How Tony Robbins Generates 1,000,000 Website Visitors Per Month

Yo There here is: That’s Chris …This is the guy that wrote the Tony Robbins article. That’S blowing up, it’s like the biggest article but Simoes ever put out. Chris Christie, hey tell us a little bit about that article by Rhodes. What’s up with this guy’s and Tyronn increase website traffic to one website visited every single month? Yes, I reverse engineer exactly what is doing. It is one main website. Visitors are writing these articles there. Anyone to like to follow exactly what he’s doing to get message of McNamara targeted a website. If I can have hell, yeah, we’re going to jump in and break it down.


We’ll take a look right now, Thanks all right Before we jump into the article, I’d, ask you to click up here. In the right hand, corner it’ll, take you to the actual article, so you can follow along with me. So what I want to do in this video is just give a 10,000 foot overview of the article and then you can go and look at the sections that you want to get more granular and learn more about in the actual article, so tip number one on How Tony Robbins generates a million unique, unique visitors, unique people who come to his site every single month?

Alright, the first thing that he does is: he starts with a trend, that’s been very popular lately and that is to invite people to take personalized quizzes right when they come. So you see that button right there take our free life assessment and what this does is it creates interest, because it’s very interesting kind of probing personal questions, not some dry or you, man or woman, it’s very interesting and then it shows people the gap that they’re Having so you go through and you’re like, how do you feel about your relationships on a scale of one to ten? How do you feel about this this this and, at the end, it says: well, you’ve got this big gap that you need to close.

Here’s how to do it!

So that’s a very cool technique, there’s a lot of people who are using quizzes right off their homepage to generate interest and do these things that Tony’s doing step number two is a home page. That is appealing to all different learning styles. So, you’ve heard of the different learning styles right: visual auditory, kinesthetic auditory digital and that’s where the Vak ad came from, but basically, he’s appealing to all these separately with unique types of, I guess, unique types of components that will appeal to everyone. So visual pictures and videos auditory, you know what they’re hearing can aesthetically feeling and doing an auditory digital is more facts and figures.

So, as you go through, you can see that he appeals to all these different types of people, because, when you’re coming through with traffic to your site, you don’t know what they’re all doing you don’t know what their type of learning process is. So, in this you’re able to appeal to all of them – and you don’t even have to worry about it, tip number three he’s got: what’s called invisible, mini funnels and basically all these are specific. Small funnels pertaining that focus specifically on the reason that people are there, so some person may want to be there to improve their relationships. Some people may want to be there to improve their health.

You never know why they’re doing that, but as soon as he has a call to action that relates to one of those, he takes you to a specific funnel. So, the rest of your experience is tailored exactly for why you’re one of there, while you’re there. So, here’s an example: do you want to prove your business learn more, do you want to improve your personal life, learn more two totally different things. Imagine him trying to market to both of those groups with one funnel. It can’t be nearly as specific. It doesn’t feel.

Like he’s talking to you exactly, which is what he can do now that he has this information, okay tip number four you’re going to want to jump into the article to look at this one as it gets pretty granule. But basically, when you have a strong established brand, like Tony Robbins, does you can see here all the different paid ads that he’s using and he’s basically maximizing the different offers that he puts in front of people? Look at all these different ones that pop up, when you search it and the reason he can do that, even though it may ding your Quality Score on Google AdWords a little bit, which just means they say it may not be that relevant to the people that Are searching for this? He doesn’t care because his brands so strong. He knows he’s going to make money off that tip.

Number five is the old peacock technique and basically, what this means is you’re just going to research, what kind of content performs best in different mediums?

So, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and then what you’re going to do is play that up. So if you find people response to Tony Robbins, clapping put a bunch of pictures and videos of him clapping now another thing he’s doing is he’s using the examples of other people so and other people post his stuff or it Oprah says this. This in Oprah he’s always blasting that across his social media, peacocking the fact or showing off the fact that all these other famous people are supporting what he’s doing or like what he’s doing he’s kind of infamous, for name dropping and in this it’s kind of a Next level he’s not only able to talk about that when he’s speaking, but across his Instagram he’s showing you man, look how cool. I am look at everybody talking about me.

Look at everybody support me, I’m the big dog, and the thing is that social credibility or the support, knowing that other famous and influential people are supporting. You is powerful, so it makes sense what he’s doing and that’s something that you can do in your own. In your own strategy, even if you don’t have Oprah hyping up your stuff, just simply sharing a single other person.

Having a con kind comment about what you’re doing can be very powerful. Okay tip number six is Tony’s PR. Our CSS sales call strategy, and that sounds very complicated, but basically all he’s doing he has all these calls to action driving people to schedule a phone call.

Everybody knows that phone calls right here they convert the best. When you get somebody on the phone, they learn. A little bit about you here, so there’s a coaching strategy.

Look at that kind! Man! I want to talk to that guy once you get them on the phone, they’re much more willing to become a paying customer because they feel that rapport, they feel like they’ve got some individual attention and, in all honesty, they feel like.

The solution is probably having a better chance or will have a better chance to be successful. So basically, the TR RCSS strategy is to get people on the phone to create that rapport and close them in sales. Okay, tip number seven pertains to a term. Have you heard of ADD blindness or banner blindness? I think is a technical term. It basically just means, as you see, adds more and more and more they add frequency goes up on you. It has less of an impact on you eventually. If, on every time you loaded your Chrome browser or whatever you use in the right top corner, there was an ad for Tony Robbins. You eventually would not even know to at all your brain.

Your subconscious would pay it no attention so every additional time that that happens, it reduces the effectiveness of ADD. So, this section is all about how Tony gets around that, for instance, the three-part dynamic carousel is within Facebook.

That’s a tool where you can put different pictures up, so you can scroll around. So it’s not the same one and he also spends a lot of time on retargeting, which just means people who have expressed interest in the tony robins brand they’ve clicked on something they watched a video on YouTube, he’ll, follow you around or retarget you across all kinds Of different networks, the Google Display Network one of the most popular Facebook and YouTube as well number eight, the Tony Robbins clapping ritual. I made a video for this, and it basically goes through just how every I performance athlete has a ritual to kind of get them in that peak state at peak performance.

You don’t want any variability in your performance when people are paying. You know $ 5,000 plus for a weekend with Tony Robbins, and they expect it to be one of the best weekends of their lives. He can’t go out there and have a dud so put this video together that I backwards engineered all the seven steps that he does to get himself in temptation in that peak excitement, net beat focus and one of them is insane hand clapping ritual. So, I’d suggest you go there. You can find that video here on our YouTube channel or if you click the card up in the right corner and go to the article you can scroll down and in number eight there’s a link to that video.

Basically, what he does well I’ll, just let you go to you – can read it here, but I think you’d enjoy watching the video.

So, you could check that out. All right number nine is how he positions and markets his podcast, okay. So he’s known for doing great interviews and he’s got a great podcasting voice, a really strong presence, but the one thing that he focuses on is not overloading people with promotional content, so he wants to and if you have any YouTube or podcasting that you’re doing you Can’t bog people down with a bunch of marketing cuz, it just seems cheesy and phony, and they don’t trust. You sure you can pepper in a call to action, but don’t overload it and be constantly and by the way I’ve got a product here that can help.

If you want to learn more about that, you got to use a little bit of more nests and it talks about his different podcasting types here that you can go through in this section as well. All right. The content multiplier technique is something that I’ve seen that we use here at sumo, quite a bit and Tony Robbins uses and everyone who’s into content. Marketing is using this, and it basically enables you to get more value from your specific content pieces by cold, promoting it with your other content pieces.

So, it’s kind of reciprocal content marketing which enables you to kind of pump up your own stuff by pointing links and by drawing attention to it kind of like this video that you’re watching right now. This is Co promoting the article right. So, these things refer to each other and that’s a Content multiplier technique, because when they work together, they get a lot more buzz and a lot more traffic and a lot more organic respect.

Then it’s just one piece is they’re together, so that’s something very powerful you’re not doing that. You definitely want to dive into this section and read a little bit more about that now, the last one number eleven. This is awesome because we’re seeing a lot of people who first start growing their email lists, and maybe they don’t have a product but maybe you’re an author like tony robbins, and you want to make some dough right. So what he does is he drives people to the product for a pre-order form, so people can buy. Maybe you get a 20 % discount, so you got a book coming out in two months: hey pre-order, now give you 20 % off. Now he’s got revenue coming in before the book is even released, so this is something that’s very proud of.

This is something you can do if you don’t have a product, yet that way you have cash flow coming in beforehand. In addition to that, Tony uses sumo. This is, what’s called a welcome mat, so every single person that comes to his site sees this. It’s not somewhere deep in the funnel, where only a certain small percentage are able to navigate to it. This actually shows everybody exactly what he wants them to see. So, this has a huge impact on his conversions in his pre-orders, as opposed to three to four percent of people who navigate to his pre-order book. In the final, a hundred percent of people see this okay very cool.

So that’s a 10,000-foot view of this article. I highly suggest you click the link up here in the right corner to check it out if you haven’t already and if you haven’t subscribed to the sumo YouTube channel, we’re going to start putting out a lot of content behind the scenes of sumo in the office. High-Level summaries of article can kind of bruise through them and see if it’s something you want to dive into more, so you can click right here to subscribe to the channel. And lastly, you can click right here to check out another video from all of us here at sumo, we’ll talk soon.

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