Make Marketing Fun Again Get Clients Without Burnout

When was the last time you were excited to create content? Or you actually looked forward  to posting? I hear so many things online about what you should do in marketing or what won’t  ever work in marketing, but that’s only half the story and it isn’t quite that black and  white. Let’s go through what they don’t talk about online that will be crucial for your  business’s success. And if you like this video, be sure to hit the Subscribe button because I make them every single week so you can uplevel your social media marketing.

I teach business owners to go from confused to confident on Instagram. I help my clients build a loyal community, get quality clients, and build a more profitable business. So let’s get into it. So obviously the advice that people are giving, myself included, are totally worth listening  to and actually do help a lot. However, there’s something else that really plays  a part that people aren’t talking about.

They aren’t talking about the big picture here:  getting your business more clients and more money. Right? So how do you actually do that?  The bad news is that it will be different for every business owner and every account, so there’s not just one right answer.

However, there is one thing that remains the same no matter what business, what industry, what account you are using on Instagram that will make the difference between succeeding and failing on social media.

And that is being trustworthy and connecting with people. But how are you going to be trustworthy and connect with people consistently online?  That’s what we’re going through in this video. So you’re going to be trustworthy and connect  with people by being yourself and having fun. You can try all the different tips and tricks you want or the new trending things, however, if you aren’t showing up as yourself and having fun, none of those things matter because they won’t convert into clients.

Some people have the perfect system down where they go through the same things every day and they check it off their list, however, they’re not bringing their personality online or connecting with people so it’s not paying off.  So, let’s make marketing fun again so you actually want to hop online you want to connect with people and it’s going to really convert into getting more clients for your business.

A couple ways to do this and of course it will be different for everyone so feel free to try everything I go through and pick what works for you. So, one way to keep Instagram fun and really connect with people on a deeper level is trying different creative content formats.  Try experimenting with something that you’re not used to whether it’s reels, memes, infographics, gifs, try it all and see what’s more fun for you to make and what your audience can connect with more.

Consider bringing in your own storytelling in your own voice to provide some humor and keep  it really light-hearted. I found that the more behind the scenes you can include of  your business, the more people are able to really connect with you on a deeper level. Another way to make Instagram really fun again is by collaborating with another user that you have the same values and goals as.

You don’t want to partner with someone who’s your direct competition, but you want to find someone who will have a similar audience to yourself so that way not only are they bringing a fresh perspective to your own audience, but you are opening the door to also accessing their entire audience as well. Things you can do with a collaboration partner are joint posts, joint reels, hosting giveaways or competitions that will really entice people to engage with your content more.

Make Marketing Fun Again | Get Clients Without Burnout

I want to know in the comments if you’ve ever collaborated with someone on social media and how that went.

Make sure to include how you collaborated with them in the comment too. Another way you can try and make Instagram really fun again and connect with more people is to gamify you’re marketing. You can actually create interactive games or quizzes that have to do with your product or service on Instagram or for example a quiz to see which of your products will suit a user’s needs best or a contest where users can actually submit their own creative ideas and the winner gets a prize. Try implementing things like leaderboards, prizes, and badges to keep your audience engaged and motivated to interact with your content.

The last tactic I’m going to go over which is the best way to actually connect with your audience is encouraging UGC.

UGC is user generated content and it’s very helpful in not only connecting with your audience like I mentioned earlier but also promoting your brand on social media without you having to create your own content. So it’s a  win-win. Try hosting a contest or a campaign where you have your audience post on your behalf with a  winner in the end and that way it will spread the word about what you do a lot quicker and showcase  your loyal fan base. This is a great way for new people coming onto your profile to see how past  clients have experienced working with you and what they thought of the whole process.

Don’t  forget to have rewards for the best submissions and keep them engaged. When you’re having fun it’s more likely that your audience is going to be having fun as well, so I highly recommend keeping that at the top of your list.

I know it can be hard to have Instagram be fun when it feels like something you need to check off in your to-do list, but I promise that doing these things that’ll make it fun again will increase your trust and connection which leads to real clients. When you’re having fun, you’re also more likely to stay consistent. I’m all about avoiding burnout at all costs so any way for me to actually have more fun on Instagram and enjoy the process is a win for me.

This leads to higher consistency which means you’re constantly going to  be connecting with your audience, building trust and therefore getting more clients. If you’re ready to build your Instagram strategy and get more quality clients from Instagram let’s chat today.

You’ll find in the description below a link to schedule a call with me where we can go over my signature course the Instagram Pro Bootcamp. This course guides you through every step of the way from building your actual strategy on Instagram, to implementing it, and growing it. The call is completely free it’s just an opportunity for me to get to know your business better and see if we’d be a good fit for working together.

I don’t accept everyone into the course, just people who are very serious about taking the next level of marketing on Instagram.  I’m so excited to chat with you, make sure to hit the link below to schedule a call with me today!  And don’t forget to like and subscribe if you found this video helpful.

Watch this video next t never run out of content ideas ever again. Thanks guys I will see you in the next video!


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About amorosbaeza1964

Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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