Is Psychedelics and Virtual Reality the Path to Mental Wellness?

You conducted the world’s first study on the synergistic application of virtual reality and psychedelics. So, I’m a psychiatrist by background. I did psychiatry purely to work with psychedelics. Psychedelics was what led me to crypto is what led me to psychiatry, and over the last three years I’ve been building with my research partner. This project called Enosis Therapeutics, which combines the all investigates the synergistic effect of virtual reality and psychedelics

It is using virtual reality as a therapeutic tool as a means of optimizing and modulating the psychedelic therapy experience Wow. Broadly speaking, if you look at innovation in the psychedelic space today, most the innovation is focused on drug development, drug discovery, everyone’s trying to produce another’s Psilocybin analog. You know mushroom analog, but the psychedelic therapy process involves a huge range of elements. Mostly human centered elements like the context like the therapist.

And there’s really not that much innovation going into that which seems like the points that we should target and that’s what we have been targeting and virtual reality has been our principal tool at this point to target that, let me ask you: is somebody taking on this Kind of I guess, you’re meeting with individuals who either are experiencing. There’s me they’re experiencing me kind of mental health crisis, whether that’s PTSD or any, of the numerous mental issues that people could have during what could be considered a very traumatic period of the planet and the human species. Is this the kind of thing where I’m in a room with a therapist and I’m taking a micro dose or a full dose and then at what point? Am I putting on the goggles and what am I experiencing?

Am I reliving a childhood experience? Am I seeing lights and kind of sounds that are then going to kind of move me in a certain way or, and then is the therapist Talking to me during the whole process. Walk me through that. So we work entirely in the therapeutic space, and psychedelic therapy consists broadly of three phases:

There’s the preparation phase, where you are assessed for suitability, and you’re prepared for the experience that has to come. Then there’s the actual dosing session, which people always focus on Cause it’s the most glamorous or sensational, which is the session where you actually take the psychedelic and that lasts anywhere from six to eight hours. There’s usually two therapists in the room with you throughout the process. And in our in the case of our VR scenarios or our protocols, we have a VR headset that is used there as well, and then you have your integration sessions which are sessions of weekly psychotherapy after where really that is the sessions.

You know the magic happens in the dosing session, but it is in the integration sessions that the magic is actually sustained. I like to say that any experience in the present it’s left behind in the past, unless you make an active effort to integrate it into your future. The moment it happens, it’s gone unless you actually create behavioral change from it and that’s the process of integration, and that is what the therapist takes. You through

And we utilize the VR throughout all points of the psychedelic therapy journey. It is used in preparation to help you create your intention. We have a different scenario that is used to help you on the on-ramp into the psychedelic experience. We have a different scenario that we use as a means of capturing the insights that emerge from the dosing session, And then we reuse that scenario throughout the integration sessions to help you build sort of a mind map a memory library of all of your insights, as They have emerged from the dosing session and as they carry through to integration such that at the end of the integration process. You have this virtual memory, library of all of these profound insights and how they have been worked through in integration with your therapists,

That’s fascinating. That is incredible. What kind of results are you seeing from the people that are this is this is in a clinical trial right Is that is that what’s happening, we’re planning for a full-scale clinical trial next year?

What we have run, which is the world’s first study, which we did in the Netherlands, was a case study.

It was limited, there were four participants, it was very much a safety and validity study and what we’ve found The results have been really promising at four, It’s hard to draw statistical significance from it. But what was most interesting? I guess if I was gon na pick like you know, sort of one metric was that patients on applying the virtual reality headset in the days following the psychedelic experience, even without taking a psychedelic at that point found – and I can’t quote exact statistics because it hasn’t Been peer reviewed – and this is the scientist in me speaking

But we are talking an extremely close match, particularly to the emotional experience of that psychedelic experience Two days on three days on or a week on, they’re putting the virtual reality headset on being put back into the same scenario that they were in as they were tail End of their psychedelic trip. And they report being pulled straight back into the emotional experience of that session, which is exactly what we’re trying to achieve.

The whole process, which we call anchoring, is the process of creating an anchor that that, with which you know to anchor yourself to a particular state. In the past – and in this case, it’s that psychedelic state which we are trying to anchor – You are retriggering this by using the same images in virtual reality. Is that how that works by using the same images by using the same setting by using triggers that have been planted by the patient themselves in their own voice? Somebody who doesn’t understand what a trigger is

Can you explain what that is?

Imagine when you wake up from a dream and the first five minutes are extremely vivid and 10 minutes later.

You’ve got these vague memories of what might have happened, but all that that raw information has gone right, Perfect into thin air. Imagine if, at that point you could do two things. You could one record exactly what it was that you were that you had experience while you still remembered it and two create this emotional anchor such that when you put that headset back on, you were pulled right back into how you felt in those first five minutes. After you wake up where it was not only cognitively real, but it was emotionally real and embodied, and you were there.

Wow And that that is incredibly powerful and that whole concept of anchoring as a neuropsychological mechanism, which is it’s quite coolly, explored because we have very few instances where you are in an altered state of consciousness. That is that profound that you have something to anchor, and dreams are often too fleeting. You know it’s hard to conduct a clinical trial where you have someone, they’re waiting for someone to wake up.

Whereas psychedelics are a reliable and extremely profound means of creating that altered, state of Consciousness.

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