How to Stay Positive During Your Job Search

Are you feeling frustrated and demoralized about the progress of your job search? If so, you are not alone and, in this lesson, coming to you from the beach and I hope the sound of the waves and the wind doesn’t lull you to sleep. You’ll learn one of the most important causes for your feelings, plus how to get a free confidence building worksheet that will help you shift your mindset and get quickly back on track.

Welcome Happily Employed Rockstar, I’m Robert with, and you are in the right place to learn the secrets to getting a better job click that red subscribe button and let’s get started feeling your job search is demoralizing. You most likely means that your self-confidence has taken a bit of a beating. This is not a pleasant experience, but it’s actually quite common, especially when your job search is not happening as quickly as you expected, whether you’re, unemployed and desperate for any job or whether you already have a job, but you’re really dissatisfied with it and want something better. You are in the right place.

Lack of self confidence in the job search is usually caused by not knowing exactly how to conduct an effective job search and that lack of knowledge can lead you to have a couple of fears that can really knock yourself. Confidence and those two fears are fear of the unknown and fear of failure, even though you may not feel like it. At this moment, you do have the power to take the steps you need to take to keep learning what you need to learn in order to conduct an effective job search.

The fact that you are here even watching this video is a step in the right direction. So I salute you for that: the more you learn and practice the stronger your confidence will get watching the videos where I teach the magic cover letter and magic interview strategies, we’ll teach you advantageous skills that very few people know how to use. This will give you an advantage and, in the process, help you to boost your confidence and now I’d love to hear from you about what is your biggest frustration when doing a job search? Please drop your answer in the comments below. I can’t wait to read it.

You can also accelerate your progress even more by working one-on-one, with teachers like me or other coaches, investing time and money to work one-on-one with someone who has more experience than you can help. You avoid the mistakes that others have made and confidently jump right ahead of those who are using the trial-and-error method.

It’s up to you as Anthony Robin says. Only 20 % of your success is in the actual mechanics or techniques.

80 % is in your mindset or your psychology experiencing feelings of uncertainty, and the fears that bubble up underneath that calls for courage and courage, is the ability to act even when you feel afraid or uncertain. My own life experience has taught me a thing or two about courage. Right after my divorce, I was laid off from my job, so I know about that. Experience plus I’ve had many other unexpected life events that have called for courage and my recent choice to ride a bicycle by myself, 4000 plus miles across the United States and to walk on 2,000-degree hot coals.

Three times taught me some new dimensions of courage, but that’s really nothing compared to a lot of the difficult experiences that many people go through in life and so one of the most powerful ways to break the cycle of those demoralizing job search. Feelings is to stop for a moment and think of things that you can be grateful for your heart is beating the air around. You is free to breathe just close your eyes for a minute, put your hands on your heart and take a deep breath and, as you feel, the beating of your heart, which is a gift just allow yourself to think of one or two or three things that You’re grateful for right now, even while you’re in the middle of your job search focus on the things that you can appreciate in your life and be grateful for that can begin to help.

You immediately shift your mindset. Yes, another really powerful way to strengthen your courage to act, even in the face of fear, is to identify even more powerful reasons to act, even though you don’t feel like it. Identifying these reasons and attaching the appropriate, positive or negative emotions to each can help you get the leverage you need over yourself to take action, even when you feel afraid to help you build your confidence.

I’D like to invite you to download my job search self-confidence.

Worksheet, which I developed with one of my teachers, dr.

Wiggins, simply go to and download your free confidence boosting worksheet. The link is also in the description one more thing: if you’d like someone to come alongside you and help, you build your courage to act. In spite of your fears, I’d love to support you information about how to get started. Working one-on-one with me is in the worksheet. If you know someone who can benefit from this information, please share it with them and until next time unleash your big dreams by asking yourself this powerful question: what if it’s possible now.





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About amorosbaeza1964

Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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