to type the link in here, real quick, so that you have easy access to it and here’s the thing if you join and become a member of this Group, you will gain access and there will be a link at the top of the page, at top of the discussion to my Money Map For Revenue, Success, Training, Video, real quick training on this whole formula and what we’ve discussed and you’ll get the Excel spreadsheet template That you just have to plug in the numbers you plug in what you sell. What’s the unit price and see what’s possible for you so take a moment. Join us in this group. (Get Your Brave on I’m trying to type and talk, which is always a challenge:) and then you’ll gain access to that link, and you get it free.

It’s complimentary. I just want to give you more resources and things to think about when you’re. Looking at how do I make more money, first of all, you’re going to get clear, and you got to see what’s possible, and you got to go through these four questions. These four fundamentals of knowing that you’re, clear you’ve got the bandwidth.

You’ve got the resources and you’re willing to do the input right, take the action, so I hope this was useful. I look forward to hearing your comments, your thoughts and just what’s happening in your world. So, thanks again for watching and I’ll see you on the next Facebook live see you later bye.

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