I Need To Make 1000 Dollars Today! (Earn 1000 Per Hour NOW…)

Hi, back with another video, and today we’re gon na follow up on part two of a previous video about how to make $ 10,000 a month with a service based business. You can find that video up here or in the description below which some people may also call an agency or a consultancy or some kind of marketing firm, whatever you want to call it we’re, basically providing a service to a client. Now.

Last time I mentioned several different ways that you can get started by offering services or tasks that you can sell on a freelancing site called fiber, so that you know Fiverr is only one of countless sites where you can offer freelancing or other client services, and in Case you’re wondering, despite the name being Fiverr, you can actually sell your services for more than just five dollars. It used to be only $ 5 services back in the day when they first got started, but now it’s branched out to much higher cost offerings. If you feel your time and effort is worth more or you can offer additional upgrades at higher level of services at a higher price, just wanted to touch on that really quickly to clear up some things cuz.

I know some of you had questions about that, but actually that is not the point of this video. What I want to follow up on is your path to increasing your service packaging’s, where you might be starting out for just $ 5, but eventually being able to raise that to hundreds, maybe even a thousand or more just like what I charge when I first got Started like I discussed last time in my previous video, a a thousand an hour is not bad right, so if you haven’t had the chance to watch that video yet make sure to check it out right now again, you should have seen a card that links to It earlier in the video or I’ll, probably link it again for you below in the description, so you can watch it after this video is over, but don’t go anywhere. Yet this video is important for you to watch until the very end, because we’re goon and talk about how you can make $ 1,000 an hour with high value client services.

It’s goon can be good. So, without any further ado, let’s do this. How can you start charging more for your services? Well, that’s the million-dollar question: isn’t it the answer is obvious, you better know what you’re doing, and you better be one of the best, if not the best, in what you do. Don’t pretend to be an expert and claim that you can do things that you can’t?

I’ve talked about the importance of being authentic before as one of the most important characteristics of success in a previous video that you can check out after this video link card up. Above or check the description after this video is over, I was able to charge one thousand dollars to my first client and many more after that, because I established my authority early on as the Google insider today, I’m more known for my free traffic generation skills with Social SEO, but I actually got my internet marketing start leveraging on my previous position at Google headquarters as the most senior Google AdWords optimization specialist.

At the time I create their ad strategies and policies started the optimization team and built the original agency team that managed millions and customers spent every single day. I had the authority and I leveraged on it. I chose to manage client ads because I was good at it and I knew it so well at the back of my hands that it literally took me minutes to build profitable campaigns from scratch. So, every time I got a new client that paid me a thousand bucks, it would take me no time at all to knock out a successful campaign for them that I knew absolutely worked. So you must also have this level of confidence. If you want to charge the big bucks later on, I also branched out my services to consult with clients who want me to advise them on what to do, instead of doing it for them, and for that I charged USD 1000 an hour pretty good right.

I think so too, but of course to command that price. You better know what you’re talking about my full-service. Optimization campaigns later also increased to USD 1500 with options to upgrade if they wanted more services. I’M sure you’ll agree that the money is good but, as you can probably imagine, even though I was good at this and to me it was fast and easy. It ultimately was still a lot of work, as my business expanded and I later on start to have my own affiliate marketing projects, reading my own information products and began traveling and speaking around the world.

I realized I wanted to spend my time doing other things rather than servicing clients. Now don’t get me wrong. I’M not going back on my word and saying that client services is a bad thing. It still is, and always will be, a top way for anyone with the right work, ethics to build a successful business to make 10,000 a month a thousand an hour or maybe even more, and that by the way is only the beginning.

But like I said – and I cannot stress this enough – you must be good and you got ta know what you’re doing with the right intentions to help your clients most people to truly be able to help their clients would mean that they would need to spend a Lot of time on their delivery, this was what caused me to walk away from the client services industry for a long while because for me it was no longer about the money I already had other successful ventures set up.

I didn’t actually need to do that because to me it was more about the lifestyle to have the freedom to live the kind of life that I actually enjoy, but I knew, of course I knew the opportunity was still there becoming bigger and bigger by the moment and it’s becoming too good to ignore for long. I first stepped back into the industry, was when a business partner approached me about starting an agency with a company based in China, because we could hire people to do it all for us affordably. Well, that was back in the good old days and at that time we grew the team to over a hundred employees, although it was in fact a very traditional agency business and with trainings management and traveling to our China office, frequently to keep a team up to Speed, it was not the lifestyle business that I originally thought it was.

That said, if you’re at the point in your life, where profitability is currently a factor in your business choices, and I will say that this model is absolutely going to accomplish what you are after by having a full balloon client services, business. Where you are able to either prove I done for you solutions or do consultations like me, both of which were big parts in how I Gaston you can easily start to make 500 to even a thousand an hour once you actually get to that point and you’ve Reached the stage in terms of skills, experience and maturity.

So, if you do the math 10 to 20 clients or 10 to 20 hours of work will already get you to 10,000 a month mark even as a speaker or trainer. This is another way that you can make a thousand an hour, but that’s totally a different topic that requires a totally separate set of skills. I will say, though, that there are a lot more people who are doing that now, but I’m sure you’ll agree.

Their intentions are definitely not in the right place, and probably most of them would never even dare to provide client services because they know they won’t be able to deliver results now their lesson for another day. So if this is the path that you choose, my advice to, you is to get good at what you do. Take the time to learn the craft. Invest in yourself, read books, take classes, be a part of a community that renders proven results.

This is the only way that you’ll be able to build up enough authority to legitimately and ethically build up a brand. That is worth a thousand dollars an hour and, if possible, do what I do with enough experience. You’ll learn how to create your own, profitable, client services, business that will no longer take up so much of your time that it sacrifices your lifestyle.

Personally, I felt out multiple client-based businesses with specific tasks that rarely requires me to talk to anybody or even to get out of the house. I am still able to provide life-changing value, be able to make recurring income and once set up, make them almost completely passive. It doesn’t matter how many clients I can take. In fact, I can honestly say that, with what I’ve created, I can take on an unlimited number of clients and it will not get in the way of my internet lifestyle and no I’m not talking about outsourcing or hiring people. I can do it all myself.

If I want to do now, of course, many of these are secrets that cannot be openly shared well.

Actually, I probably could, but we don’t have that kind of time to do so right now, but I will say my top active community leaders in my team now only get to learn this from me, but also have the opportunity to work with me to share in In my profits, if this is something that you wanted to do as well like this video and comment below about what you are looking for in a service-based business, and we can definitely check to see if there’s a good fit even better, if you can make it Out to one of my live events, I will personally show you some additional step-by-step action plans that you can take to start learning about these skills.

For now, if you want to keep updated on future, follow up videos on this topic, as well as other content about leadership, success, business motivation, internet marketing skills or anything related to making money online. Consider hitting that red subscribe button and, of course, clicking on the bell notification next to it, so that you won’t miss a thing.

Hope you enjoyed this video thanks so much for watching and I’ll catch you on the next one. You can find that video in the description again, you should have pretty good right, I think so too, but uh well. That was back in the good old days. This was back in the good old days. That being said, if you’re at the point in your life, where profitability that said, if you’re at the point in your life, where profit to make the most come another lesson for another day, you.



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Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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