Mean Girl Steals Her Dance Solo Classroom Confidential Ep. 1

There’s only one practice left before Regionals. And everyone on the Attaway Dance Team is depending on Simone. Ugh, okay, let’s try that one more time. – Look, no pressure, but this is, like, the most important day of our life. – God, lay off of her, Sandy.

She’s totally freaked out. Simone’s got performance anxiety. – Look, I can do it if you can’t. It’s fine. One more time.

Look, she’s been practicing for this all semester. We can’t just cut her. Well, it’s not cutting her. It’s for Simone’s own good.

She’s going to blame me forever. – If we lose Regionals, blame us forever. – You guys, I don’t know about this, okay? – We have to do it. Is that a rabbit?

It’s Nelly, Paisley’s bunny.

Sometimes I feel like you’d pay more attention to me if I were a Lego mini doll. As you’re aware, I’m the new president of Attaway’s official Lego Builders Club. Therefore, Melody and Paisley require my attention. – Well, sorry to distract you, but I have some tea about the dance team.

Sounds like they’re gonna get crushed by Millwood ’cause Simone keeps freezing up on stage. – My dad calls that the yips.

It’s when people who play golf freeze up and can’t swing. – Wasn’t Simone like your babysitter? – She sure was.

Then…maybe you should help her. – Can you keep Paisley company for a moment?

All set. Home sweet home. How do you want me to help Simone, exactly? – Well, I mean, think about it, Phoebe. You’re the scariest scaredy cat I know.

At the moment I’m only scared of snakes, paper cuts, teenage boys, and plant-based hamburgers. – Ugh, like I said, you’re scared of everything, but you also know how to get over being scared of everything. – How else can a girl get by? – Exactly. So, you should help her get over her stage fright.

What do you think, Paisley? We need to talk to you. – I’m sorry, Phoebe, but I have to finish this problem so I can go to practice.

That’s what we need to talk to you about. We’re here to help.

Last time I checked, neither of you is a dancer. – I took a ballet class once, but the floor was so slippery, I was scared of spraining my ankle. – You’re scared of everything. – That’s why Phoebe can help. We heard what happened at practice, but Phoebe knows how to get over your fears.

I’m not scared, I just need to practice more. – Stage fright happens all the time. (pens clicking) – Well, I mean, one time I had to do a class presentation and she helped me do breathing exercises.

Uh huh. – Look, that’s great, but, I’m sorry.

It’s not my problem. – I feel like for next season, like I feel like- – Sorry I’m late. (chatter stops) What’s going on? – Sorry, Simone. – Sorry about what?

We’re subbing in Sandy. – No, you can’t. – They can, and they did. – My whole family’s coming to Regionals. My grandma is flying in from Michigan.

We just really don’t want to lose. – Think about how much worse it’ll be for your grandma if you fall. – You guys have to give me another chance. – Fine. Let’s see then.

In five, six, seven, eight.  Told you. – Sandy, you’re in.

It’s about time. – Don’t worry, Simone.

You can always try again for the solo next year. – Forget next year, I quit. Then, I guess she just ran out of practice. No one’s heard from her since. – I wish there was something we could do to help.

I really like Simone. She’s always been really nice to me. – Well, I mean, it’s not your fault. She didn’t want your help, Phoebe. – I know.

Did you know that Paisley suffers from stage fright? – She does? – Uh huh. She’s super shy, but she’s a really talented musician. She just needs her friends to make her brave enough to get up on stage.

Maybe that’s what Simone needs. – I think you’re right. – I have an idea. I’ll try to talk Claire and Poppy into giving Simone another shot while you help her with her performance anxiety. – Okay.

Let’s do it.  I want to talk to you guys about Simone.

I think you should give her another chance. – We really want to, but it’s just to- – But we can’t risk it. Regionals is too important.

Mean Girl Steals Her Dance Solo | Classroom Confidential Ep. 1

If she’s cracking under the pressure- – She’s not, or, at least, she won’t. My friend Phoebe’s gonna help her. I just need you two to promise me you’ll give her another chance. – The competition is coming up soon. How fast can this Phoebe work?

She’ll have her issue solved in no time. Come on. Simone’s one of your best friends. You just need to give her a chance. – We need to know for sure Simone isn’t going to freeze up under the pressure.

She won’t. I promise. Phoebe, I already told you I don’t need your help. – I know but listen. I really think I can help you.

You don’t really want to quit the dance team, do you? – No. – Then could we at least try? Seems to me like you’ve got nothing to lose.

I guess.

Okay, great. First, we need to get to the root of your problem. Do you feel a lot of pressure on yourself when you perform? – I’m team captain. Of course I do.

That pressure is giving you stage fright. Stage fright is totally okay. – And totally annoying. I need to be able to perform. – Then, you will be.

How? Regionals is coming up, and I don’t want to blow it for my team. Maybe they’re just…

better off without me. – Don’t think that way. So…

you know how I’m the new president of the Lego Builders’ Club? This is the Lego Friends mini doll, Paisley.

Paisley suffers from stage fright, just like you, but, she never gives up on her dreams of being a pop star. – That must be nice, but, not everyone can just bottle up their feelings and completely forget about them. – It’s not that easy for her.

She doesn’t try to pretend she’s not scared. She accepts it. You just need to admit to yourself that you’re scared. I think it’ll help. – So, if I think about being scared, I won’t be?

In a way, yes. If you stop trying to push the feelings away, they won’t bother you so much. Try to accept them. At least, that’s how it works for Paisley. – Okay.

I think I can do that. – You are doing great, Simone. – We haven’t gotten to the part where I mess up yet. – That’s what practice is for. – You can do it.

Don’t forget to breathe. – I did it! I knew you could! Think you can do it again? – Of course.

You got this. Let’s take it from the top.  There, now Claire and Poppy will see you nail the audition. – Yeah, let’s hope they accept me back on the team. It’s not fair.

You gave me the solo. – I know, but you saw the video. Simone got the moves down. Just because she had a little stage fright during rehearsal, it doesn’t mean that we should completely cut her. – But what if she messes up again?

We’ve got to get to Regionals, so we have to make a decision.

Well, how do we decide? – I say we vote. – Fine. – Okay, well, I vote no.

I vote yes. – I vote… So, we watched your video.

Glad to see you got the footwork down. – And we made a decision on the solo. – Congrats, the solo is yours! – Just don’t let us down. – I won’t.

Come on. What you do for me makes me love you best They won! – Hooray! See, you do give good advice after all. – I just hope the dance team remembers this for the next Lego building competition.

We need people to cheer us on, too. – Exactly. Now, who’s this guy? – That’s Olly, Paisley’s best bud. They’ve got a tree house in between their real houses.

Add me down to build one, except we’re not neighbors. – How about we build this one? The Lego Builders’ Club could really use a new vice president. – I thought about it, and.


I’m in! Welcome to the club.

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