Blogging: Free Internet Marketing Method

Hi, do you want to move your blog to the next level of Revenue and are you curious how the top bloggers are doing it this year, then grab your coffee because we’re diving deep into the world of blog monetization – and here is the best part. Ten thousand dollars a month isn’t just for the established bloggers, it’s achievable for you, too, we’re tackling today, the big body questions. What are the four major types of block monetization? What’s the role of AI in this whole blogging universe? And how can you cleverly combine multiple revenue streams, all right? First off, let’s address the elephant in the room running display ads on your blog.

Now I know some of you are thinking but Anastasia. Don’T I need like a gazillion visitors to make any substantial money from ads? Well, yes, and no, let’s unwrap the mystery, you need to know about premium ad management companies and their traffic requirements. Most ad networks want your site to have a consistent flow of traffic. I mean they’re businesses too, but don’t fret, while some might require a hefty amount. Others are more beginner friendly. If you go first with Google AdSense, you can get accepted with a very low amount of traffic. Some sites can get even with zero traffic as long as they have quality content. Then izoic is another platform with very low traffic requirements and you can get paid a bit more than with Google AdSense money. Metric is considered as one of the premium ad networks and you can get your site accepted, starting from 10 000 monthly page views. Then sheet media has a requirement of 20 000 monthly page views.

Mediavine’S requirement is 50 000 monthly sessions and reptiff, formerly called add Thrive. Once at least 100 000 monthly page views, if you want to join any of these ad networks, then check the links that I listed for all of them in the description below this video. Now, let’s pull the curtain back on some Big Boys in the game of display ads BuzzFeed we’ve all stumbled onto their catchy headlines at some point ads on the right ads at the bottom, between the paragraphs ads everywhere and since it’s a public company, we can even See in their financial report for the first quarter of this year that their ad Revenue was 34 million dollars. Crazy right here is what you should know. You don’t have to put ads on your blog as many times per page as BuzzFeed.

Does AD networks even allow you to decide where you want your ads to be on the site, for example, you probably wouldn’t want to have them on the home page and on some landing pages. If you sell some products on the blog, you can also opt to have a banner every second or every third paragraph. Most of these ad networks have built user-friendly interface and even some have free plugins for WordPress. So you can tweak some settings and voila passive income starts rolling in without annoying your visitors on the site too much now, this part is crucial, RPM or Revenue per thousand. This is the metric that you should care about for some niches like food or party ideas. Your RPM might hover around five to ten dollars. It depends on the ad-Network that you joined or even more so on the country, distribution of your audience.

The best paid visits are for the us-based audience, but if you are in a high demand Niche say finance that number of RPM can shoot up to 40 dollars or more for me, display ads were the first significant and stable income stream. On my blog, I managed to earn the first fourteen hundred dollars with mediapine ads on my blog on the 11th month. Since I started it, it was mostly due to Pinterest traffic and because I was getting about 90 percent of my traffic from this platform, which mostly brings you as based audience with high purchasing power. My RPM was pretty high, even in the first month with mediavine. If you want to know how I drive thousands of visitors to my website from Pinterest for free, then check out my free masterclass, the link will be up there and also in the description below the next monetization method is selling small digital products.

One thing that I find a lot of beginners do to limit their success is thinking that they do not deserve yet to publish their own eBook and start making sales on the blog from their own products. I fear that from people who have been blogging for six months – and I heard it from some bloggers who already had a huge following – have been making six-figure incomes with display ads on the Block, but they still didn’t feel like. It was the right time to package their expertise in any kind of digital products, such as an e-book or a meal plan, or a binder. Why do I believe that you should be selling small digital products on your blog as early as possible? First, because you can sell them and start making some income from your blog long before you get enough traffic to qualify for any premium ad networks.

Even if you get say 10 people on your website, you can show your eBook to 10 people, and even if just one of them buys it can just pay your blog hosting or your domain name for the year. I also recommend you to start as easy as possible, because small digital products are a beautiful blend of accessibility and expertise, they’re much easier to create than full-fledged online courses and they’re affordable for your audience. Just an example of a successful PDF that led to millions in Revenue over time for your inspiration, the bikini body guide by Kayla it Sinnis within the fitness realm. This eBook was a game.

Changer Kayla didn’t just provide a workout guide. She built a community of empowered women and the result millions in Revenue seven years later than she originally published her PDF for sale on her Instagram page. She sold her company to a fitness app for 400 million dollars and let me show you how easy it can be to start selling a similar digital product on your website these days. I have lots of content on my side with keto recipes, so it makes sense to offer a cat a meal plan to everyone who lands on these blog posts to sell it. On the blog.

You need to create a landing page and to write the text for the sales page we can head over to HubSpot’s free AI tool called campaign assistant. It’s totally free to use no credit card required, just use the link in the description below and submit your information to start an account once you’re inside you can generate content for your entire landing page to help you sell your eBook. In my case, I will give it instructions to generate text for my 40 pre-sells of the cattle meal plan. It will ask me a few more details about the audience and the goals of this campaign and a few moments later. I have a great structure for my landing page with a text for every section and even for the call to action button. Of course, you can customize it and add more information, but it’s a good starting point and it gives you an idea of how to organize your landing page.

The tool can also create add an email copy, making reaching your audience through content as easy as possible. Again, hubspot’s AI tools are free to sign up using the link below the next method is affiliate marketing. If you are new to the blogging game, affiliate marketing can be your entry point, especially if your traffic stats are looking a bit lonely as an affiliate marketer. You are essentially being the middleman, pushing other people’s products and earning a commission for every sale. It’s a win-win affiliate marketing is like turning each blog post into a mini business. Venture.

Let’s talk strategy for a sec. Your keywords: like best: are your golden ticket someone Googling best home coffee machine is already halfway to buying? They just need that final match, which affiliate networks. I can recommend you to join. First, it’s share a sale. This one has pretty loose requirements, so you can join with almost no following then CG Affiliates impact, a win partner, stack, ClickBank, Flex offers. These are just a few of them. Now content, look at the big websites see how they craft their articles. There is an art to it: titles, intros, breakdowns of topics, pros and cons for each product.

It’s like piecing together a puzzle and the affiliate links they’re your golden tickets with them through your content, when your readers click and buy wire. Your links that’s dollars in your pockets. If you want to make a deep dive into affiliate marketing, I actually have a popular video on my channel, covering this monetization method in detail. I will link it up there, so you can watch it once we’re done with this video.

Now, let’s move the spotlight to sponsorships, often when we hear about sponsorships our minds jump to platforms like podcasts or YouTube, but let me share a secret blogging can be a gold mine for sponsorships.

The mechanics of blog sponsorships that you need to understand is as follows. Imagine this your blog ranks on Google’s first page for a best of product Roundup.

Instead of Leaning only on affiliate links, you can directly charge companies for a prime spot on your list. Then, what’s your rate card, it can be based on the keywords, cost per click and the traffic that you are receiving to this post. So here, you’re combining your affiliate marketing with sponsored deals in the same articles most of the sponsorship requests that I receive. For my blog are from the posts which I already have published from some brands, that might be a great fit for that piece of content.

Now, let’s analyze the big players game here, some sizable media platforms like PC Mac primarily pulling Revenue through sponsorships rather than affiliate marketing.

They leverage a sales team, but even if you’re, just a blogger, remember these solid rankings often attract sponsors to your door without any active Outreach, and you have to understand that the sky’s, the limit with sponsorships, take a glance at gear junkies, advertising kit. They have everything from category takeovers, to branded content and even sweepstakes. They say their sponsored campaigns start at five thousand dollars, but even the smaller players can adopt a similar model with enough traction, even in your blogs, can start defining their prices for sponsored posts or for their Banner placements.

It’s hard to start with all these monetization Methods. At once, but the ultimate goal is to build up your way to earning through multiple revenue streams, with your blog. This way when say, RPM goes down with display ads due to low season. You could make up by making a promotion of your own products, for example, or make a campaign to sell an affiliate product, while your sponsored requests are not at the peak now. You know how to make funny with your blog, but all these methods need one thing. First, visitors to your website so check my video linked up there to learn how I’m getting over 80 000 monthly visitors to my site from Pinterest for free I’ll, see you there.



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About amorosbaeza1964

Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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