How to Survive the Top 5 Most Disgusting Creatures

Not only will these little guys make your skin crawl, but they can also kill you. Some of them can burrow into your skin and others can go a lot deeper. This isn’t a nightmare. This is real life, and if you don’t pay attention, it could be all over soon. Here’s how to survive the top five most disgusting creatures. We all have different ideas of what’s gross while that big hairy spider might be repulsive to you. It could be a cute pet to someone else, but today we’re going to look at five creatures that we can all agree are absolutely disgusting.

This video might not be for the faint of heart, but it could save your life, which creature is known for swimming into penises. How could a fly lay eggs under your skin and how can nail polish protect you? I don’t know number five leeches any creature that will suck your blood is disgusting to me and leeches are no exception. These slimy worms have three razor sharp jaws that can clamp onto your body. They then suck out your blood while releasing saliva that helps the blood flow and prevents clotting, you’re, not their preferred food source, but that doesn’t mean that leeches won’t partake. If they get a chance, they will try to nestle into a crevice in your body like your groin armpit, or between your toes or one might even try to get inside your nose into your mouth or in your ear.

They usually live in water and can sense if you disturb it. They will also look for movement before attaching themselves to you. If a leech has some leeched on don’t pour salt or vinegar on them, use your fingernail or a credit card and slide it under the leech toward its mouth. Don’t pull the leech instead push it sideways. This reduces damage to your skin, wash the bite and keep it clean to avoid infection. number, four giant centipede these large multi-leg creatures can be aggressive. They will bite you if you pick them up or step on them. The larger one is the more venom it will deliver. If you get bitten, you’ll feel pain immediately, you’ll also suffer swelling and redness.

You can have a severe allergic reaction to the venom with fever, nausea and itching. You could even have a heart attack and die apply heat to the bite as quickly as you can soak.

The wound into the hot water to dilute the venom then use an ice pack to reduce swelling, take an antihistamine or an anti-inflammatory drug to reduce the pain and watch for any allergic reactions. You may need medical help if the wound hasn’t improved in a few days.

Consult a doctor number three candiru, this parasitic translucent eel-like fish can sneak up on you without being seen legend has it that it can swim up a man’s penis lodge itself inside the urinary tract and feed on blood, but there’s no truth to that. Dale, however, it will latch onto wherever it can. If you’re in muddy or translucent waters, there could be thousands of them around you, but you wouldn’t know it to avoid an attack.

Wear a swimsuit, a full body suit, would be best the less skin. You expose the fewer spots candiru can latch onto. If you find one on you, don’t panic evidence suggests that once it has fed on you for a few seconds, it will detach itself and swim away. If you’d rather not wait, you can pull it off without any further damage. You can also try using an acidic solution like lemon juice, vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. It might stress the candida and cause it to let go clean and disinfect your wound then cover it. You may want to seek medical attention to make sure there is no infection. Number two bot fly.

If you find yourself infested with bot flies, don’t kill the larvae before removing or squeezing them out. Rupturing, the larva’s body could cause anaphylactic shock and make it tougher to remove these little pests. Although botfly infestations happen in central and south America, they can occur as far north as the united states, botflies use mosquitoes to transmit their eggs, they lay their eggs on mosquitoes and if one stings, you it’ll, transfer the botfly larva into your skin, the bite will be Red swollen and itchy pus will ooze from the wound and it will feel like something is moving under your skin.

That’S because there is there’s a couple of ways to remove buttflies. You can use a topical anesthetic, enlarge the wound and use forceps to remove the larva or you could spread petroleum jelly or nail polish on your skin to suffocate the larva, then remove the pests number one tapeworm. Butt flies squirm, underneath your skin, but tape worms live far deeper inside you. You can get infected with tapeworms by eating raw pork, beef or fish being exposed to livestock or from poor hygiene. If you get infected, you will have diarrhea abdominal pain and weight loss. You could also have insomnia, headaches and seizures.

This means the tapeworm has infested your nervous system.

You’ll need to go to a hospital right away or you could suffer permanent damage. You can help prevent infestation through diet, eating raw garlic, pumpkin, seeds and pomegranates has killed.

Parasites, eating more fiber can get rid of worms and probiotics can keep your digestive tract healthy, zinc and vitamin c. Both support your immune system, all right who else could use a break from these disgusting creatures. Maybe we should spend some time looking at pets instead, but don’t get too comfortable, because some pets can turn on you in an instant want to know which pets like to throw their poop at you find out here on how to survive. You

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