Make Money Launching Products On WarriorPlus

In this video, we’re gon na be taking a look at how you can make money launching products on Warrior Plus, so I’m going to show you an actual example of 200,000 thousand dollars. You also get control over your offer, meaning that you set your price. Your funnels your sales pages and everything like that, then you get affiliates to promote your offer or product for you, which means that you don’t need to do that. Hard work in order to get traffic, and you can also build a massive email list, even bigger than most affiliates combined.

If you stay until the end, I’m also going to show you how to get product ideas and how to fast track the whole process so stay tuned. If you would like to check that out, Hi I’m Hugo and we are going to jump right into this website which is called warriorplus. This is pretty much a marketplace where there are affiliates and vendors, so people sell and promote digital product, especially ebooks courses and software. The products are mostly on 2 niches, which is Internet marketing and business, there’s others as well. Once you sign up to Warriorplus. This is what you will see. You have a dashboard where you can access the marketplace: product alerts, vendors and affiliates.

There are two sides to this platform, which is the vendors and the affiliates. The affiliates are the ones that promote the product and get commissions, while the vendors are the ones that actually create the products that are going to be promoted by the affiliate. And, of course, can also be promoted by the vendors, and you can also do both if you want to so you can be a vendor and still promote affiliate products for extra income and to grow your email list even faster. When you are an affiliate, you don’t need to create products, you get money upfront because you promote, and you get commissions and you are responsible for driving traffic and doing the promotions.

While when you are a vendor, you will need to create product setup, funnel sales pages, and you will be making more money on the backend, but also as time goes by, because you can build your email list up and sell more and more products. While the affiliates will promote those for you, so as a vendor, you pretty much can get or recruit an army of affiliates that will make sales for you and also build your email list at the same time. So, the whole process behind this method is that you get ideas for products you can do so by going into a website where there’s a ton of Internet marketing products being launched. So as an example, you have Munch eye, which is fairly popular, and this is a website which launches product launches and that’s where affiliates go to in order to find products that are being launched on Warrior plus, JVZoo and Click bank and other platforms as well.

But what a lot of affiliates do and most of the products that are being launched are not usually new per se. So a lot of those have information that’s already available, but as you could imagine, the information is more refined. They add new stuff new tweaks and from their own experience, to make the product even more valuable, and so this means that one of the easiest ways to get a product out there is to actually look for products that have been launched in the past.

With a lot of sales or success, then get some ideas from them, apply those and then see what results you can get get some of your own conclusions, mix them up, and then you have a new product. You can also do something else which is fairly common. In the industry, which is going into a website such as PLR database – and this is where you can find a ton of PLR products – these are products have private label rights, which means that you can reuse the information to create your own new products. You can use them as lead magnets, but essentially you can go here. You can choose a product that you find interesting or you want to get ideas from. You can then choose that product download it open it up and then learn all of the info.

That’S contained inside of it. You can even do this with 3 or 4 products and then bundle them in your own products. So, you would redo all of the info. You can even do video, you can do eBooks, you can do any sort or format whatsoever, and then you package it up. You create a box and all of the sales material’s funnels and everything like that, and then you have a product. Then you can add it into Warrior Plus and then go into this tab which is vendor. Then you click on products, you, you can go here and click New Product and then here you can list your product create a name for it.

You can upload your product image, which would be a box. You can also choose categories keywords to rank because as soon as you publish your product on Warrior Plus, you will start getting requests from affiliates to promote your product because it will be listed here. So, even though you might not have a huge list of of affiliates to promote your offers – or you might not be well known into the market, there will always be affiliates that want to promote your product, because some affiliates just promote bigger products and others will opt For new products or products that don’t have sales because they will have less competition, so you’ll get affiliates to promote the product for you. Nevertheless, then you can hear put the content type.

So, if it is an eBook or something like that, you can then activate webinar right here, which means that you can sell your product via a webinar. You can choose a downloadable file or a access URL. So if you set up a website for your product, you can put the access URL right here and, of course, as a beginner or even if you have a downloadable file, you can just put it right here and that’s it. You can also put on the access file a link to Google Drive or something like that for download. Then you can put the admin access info right here. You then have licensing options, so you have personal use and extended. So, this means that if the product is only for someone to consume its info and then learn from it, you would put personal use.

Then, if you want to give access to the person to reuse the information in some capacity or way, you would actually select extend it and you can define a refund period, and that goes from 0 up to 60 days. Then you can enter your the terms and conditions the support, email, support, URL. If you have something like a Zen desk and then you also can receive some notifications you can put in here the disclosures and then you can set up the pricing, as you can see right here, for Buy Now subscriptions and free products. So, if you want to just build up your list, you can create a free product. If you want to, then you can hear link your payment processor, such as PayPal.

You can also put in here some customer fields. So here you can pretty much just out of them the phone, the full address or country you can set those on or off. So it will actually be recommendable to use the list amount of fields that you can so that you don’t set off some customers and they will bounce off the page. Then you can click right here to cancel payments. You can set them. The commission rate for the affiliate, so you click on percentage and then you can set the percentage for your affiliate. So, you might want to have a higher percentage for your front-end product or lower one, depending on what type of affiliates you want to attract and how much you are making for a product sale.

Usually, you can you going with like 50 up to 70 %, and that would be a good range, and here you can also connect with your email or webinar. So, you go here, you select the service, and this will show the services that you have associated with. Warrior plus already so you would need to integrate those beforehand, which you can do from the account settings. Then here you can also activate membership software integration, custom integration, integration and also some external tracking and pixels.

So if you want to retarget your customers, you can just put in here your Facebook Pixel, your Google Analytics G-tag the custom image pixel. If you want to as well and again those you can set up from the account settings to get even more affiliate, you could go to Muncheye, and then you can click on submit and you can submit your own launches, and here is where the majority of affiliates Will come so if you list your product here and it is a decent product, you will get affiliates for sure. Even if you don’t promote heavily your product in order to get affiliates, you will be able to get affiliates.

If you just list it right here and then, of course, you can also use other marketplaces, such as JVZoo and Click Bank, but Warrior Plus is very good for information products which are the easier wants to create when you are starting out. Obviously, because for software you would need to know some code or hire people, which means that you will also need to have a higher budget. You can see right here on this page, which looks like a regular sales page for Launch-O-Matic, that some of the benefits that you get from creating products are that you can create passive income streams. This is also perfect for newbies, so you don’t need a lot of experience in order to create your first product, especially if it is an info product.

You can build your own list of buyers. You can, and you can also do this from anywhere in the world. You can launch your own products on Warrior Plus and you can be taught by a Warrior Plus Super vendor, so why is it a super vendor? You might ask, as you can see, this is an example from a very successful product creator or vendor, which is, and, as you can see, he was able to generate five hundred thousand in just over 2 years of launching products so bear in mind. This is only for product launches, not his affiliate commission, so if you actually do both, which is fairly easy to integrate, because when you are a seller, you already have a huge list. You have already your own brand, so it will be easier for you to promote other affiliate products as well.

So, you can even go further and make much more than this just bear in mind that the sales from a vendor will be much more passive than an affiliate, because the affiliate actively promotes the offers. While the vendor creates the product once and then the affiliates will promote it for him here, you can see some more results, which are amazing, so you can see 30,000, 12,000 and also 8000. It goes through all of the process of creating a product and sales pages setting up funnels listing the products on JVZoo, Warrior Plus, Click Bank and other marketplaces, but also how to get affiliates and everything else involved with product creation.

Let’s go to the members area so that you can see exactly what’s inside of it. So, as you can see right here, this is a welcome video from Ken again, which is the product creator. Here you have a start here. This is where we will be able to see what’s involved with the whole process of product creation and what he is going to cover, and so this is all in this diagram or graphic. So, he is going to go through the product platform, affiliates purchase, payments, delivery and support, but also other traffic sources and auto responder list setup.

So, the product includes development, testing and sales pages, the platform which are Warrior Plus JVZoo, Click Bank and also the setup of funnels. Then for affiliates you have right here how to set up the commissions and what you should set them up for and are some recommendations finding contests and JV page and here for purchase. You have add customer to list. Thank you email, email sequence, which is optional payments. How you can sell appointments and receive payments by using PayPal, Stripe the Warrior Plus Wallet and also how to handle refunds, disputes and charge backs and how to Actually Minimize those then for delivery.

You have download, link, URL and membership, and so, as you can see, this covers everything that you need to know about product creation. So if you want someone who goes to step by step of what you need to do, this is perfect for it. If you want to purchase there’s a link down in the description that you can click and if you purchase through that link, which is my link, you will also be getting access to some of my bonuses that I’ve put together to give to you and then you Will see those if you go ahead and purchase the product on the Warrior Plus back office there, you will have a button that you need to click, and then you will get instant access to these bonuses so right here, the first one is through the product box.

So, this is a bundle of materials and also some information and training series that will teach you how to create pretty product boxes or outsource them. So if you are creating a lot of products, you will need to do this and know how to do this, that you can create a box to then upload to WarriorPlus and to use on your sales materials. Your pages and everything like that, so that your product looks professional, and people believe in what you are actually selling, and this includes some PSD files that you can use on Photoshop.

It also includes alternative methods. So, if you don’t have Photoshop, you can use other software which is freely available, and it is easily downloadable that you can still use. Nonetheless, then you have this, which is ad templates, so these are done-for-you templates and promo templates that you can use with your product.

So, this is great if you want to give your affiliates some promotional material. You’Ll see this a lot with ClickBank products where, if you are promoting as an affiliate, they will have tons of materials. This also helps with recruiting affiliates that will work for you. So, so you can use this put it on your JV page, your docs, and then you will also have some email, swipes product descriptions and that’s pretty much it.

You can use those for your own ads. You can use those on social media if you are posting on a JV private group, but also affiliates can use those as well, because you can just grab the templates tweak them and they have multiple sizes, which means that you can use them pretty much almost in Any platform or website that you might think of, then you have also Warrior Plus Launcher, and this includes 20 plus step by step, videos that will fill the gaps regarding the technical knowledge that you need or Warrior Plus.

So, if you didn’t understand something which is inside of Panchromatic, you can use this, which is a great resource, because this pretty much covers everything regarding the technical knowledge, which means adding products using the Warrior Plus dashboard and all the platform altogether. If you still don’t want to purchase this course, you can still go into Warriorplus check out their products if they’re, something that you would like to promote as an affiliate. And if you want to go that route, you also have a free link down on the description or a free training to promote affiliate offers that I’ve put together, and you can check that out.

There’s not anything that you need to do. You don’t need to put in your email or anything like that, and it’s open for anyone who wants to check it out and, of course, if you also want to create your own products. One of the easiest ways, if you are a beginner, is to either use PLR or replicate past launches. But if you want complete walkthrough of every single step that you need in order to create a successful product launch, then I highly recommend that you get the course launch-o-Matvi, because it goes full depth and it will make sure that you have the best chances of succeeding With your product launches, so that’s pretty much it for this video thanks for watching and I’ll, hopefully see you on the next one. Bye, bye,



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About amorosbaeza1964

Hello, my name is Jose Amorós first of all I wish you a warm welcome to my blogs. It will be a pleasure to share with all of you information about my career and thus evaluate knowledge that will be beneficial for both of us. If you wish, you can contact us through the form, thank you!
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