JVZoo Affiliate Marketing Tutorial 2024| Affiliate marketing for beginners

In today’s video I’m going to be sharing with you how to get started as a jvzoo affiliate marketer in this year. Even if you are a beginner so affiliate marketing is one of the ways by which. You can make some money online especially as a beginner. This means that you get to promote somebody else’s products or services, and you get a commission of the price paid by the buyer without, any additional cost to the buyer.

A lot of websites online that have made it easier for you as an affiliate marketer to be able to like to assess different products and services to promote to your audience, and one of such platforms is jvzoo. So today, I’m going to be showing you exactly how youkan make money via jvzoo as an affiliate marketer even, if you’re a beginner in this year, if you like this video, make sure you give it a like leave.

Me comments below share this video and don’t forget subscribing. The very first thing that you need OfCourse is a jvzoo account, so all you need to do into go online and create yourself a jvzoo account it’s easy to do. But if you want me to make a video about that, please let me know in the comment section another thing that you need is a type of product or service that you will be promoting are. You are looking forward to promoting a product or service in the health and fitness section or in the sports section or in the social media.

Section this will of course depend on the kind of audience that you already have. So, let’s say you have a YouTube channel, or you have a growing Instagram or. Other social media accounts what exactly have you been talking to your audience about. This will help you to pick the right products, the right service, to promote to your audience, make sure that you check the description box, below for useful links that I have collated Just for You, especially a particular one which helps you with. Increasing your affiliate income by 100.

Sonke you’ve opened your jvzoo account or, if you have, a jvzoo account already just signing into your account and then on the left side you see dashboard affiliate dashboard, your um Affiliates quick start approved products finding products and, you know all the rest. So, what you want to do come to click on Affiliates. So, when you click on affiliate, you see your affiliate dashboards. This is my own affiliate, dashboard and for this particular account. I’ve only got one ongoing product, this particular one. If you want to viewer remove, you can definitely do that, so the list of, the products that you are promoting will show here.

Now, if you need to add a new account, or get your link to share with your audience in order to sell a particular product or service what. You need to do is to go to find products so when you click on find products. It’s going to bring you to this page, where you’ll see all the products on Sj, a visual that you can promote for most of them. You need to request approval first, and it is important for you to know what to write so that your approval is accepted. Because not all approvers are usually accepted. Some cane rejected.

If the seller thinks that you don’t know what you’re doing or you have no clue, about affiliate marketing or you have no strategy – Noum no audience to sell to so what you need todo is to know what Niche you are working. Withs.

Let’s say your Fitness affiliate, marketer and your audience are interested in anything fitness and exercise. Of course, you can’t be selling products about photography to them, because it’s two different things, that’s one of the things that – can actually affect um your commissions your sales, your conversion rate and all that so you can come up here and click on filter. You can search for a particular keyword, or you can just filter through category. Let me click on sports category filters and then you can and then youkan filters it.

Furthermore, and choose a particular spot, so I found this one, which is Longshot King monthly membership.

So, I click on that so. You click on it; you’ll be able to see how much. It is what your commission will be, what the sale price is and what you’re you know recurrent commission will be, and then, when you scroll down see, it’s already asking you to get approved, so youkan just click. Here it’s going to bring you back to this page anyway, so you’re already on the page now. You need to request permission and always make sure that you read the message from the sellers for this particular product.

It’s related to betting, so they require that you have a gambling or Forex type subscriber list. So, if that’s not you know that this particular product is not for Youso enter a message to request app and I’ll go back to find products. So, I’m just going to go through this list and see which one I want to promote. This is a video maker.

It’s something I believe resonates with my audience because most of them are content creators. They are making videos to promote products online, so I’ll just click on this. But before I click on it, I have to make sure that everything is okay, so this personas Brett Ingram, is verified. This product, has-been featured as product of the day and the seller, is actually part of the top two percent ranked seller. So, this means that this seller knows, what he or she is doing – and this product seems like it’s doing well with this number so I’m just going to click on request, approval now so.

We are here now here. I can actually view the product page. So, this is the products.

Page this is what um my audience is going to see. This product is part of a sales funnel which includes up to seven other products, sale, prices 27 and you get a 50 commission. So here youkan request for permission and by the time your permission is granted. You can actually see Integrations and bonuses to help you sell this product and also additional affiliate. Information you can get email, swipes, creatives and everything you need on the JVS uh. So, this is so.

What you need to do is to copy this particular link and.

Then you’ll be able to get all the information that you need to promote this product. You need to write a compelling message, a message that tells the seller that yes. You know what you are doing, and you’ve got The Right audience for this. So, let’s go so. This is what I’ve written hello. I am interested in promoting your video maker, so you want them to know that you’ve actually gone to the sales.

Page, you know what this particular product is all about, being a content. Creator myself, I know how challenging. It can be to come up with interesting videos that converts.

Now I am telling the seller that. I understand why people will need this particular product.

I have an audience of over 10000 creators on YouTube will be interested in this product.

So again, I’m letting them know that yes have the audience. So, if it’s an email list, that you’ve got just say they have an audience of over300 people in my email list will be interested in this product.

I look forward to bringing you more sales thanks in advance for this opportunity regards, your name so simple, just let them know that. You know what the product is about. You know who, the audience is, and you’ve got the audience, to bring him or ah the sales. Then you click, I’m not aerobot to click that you have read and followed any instructions in the vendor’s message above thesis important because, like I said some people don’t read what the seller has written. So, they just send and say: oh, I want to promote your products, so to make sure that people actually with some sellers might, put in some keywords and say: okay at the endif, your request, a message, put the keyword, sales at the end or put the keyword sales in, the middle or Any keyword so if you have not done that.

Then that means you didn’t read the seller’s message: suit’s important, that you do that and then, I’m going to request approval, so request sent successfully. What I need todo now is to wait for the seller to approve my application, and once your shares approved my application, then I will be able to get a link. So let me show you what it will look like once the seller has approved. Your application this is what it will look like when you go back to that page, you’ll see that you are now able to get link and if you click on these, three dots.

You see the Integrations the bonuses and seller information, so you can just click on get link and then you’ll be able to copy. So, this double paper, just click on it or you just highlight – highlight this and then you copy. That is what you’re going to share with your audience, and so by the time they click on the products. They are on the sales page system recognizes that you are the one who brought in the customer and then your commission will be allocated to you nothing that you can do to increase.

Your affiliate sales are to add bonuses unique bonuses that people can only get when the buy through your affiliate link. So jvzoo has made that so easy. So, under your affiliate, dashboard you see a part which is affiliate. Bonuses, and you can add an affiliate bonus for any product that you’re, currently promoting so click on ADD affiliate bonus, and then you can select a product from all the products that you have been approved to sell.

Let’s say this um key search data and nowise the product that I am trying to sell to my audience you name the bonus like what bonus are you, giving to them. You give it a name, then youkan selects to upload your bonus, URL or upload afile. So, let’s say your bonus is on a website you click on bonus, URL and you’ll be able to put that website there or if you want them to download islets, say it’s a download, then click on upload file and you’ll be able to actually upload afile.

So that means that when anybody clicks, on your affiliate links and they went ahead to buy a product automatically the bonus that you’ve added is going to show up for them to download or to you know to go to the website to get more information so guys there you have it.

I know that now you are more confident to start searching for products. And promoting products as an affiliate, marketer, to your audience and to people in the world did you find this video helpful. Do you want more videos such as this please make sure that you give this video a thumbs up? Leave a comment and questions in. The comment section shares this video please and subscribe. If you like my content, there are other videos that I have about affiliate, marketing digital, marketing, social media, marketing and all those good stuffs about making money online on this channel so make sure that you click on one of.

Those videos and I’m going to see you there.



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About amorosbaeza1964

Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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