How to Outsource Content Creation (Article Writing)

Hey, what’s up Chris Hughes here, and in this video, I want to talk about how you can get started with outsourcing content creation and this is going to be in regard to actually getting articles created for you know, whether it’s going to be your own personal blog or a site that your partners with. So, the general idea here for this whole thing to work out is that you need to come up with templates and templates are what you’re going to be able to hand off to team members or virtual assistants or employees to basically just plug and play what you have given them. So let’s say that you’re writing about health subjects. Where you want to do is you want to have a guide for headlines. You’re going to have a guide for article setup, like draw one out here.

So, I would say this is your website or banner up here, you know like ads on the side, what kind of copy, you have coffee like this, and then maybe you have a YouTube video inside of it, a little more copy. So, these are things that you need to think about. You need to map them out, so if you’re doing this type of thing, make sure you’re very specific about the layout. Say you have 300 words and then you have a picture. You want to make sure that your employee, your writer knows this.

Otherwise, you’re basically just hand the keys to something that won’t work on. So, if you have specific templates for all of this, all you need to do is hire people to actually follow the templates and the sun can be easy to hire good people. I’m going to give you some resources that will make it a little easier, but you’re still going to.

How to Outsource Content Creation (Article Writing)

Need to filter through people. Just like with anything.

Finding good people takes time. So, the resources I actually want to share with you, we’ve got text broker is a very good resource. I’ve used countless times to build up little niche websites and blogs Upwork, which is another site to find good authors. is another way to find experts in certain subject matter.

You can find people all interest depending on what type of blogs you’re running, and Odes is another one. There’s also, these are some of the top-quality people, so keep that in mind. There’s other sites that you can hire people from that are we a little lower quality, but if you were looking and planning for the long-term with your niche business, what you want to do is think about having high quality articles so that way you know it lasts for years and decades rather than, you know, a couple like hitting myths for 30 days or 60 days.

Think long-term with this strategy and the resources I just mentioned are going to be listed below the video so that you can actually just go there and get this all set up and running for you. So, check out the link below.

It’s going to be resources down below so that you can actually do this yourself. And I’ll see you in the next video. Be sure to subscribe if you haven’t yet and see next time.

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